Mu asked, as the man named Alan is a registered residence in the local area. Long time has been used as a lifeguard here. Because of his handsome appearance, he often knows him here.

It's just that he doesn't talk to people very much, so everyone is not very familiar with him.

It's getting dark.

Because before Tiantian and Xiaoyuan said which barbecue shop they would go to, anlixia took them to the barbecue shop after they had a physical examination.

It's open-air. It's very convenient to bake what you eat.

Yesterday, an Lixia baked it himself, and Tian Tian and Xiao Yuan ate it. This time, mu Ruchen baked it, and the three of them ate it. Sure enough, they had to take mu Ruchen when they went out.

It's not only responsible for taking care of them, but also responsible for eating what they don't like. It's a must for traveling.

"Daddy, you can eat too!" Ogaki put a piece of baked bacon on his plate. "It's delicious. You can eat more."

Mu Ruchen takes back his thoughts, smiles and gracefully eats the meat from Xiaoyuan.

"This thing should be eaten like this!" An Lixia took a piece of bacon, wrapped it in lettuce, and then stretched out, "open your mouth!"

Mu Ruchen opened his mouth and ate the things in an Lixia's hands.

Lettuce with bacon, very fragrant, and not greasy at all.

Moreover, looking at an Lixia's delicious food, mu Ruchen also felt that what he was eating was delicious.

"Daddy, what are you thinking?" Sweet drink a mouthful of juice, "from the beginning to now, your expression is strange, is not encountered what bad things?"

"No Mu Ruchen smiles.

"Does it have anything to do with the lifeguard?" Sweet asked, "is he someone you know?"

"Maybe I really recognized the wrong person?" Mu Ruchen chuckled.

"A lot of coincidences in this world may be man-made." Xiaoyuan, who is eating with his head down, carelessly said this.


Ogaki raised his head, smile a happy face, "I just sigh casually, daddy, you don't care."

Mu Ruchen reached out and rubbed Xiaoyuan's hair.

"Daddy, no matter what happens, don't be afraid. Your son will always be your son!"

It seems that Ogaki guessed something and deliberately comforted mu Ruchen.

He is telling mu Ruchen that even if his own father comes back, he will still not leave mu Ruchen.

A meal, a long time.

On the way back, mu Ruchen always felt that someone was following them, but in order to ensure their safety, mu Ruchen sent them to the apartment.

Let them rest first, then mu Ruchen came out.

"Come out!" Mu Ruchen looked at the bushes not far away.

In the Bush, a long voice came out.

It's the lifeguard today.

"Since you are not qianxu or the friend I know, what are you doing with us?" Mu Ruchen asked coldly.

The other side did not speak, just quietly looking at mu Ruchen.

"Why don't you talk?"

"I'm sorry." A low voice, with a little shiver.

"Are you apologizing for your disappearance for so many years, or are you apologizing for cheating me for so many years?" Mu Ruchen said fiercely.

"For I've just followed you," the lifeguard put back his thoughts on his face. "My name is Allen, not qianxu. I'm honored to be similar to your friend in appearance."

He's still quibbling?

Mu Ruchen didn't believe him, "I accept your apology, so you always have to tell me, what do you do with me?"

"I think you are very kind, so I naturally want to be close. I've never felt this way before, so I'm curious." The man named Allen spoke naturally, as if he didn't lie.

"Are you married?"

"No," Allen shook his head. "I only have five years of memory. I'm not sure if I was married before, so I don't dare to make girlfriends. I don't know my identity, so I don't even dare to make friends. I'm afraid I'll involve other people."

Mu Ruchen looked at him, looking at his handsome face, that deep helpless and sad.


Mu Ruchen frowned, "what's the matter with your hand?"

"I don't know," Alan pushed the glove off his right hand a little, revealing the burn on his wrist. "It's ugly, so I covered it with gloves. As for how it was hurt, I don't remember that."

Mu Ruchen looks at the ugly scar on it and doesn't know what to say.

"Do you have time?" Alan changed the subject. "I'm off tomorrow. How about we go for a drink?"

Muruchen nodded and followed Allen into a nearby bar.

Almost all the people who come here to drink are tourists. They don't have to go to work, and they can get drunk without worry. So many people here are already drunk, and they speak loudly, even over the soothing music.Mu Ruchen finds a secluded place and sits opposite to Allen. After that, mu Ruchen reaches out his hand and gives Allen the menu.

"You want some."

Alan ordered whisky.

This is qianxu's favorite wine.

Once, he held a wine bottle in one hand and put his other hand on mu Ruchen's shoulder. He boldly said that a man should drink liquor, sleep with a girl and live a vigorous life.

"What's the matter?" AI Lu raised his head and looked at the thoughtful mu Ruchen.

"Nothing. It's just that my friend likes whiskey very much, so he's a little absent-minded." Muruchen chuckled, "come on, let's drink."

Ellen filled their glasses and drank them all.

"Your friend is really like me?"

"Well!" Mu nodded as like as two peas. "Almost the same, but my personality seems to be slightly different. My friend is very free and easy, and he is very straightforward. Love people go after what they want to do, and do not suppress themselves."

Once upon a time, what mu Ruchen admired most was his character.

Although doing things regardless of the consequences always causes a lot of trouble, and even nearly died, he has a very happy life. Every day he tries his best to be himself, do what he feels happy about, and really live every day.

"Maybe your friend wasn't mature enough then." Alan came to the conclusion calmly.


At this time, mu Ruchen's mobile phone rang. It was a strange phone number, and it came from China.

Mu Ruchen answered, "hello?"

"Chen, I want to tell you something, something you never thought of!" On the other end of the line, it's Ling Yi.

Mu Ruchen immediately stood up and said with a smile, "sorry, I'll answer a phone call."

Alan nodded and let him.

Mu Ruchen went out all the time, and then he said, "what's the matter?"

"Qianxu, qianxu, he's back. He's not dead. He's here!"

At home?