Mouth is covered by an Lixia, mu Ruchen does not speak, just quietly listening to her voice.

"I didn't mean to forget you, or to think of my master." an Lixia was very nervous and didn't know what he was saying. "But even if I think of him first, it doesn't mean that his position in my heart is more important than you."

For the first time, she expressed her views so boldly that she felt a little uneasy.

"Mu Ruchen, I don't know how I felt about you before, but now," Anxia nervously gave up breathing, "I like you!"

She likes mu Ruchen. There is no doubt that she likes the signal from her heart.

Because she was very sure, she wanted to let him know.

She doesn't like the near and far ambiguity, and doesn't like the vague feelings. Like is like, don't like is don't like, she likes such clear feelings.

Mu Ruchen holds her, although the mouth is covered by her, but the eyes, but unconsciously smile bent up.

She's cute.

Whether he remembers him or not, he thinks she's so cute that he can't help it.

An Lixia quietly let go of his hand, retracted into his sea, "muruchen, you give me a little time, I will think of you."

"OK," muruchen hugged her and joked, "if you dare to empathize, I will take you to the sea to feed the fish."

"How dare you?" Anlixia looked up at him, a face of threat.

"I dare, but," muruchen approached her in a gentle voice, "I can't bear it."

Mu Ruchen gently kisses her lips.

This time, it's no longer a light touch, but a lingering and intense kiss.

There are many small islands in this sea area, and Mo Jin has searched many places, but has never found any clues.

Mo Jin was more and more flustered.

"Mr. Mo, don't worry. We can't find it here. We'll find it in other places. There are only a few islands here. One by one, we'll find them!" Derry was optimistic, "you see, today's weather is so good, no wind and no waves, how suitable for looking for people!"

"Shut up Mo Jin cold hum, "two days can't find them, you wait to die!"

"I have nothing to do with their disappearance?" Dre said helplessly.

"I'm in a bad mood. I don't want to save people. Does it have anything to do with you?"

“……” Dre shut up.

Mo Jin, with a telescope, kept looking around to see if there were any islands nearby. If there was me, she would go to look for them immediately.

From an Lixia's disappearance to now, let alone rice, he hasn't even drunk a mouthful of water. If this continues, his body will not be able to support him. After all, he is no longer young.

Drey thought that he would not listen to these words.

So he didn't talk at all. He sat on the deck and ate bread one by one. Although he was dying, as long as he could live one day, he would eat and sleep well.

At this time, not far away, suddenly appeared a lot of ships, according to the above signs can be seen, that is the ship of D country.

It's a long way from country D. what are they doing here?

Standing in the bow is Ouyang Yeh.

The second master is missing. Of course, he will come to look for him, and he also brings many people to look for him. However, they have to ensure the safety of the second master. In case of being detained by pirates, they don't mind fighting with pirates.

Seeing Mo Jin, Ouyang Ye immediately let the boat go, and then jumped onto Mo Jin's boat, "Mr. Mo, have you heard from the second master and Xia Xia?"

Mo Jin shook her head, "you are also here to find them?"

"Yes, I heard from the young master that the second master also lost contact, so he came with people," Ouyang ye said neatly. "We're looking together. There are many people and great power!"

Mo Jin nodded.

"Come on, let's go to that boat. Don't stay in this broken boat. It's bad for your status. You are the elder of Mo family."

Derry was not happy for a moment. "What's wrong with my boat? He follows me. I don't know how many adventures he has gone through, young man. When you talk, pay attention to me! "

Ouyang Ye disdains, "you are just a pirate. Do you really think you are an adventurer?"


"Forget it, you pirates don't have to follow. It's not safe, Mr. mo. I have a guide with me. Let's go."

Pirates make too many enemies, which will cause unnecessary trouble with them, so it's better not to bring them. Ouyangye comes under the banner of country D, and no pirate dares to fight against a country.

"No, what about my injury?" Derry can't leave Mo Jin. Although he wants to leave, he doesn't want to take any risks at all.

Mo Jin threw him a pill, "if you take it, you can live for a long time. I'll treat you when I find my daughter."

Derry took the pill and ate it. "Mr. Mo, for your generosity, I'll tell you a place. I'm sure your guide will know.""Where?"

"There is an island that looks like a desert island, but many years ago, it was bought by some Asians. I don't know what they did on it. Anyway, no one who was close to it came back alive. I heard that your son-in-law took people to the sea area, and the ship exploded near the island. I don't know whether it was alive or dead."

Mo Jin was first surprised, then angry, "why didn't you say it earlier?"

"That place is very dangerous. I don't want to really die, and I don't want you to die. It's said that it's OK for people to go up there, but the ship will explode!"

What's the principle?

Mo Jin frowned, "what else do you know?"

"There are cannibals on it!"

Ouyang ye and Mo Jin think it's bullshit.

This sea area is surrounded by sea water. Even if there are islands, most of them are birds. How can there be any beasts that eat people?

Unless it's put on purpose, but what do these carnivores eat?

If you rely on people who occasionally walk to the island, I'm afraid you've already starved to death?

But, there is danger is certain, but, no matter how dangerous, Ouyang ye and Mo Jin must also go.

Although the island is not big, everyone who is familiar with the sea area knows it very well, so it is not difficult to find it.

After walking for two or three hours, the boat finally saw the island not far away.

Even if Mu Ruchen's boat would explode, they would not dare to rush forward. Otherwise, without the boat, how would they go back? How can we continue to find them?

Ouyangye let Mo Jin wait on the boat, he first jumped into the sea, swimming in the past.

The sea is getting shallower and shallower.

Even his feet should be able to touch the ground, but Ouyang Yeh found something under the water.

The water was very clear, so ouyangye went down to see what was going on.