Tiantian looks at Qianbai in front of her eyes and the anger on his face. Suddenly, she feels that there is an insurmountable gap between them, as if she can never go back to the past.

There is no evidence, even no reason to question her, this is the elder brother a yuan after growing up?

Sweet looks at him, eyes, more and more strange.

No, this is not the elder brother a yuan she knows.

She believed that even if brother a yuan lost his memory, his nature would not change, he would not become like this!

Tiantian stepped back and looked at him, "Qianbai, whether you believe it or not, I don't know where the woman is going. If you think I'm good to you and close to you, you have the qualification to yell at me, then I'll cancel your privilege in the future!"

Qian Bai looks at her, and her face is shocked.

"I don't know what you're doing or what you're aiming for," sweetie said, clenching her fist. "You tell your so-called uncle that one day I'll find him out and kill him!" Then he turned and left.

This Qianbai is not her brother a yuan!

She can more and more obviously feel that it is not a matter of character, even the nature is not the same.

Moreover, her elder brother a yuan is smart and wise. He is a man full of wisdom. If Qian Bai was a yuan, he would have doubted his uncle. He would have come to ask who she was and what it had to do with him. He even took the initiative to investigate, instead of just waiting to die.

Her brother a yuan is not so stupid.

Tiantian came out of Qianbai's house and walked straight ahead. Just as she was going through the intersection, she saw a small red cloth tied to a tree at the intersection, like a cloth strip torn from somewhere.

Along the way.

It's like a pointer, reminding her of the right way.

So, she's going Is this the way?

Tiantian looks at these strips. She remembers that she didn't have them when she came here?

Is it

Sweet along this road, fast forward!

He hasn't been in Qianbai's house for a long time, so this piece of cloth has just been tied up. If the other party's goal is to let her walk home correctly, then he must not have gone far at the moment!

Along the way, every other distance, there will be red strips, if it is the turning place, the strips will be particularly bright, which obviously reminds her of the right direction.

Tiantian runs all the way, turns a street and stops.

Not far ahead, Xu Yuangang tore a piece of cloth from a piece of red cloth and tied it to a tree. Just as he was about to turn and walk, Yu Guang saw Tiantian coming step by step.

Hands, subconsciously back to the back.

A gentle face is full of uneasiness and uneasiness.

"What are you doing?" Sweet pretends not to understand.

"In Do public welfare Xu Yuan smiles, "this red cloth means..."

"It means I can get home safely without going the wrong way, right?" Tiantian interrupted him, "Xu Yuan, why do you do this?"

Xu Yuan looked at the sweat on her forehead and wanted to reach out to wipe it for her, but he held it back, which was inappropriate.

The relationship between them is not as intimate as that.

"Xu Yuan, why are you so kind to me?" Sweet asked him, "you and I did not know each other before, even if you are the principal, there is no need to be so good to every student, right?"

Xu Yuan's lips still smile, eyes become very soft, and even with some determination.

"I like to treat you well," said Xu Yuan in a gentle voice. "I like to watch you smile. As long as you smile, I feel that the world is bright. The biggest luxury of my life is to see you every day."

Sweet eyes, so gentle voice, so warm eyes, on behalf of what means, sweet understand.


"Xu Yuan, thank you, but I..."

Words, have not finished, was pulled into the arms of Xu Yuan, and then hold tightly!

Press her face on his chest!

"I know what you want to say, I understand what you mean, so don't say the following words," Xu Yuan's voice trembled, "I know, I don't deserve you, but it doesn't matter, I'm trying."

Tiantian shakes her head, but she is held tightly by Xu Yuan.

"I want to be with you. I don't want any morality, principle or bottom line. I'm possessed. Sweetie, if I do something one day, don't blame me!"

Arm, hold her very close.

Tiantian doesn't know what he's talking about, but it seems very dangerous to listen to his voice.

"Also, I took the women of Qianbai family," Xu Yuan said softly. "You can blame me. It doesn't matter. I took him without informing you.""For..."

"Don't ask why. I won't tell you. You can think that I'm a bad person with no purpose." Xu Yuan chuckled, "it doesn't matter, whether it's misunderstanding or fact, I don't want to explain, you don't want to guess, even you can hate me, but one day, all you want will come true."

Heart, very painful, but Xu Yuan has no turning back.

Tiantian didn't struggle. She even reached out and hugged his waist.

"That woman, her name is Safire, is the daughter of the Black Hawk leader. You must know that, don't you?" Tiantian whispered in his arms, "Qianbai asked me to cure her. If I don't cure her, Qianbai will be in trouble. If I cure her, then the Black Hawks will know my identity. Then, I can't live a normal life any more."

Sweet smile, "you are helping me, right?"

“……” Xu Yuan doesn't talk.

"If you take her away, Qianbai doesn't need to be implicated, and I don't need to expose my identity. All the blame is on you," Tiantian clenched his clothes. "Xuyuan, you idiot, you will be in a very dangerous situation!"

"I sent seifer back to the Black Hawk party," Xu Yuan said softly. "I need to establish a friendly relationship with them. I need strength, very strong strength."

"What are you going to do?" Sweet asked.

"You don't have to know."

"Xu Yuan, who are you and what are you doing?" Sweet doesn't understand him.

Xu Yuan chuckled, "one day, I will tell you. Now, don't ask."

"Good." Sweet promised him.

Because she believed that he would not do anything to hurt her. There was no reason to believe him.

"I may leave for two days," Xu Yuan said in a warm voice. "It's not disappearing, but sometimes I have to leave here temporarily. After two days, I will come back, so don't worry about me."

Xu Yuan, very gentle, so gentle that Tiantian can't bear to blame him for anything.