However, the current situation does not allow an Lixia to think too much.


The cell phone hit the wall and fell to pieces.

The room began to darken again when it stopped.

And an Lixia had no time to sigh, so his body was thrown out!

After a period of weightlessness, the body fell heavily on the head of the bed, the forehead hit the head of the bed, making a dull sound, which also made an Lixia dizzy!

And then the shadow came down on her.

Slender body pressure in her body, and hand, tightly grasp an Lixia's neck.

"If you want to die, I can help you!" Finger tightening.

Anlixia held back the pain of suffocation and looked at the man stubbornly.

Although, she can't see his appearance, even the dark space let her even shadow can't see, but, she still stubborn stare eyes.

"Anlixia, I don't want to kill you before my plan is finished, but it doesn't mean I won't kill you!" The man said, "if you want to dig your own grave, I can give you a ride."

“…… You Let go... "

Andrea doesn't want to die.

"Now you know how to be afraid?" Man's voice with anger, "provocation me, how dare you so much?"

How dare you rob his cell phone?

Dare to call mu Ruchen in front of him?

Anlixia is going to lose consciousness!

The man loosened her neck, attached himself to her face and said, "listen to me later, or I will kill you in ten thousand ways!"

Anlixia gasped.

The man left her, went to the corner, picked up the pieces of mobile phone on the ground, and left coldly by slamming the door.

In the dark room, only anlixia was left.

Just now, she heard mu Ruchen's voice.

Although she was dizzy at the moment, she was very happy because she heard mu Ruchen's voice.

I miss him very much.

"Mu Ruchen, I really miss you, do you know?" An Lixia endured dizziness, tears fell down, "muruchen, muruchen, muruchen..."

She finally knew why mu Ruchen liked to call her name so much before, because she didn't know how to express it, so she could only comfort her agitation and uneasiness by calling her name again and again.

In the space, it was so quiet that there was no sound or even light.

Anlixia didn't know whether it was morning or night, but according to the light just from her mobile phone, she found that the house had windows.

So, anlixia according to their own memory, bit by bit moved to the wall, and then hand groping above.

Slowly, she touched the curtain and lifted it.

Originally, I thought I would see light. However, there was a faint light coming from the slit of the window. It was very dark, weaker than the light found on the mobile phone screen.

However, for the eyes used to the night, now is enough.

Boards were fixed to the window to block the light.

If the board can be removed, there will be light and you can see where you are.

An Lixia is searching around, hoping to find something that can smash the board. However, it seems that there is nothing in the room.

This is a board. There's no way to use your hands. What should I do?

And then, outside came the sound of footsteps.

Anlixia immediately put down the curtain, ran back to bed, as usual, lying in bed honestly.

"Miss ANN, it's time for dinner." It's a woman's voice. It's respectful.

"Breakfast now? Lunch? Or dinner? " An Lixia half sat up and asked in a casual voice.

"No comment."

Obviously, she didn't know what to say.

Anlixia took the rice bowl, found that the bowl is porcelain, so, after a taste of rice, with the bowl fell to the ground!

"You will give me these things all day, can't you change them?" Anlixia was angry with the maid, "go and change a meal for me!"

"Yes, Miss Ann. What would you like to eat?"

"Want to eat..." Andrea thought, "I want to eat mashed potatoes."

I want to eat mashed potatoes made by mu Ruchen.

"Miss an, just a moment. I'll do it for you right away. You sit on the bed first, and someone will clean it later." With that, the woman went out.

After confirming that the other party has gone out, an Lixia jumps down from the bed, gropes on the ground, picks up a fragment that can be held in his hand, puts it under the pillow, and then continues to sit on the bed as if nothing had happened.

In less than five minutes, a man with a weak light came over, wearing a tight black suit and a mask on his face. He carefully cleaned up the debris on the ground, and then went out without saying a word.After a while, the man who just served the meal came over again.

"Mashed potatoes, Miss Ann."

Anlixia tasted it. She admitted that it tasted good, but she couldn't eat it at all. However, if she didn't eat something, she would have no strength, right?

No matter what appetite, anlixia will swallow all the rice, and then give the empty bowl to each other.

"I'm going to bed. You can leave."


Anlixia lay on the bed, waiting for the other party to leave, and then waited for a long time, to make sure that it was quiet outside, there was no sound, anlixia held the sharp pieces, groped to the window, and then rowed the board with the pieces.

Although the effect is very small, even if she can get off a board in two days, it is better than lying here waiting to die.

Hold the hand too tightly, the fragment cuts an Lixia's hand first instead.

Blood, along the arm in the slide, anlixia completely did not pay attention, just focus on their own things.

In the bright monitoring room, a man with a clown mask quietly watches the scene through the monitoring.

Looking at an Lixia with a smart way to get a fragment, and looking at her again and again hit the window, even if it is injured also completely don't care about the appearance.

Is this woman clever or stupid?

"Master, do you want to stop it?" A woman in a mask came over. She was the one who had just swept the debris for anlixia.

"No," the man said with a grim smile, "I'll see how far this stupid woman can go."

What if you break the window?

Besides, how can she break such a hard board with a fragment?

It's beyond our capacity!

Looking at Xia Yu's stubborn light, he looked at her deeply.

Inexplicably, her body, as if a layer of light, let her thin body look grand and gorgeous.

The man blinked, did not continue to see, only coldly get up, go away.