When the subordinates told qianxu about it, qianxu immediately put down the things in hand and rushed over in person.

Ogaki is sitting on a chair beside him drinking water. His thin body looks weak, but his back is very straight, as if he can handle everything.

Qianxu is a little happy because his son came to him and told others that it was his son.

"Xiaoyuan?" Qianxu walked over, with a big step. He wanted to hold Xiaoyuan in his arms. However, he still couldn't say, "are you looking for me?"

Ogaki nodded faintly, "but they won't let me pass."

Little finger, pointing to the guard nearby.

Qian Xu looked at them coldly, "he is my son, and he can go in and out freely in the future. He can't be stopped!"

"Yes, yes!"

Qian Xu looks at Xiaoyuan's body and bends down to pick him up.

"I can go by myself." Ogaki doesn't like being held like this by strangers.

What he likes most is that Daddy holds him.

"You are in poor health. Let me hold you for a while." Qianxu smiles at him with a very gentle smile, and then holds him on the bus.

Take him back to the place where he lives. Don't ask him what's the matter. Let him take a bath first, and then ask someone to buy clothes suitable for him.

When Xiaoyuan came out from the bath, he had no clothes to wear, so he wore qianxu's shirt.

The big shirt wrapped up her whole body, and even dragged part of her body to the ground. It was too big and made others smaller.

Seeing his lovely appearance, Qian Xu couldn't help laughing and put him on the bed. He rolled up his sleeves for him and did it very seriously. It seemed that he wanted to take care of him hard.

"The clothes are too big. Please bear with them for a while, and they will send them to you soon." Qian Xu said softly.

"It doesn't matter," Ogaki said faintly, "thank you."

"I'm your father. It's natural to take care of you. You're welcome." Qian Xu smiles.

"I came to you because..."

"You hurt your foot?" Qianxu saw that his toes were skinned and bleeding. Although it was a minor injury for adults, Ogaki was still a child.

"Does it hurt?" Qian Xu looked at him, eyes with doting, "I'll go to the medicine box to deal with it for you."

"No, I'm fine."

"Good boy." Qianxu rubs his hair to find the medicine box.

Ogaki looked at his back, some feeling.

He is not a good man.

In order to achieve their own interests, unscrupulous, arbitrary use of others, even regardless of the consequences, regardless of other people's life and death, there is no principle and bottom line.

Now, however, he is really good to Ogaki.

It's not a disguise. Ogaki can feel it. From his every move, even from his eyes, he can see that he cares about himself.

Qianxu finds the medicine box, squats on the ground, holds his little foot attentively, and handles the wound for him.

"Does it hurt?" Qian Xu looks up at him with a smile.

Xiaoyuan shook his head, "it doesn't matter. It's all men. You don't have to be so gentle. Just deal with it casually."

Qian Xu laughed, "you are still a child, not a man."

"But Dad..." Xiaoyuan resisted the words "Daddy says" in the back and changed his words to say, "as long as I think I'm a man, I'm a man!"

That's what daddy told him.

Qianxu rubs his hair, "I don't mind that you always call me daddy, so there's no need to avoid anything in front of me. I'm gentle to you because I'm opposite you. I always want to treat you in a gentle way, because you are my son."

He likes his son very much. He likes him from the first sight.

Small Yuan Zheng Zheng ground looks at him, don't know what to say.

"Are you better then?" Qian Xu changed the subject and continued to deal with the injury on his foot.

"It's much better." Ogaki did not tell him that his asthma had been cured.

"I'm sorry, I didn't give you anything, but I inherited a disease that may torment you all your life." Qianxu sits by the bed, packing the medicine box, bowing his head, and his drooping hair covers the expression on his face.

Ogaki looked at his lips bitter smile, know that he is guilty.

"When you were a child, were you in pain again and again?" Ogaki asked in a low voice.

"Well," Qian Xu nodded, "I'm also hereditary. However, it's not as serious as you. Moreover, the four seasons of country D are not so distinct and it's not cold, so fortunately, I haven't had the disease several times, and now I'm basically not going to have it."

"Maybe it's because I'm too weak? Sometimes when you take a breath of cold air, you will get sick, or when you are emotional, when the air is not smooth, you will get sick. " Ogaki said lightly, like a friend, chatting with his friends, not like a son complaining to his father.Ogaki doesn't know what complaint is.

He knows forbearance and commitment.

"Sorry." Qian Xu apologizes again.

"It's not your fault. Anyway, you gave me life," Ogaki said faintly. "I'm very grateful."

If he didn't live, he would not come to Daddy, would not know sweetie, and would not have such a good Mommy. Therefore, even if he was suffering from illness, he would like to, but now, his illness has been cured.

During the period of cultivation in e country, he was very happy. For the sake of his body, his parents were all around him, which made him feel narcissistic that his parents could not leave him. They would be very, very sad to lose him.

"What are you thinking?" Qianxu seems to see his distraction, "it's boring to talk to me, isn't it? You're always distracted

Ogaki took back his thoughts, as if he had finally made up his mind. "I came to see you today, because there is one thing..."

"By the way," Qian Xu interrupted, "how did you come to D country?"

"Mufeng took Tiantian, and I also took me by the way. They sent Tiantian to the palace and threw me away." Xiaoyuan lightly said the lie he had thought before, "sweet she..."

"Then you must be very tired?" Qian Xu interrupts him again, "take a rest first, I'll send someone to prepare food for you. It must be very hard for you to walk all the way here from Mu's site, right?"

"No, I don't feel hard, because..."

"Rest," Qian Xu rubbed his hair, "if you have any words, wait until you wake up, OK?"

What Ogaki wanted to say was interrupted again.

It seems that qianxu knows what he is going to say, but he has been deliberately not allowed to say it.

Looking at qianxu about to leave the room, Xiaoyuan clenched his fist, "I'm looking for you, I want you to save Tiantian!"

“……” Qianxu's body stops.