Mu Ruchen came to the study, took out the phone, dialed a phone number.

"Second master, what can I do for you?" On the other end of the phone, Ouyang Yeh kept awake all the time.

"Today, on my way back, I met two racing teams. Go and find out which company this team belongs to and what its origin is."


Mu Ruchen leaned back in his chair. Whether it was the princess he met in L country or the motorcade he met now, it was the man behind his back.

It's just, who's this guy? What is the purpose?

Ten minutes later, Ouyang ye called.

"Got it?" Muruchen asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, the two teams belong to the same company. The scale is very small and they are going to close down soon. The boss used to be a retired racing driver. Second master, do you need to arrest the boss and torture him?"

"You go first, don't let the boss run away, tell me the address, I'll ask myself."


Mu Ruchen rushed out, and then according to the address provided by Ouyang ye, came to a dilapidated garage.

The boss is repairing the car.

The boss of a company came to repair the car by himself. It can be seen that the economic situation is really bad to a certain extent. However, it's so miserable that he dares to fight mu Ruchen?

See mu Ruchen, the boss seems to still don't understand is how to return a responsibility.

"General manager mu?" The boss seems to recognize mu Ruchen, "you're here to inject capital into us. You're here to take over the team, aren't you? Let me tell you, our motorcade is in front of us, but... "

Mu Ruchen reached out and stopped him, "what did your team do this morning?"

"According to your order, we went to race a car, but although we lost, we also suffered a lot. Even a few racing drivers were admitted to the hospital." The boss tried to make himself miserable.

"I told you?" Mu Ruchen inclined his lips. "That car was mine. I drove it at that time. Do you think I would give such an order?"

“……” The boss was so scared, "but But this order is really the call I received from your secretary in the early morning? I still have a recording! "

After all, the boss is not a fool. He knows that this kind of thing is risky, so he will record the conversation in case of any problem. He also needs to keep a piece of evidence.

The boss takes out the phone and plays the recording.

"At 10:40 a.m., a black Rolls Royce car will pass through that section of the road. You can divide your team into two groups and attack them back and forth, causing the car to kill people!"

"Miss Amy, it's against the law." The boss's voice also came out from the mobile phone.

"Hum, Nancheng is mu Ruchen's world. If something goes wrong, our second master will take care of it. What are you worried about?" At the other end of the phone, it's Amy's voice. "After it's done, my second master will buy your team, inject money for you, and help you regain your previous glory."

"Well, I'll do it!"


Amy has been with mu Ruchen for many years, so mu Ruchen is very familiar with his voice, so now he dares to be 100% sure that he is indeed Amy.

"Mr. mu, is this your secretary?" The boss asked with trepidation.

"Lend me your cell phone."

The boss immediately put his mobile phone into mu Ruchen's hand.

"I'll give you the answer tomorrow. The cost of repairing the car and the injured will be brought to me by the company tomorrow!"

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Mu!"

Muruchen took his mobile phone and left by car.

Amy and Xie Dong are alumni. When they were at school, they were lovers. Mu Ruchen didn't want to recruit female secretaries, but on some occasions, she did need women. Therefore, mu Ruchen recruited Xie Dong's wife into the company.

Over the years, Amy has done a good job as a secretary. Although she is a woman, no matter how hard the work is, she has accomplished it excellently.

Although sometimes the language is frivolous, but it is very measured, and mu Ruchen believes in her loyalty, she is not the kind of person who will betray him.

"Second master, what's the purpose of the other party's doing this?" Ouyang Yeh asked, "does he have anything to do with you or does he have anything to do with Amy?" Ouyang ye asked.

Mu Ruchen inclined his lips. "Maybe the other party wants to make a joke with me?"

"That's a bad man."

It's true that this person is really bad taste.

Since it's a game, it's mainly fun. Maybe there's no purpose at all. In other words, this person just wants to make trouble for him.

When he came to the company, mu Ruchen called Amy and Xie Dong to the office and played the recording to them.

"It's my voice," Amy affirmed, "but I didn't say it!"

She would never do such a thing."Judging from the recording time, it was seven o'clock," muruchen said to Xie Dong. "Were you by Amy's side at that time?"

Xie Dong shook his head. "I'm making breakfast."

Every morning, Xie Dong gets up half an hour early to make breakfast, and Amy continues to sleep half an hour more. If Amy makes this call at this time, Xie Dong has no idea and can't be a witness.

Amy said, "I'm sleeping, and I don't have any evidence to prove my innocence. Second master, I'm not sleepwalking, am I?"

She was sure that she didn't say these words, and there was no reason to hurt the second master. However, what was shown on the phone was her own phone number, and the voice was also her own.

Don't talk about other people. Now Amy doubts herself.

"If you're sure you haven't, it's likely that your mobile phone number has been stolen, and it's not difficult for professionals to imitate your voice." Muruchen said seriously, "I call you here, not to question you, but to remind you to be more defensive."

Xie Dong nodded, "I know, I will pay attention."

Amy was at a loss. "Second master, as the biggest suspect, should I avoid it?"

"Don't make trouble," Mu Ruchen frowned, "go back to work well. If you ask for leave as soon as I come to work, many things will be very difficult."

This sentence seems to be a reproach, but it gives Amy 100% trust.

No matter what happens, mu Ruchen trusts people. Especially at this time, he will not mess with himself or hurt his own people.

"By the way, second master," Amy suddenly thought of one thing, "vice president Mu always asks for leave."


"But he has left a leave slip."

"Tell him if he dares to go, I'll call my brother home."

“……” Sure enough, the president is ruthless. He can squeeze the labor force endlessly, but he can also grasp other people's shortcomings.