The distance between them is not safe!

Anlixia has no way out, can only face the man close to her.

"Mu Ruchen, you are breaking into a private house!"

Mu Ruchen narrowed his eyes slightly, sharp eyes as sharp as a knife, close to an Lixia's sweet face, "you don't even pay attention to the law, but also care about breaking into houses?"

This sentence instantly ignited an Lixia's anger.

"You don't pay attention to the law, do you?" An Lixia felt that this man was inexplicable. "I'm a good citizen who abides by the law. I'm not in the same world as you, the majestic Mu Er Ye. Let me go!"

Regardless of her struggle, mu Ruchen closer to his face, "anlixia, I really underestimate you."

"Get out of here!"

Mu Ruchen grabs her chin with one hand and approaches her lip, "how does it feel to break through our company's network security defense system?"


"Are you that fond of challenging me?" Mu Ruchen almost touched her lips.

The fragrance on her lips came over, teasing mu Ruchen's reason.

"I didn't know you were Well... "

Lips, suddenly kiss!

Very sweet taste, no nausea, no resistance, like being possessed, even without any experience, the instinct of the body is also guiding him.

An Lixia stares big eyes and is taken advantage of again. She is very angry.

Since you can't use your hands, then

"Well!" Mu Ruchen's body suddenly retreated a few steps.

That's right, anlixia put his knees on his belly!

She didn't mean to be polite, so she used ten percent of her strength!

"Mu Ruchen, I'm not easy to get into. Get out of here!" Although anlixia felt that she had hit hard, if he could stop pestering her, she was willing to go a little too far!

Mu Ruchen straightens up and looks at the stubbornness between her eyebrows.

Black eyes, with bloodthirsty occupation, like a wild animal, found their own indispensable prey.

The more stubborn she is, the more he wants to conquer. The more disobedient she is, the more he wants to get close to her!

An Lixia was a little scared by this kind of eyes. She immediately went to one side and wanted to get something for self-defense. Just as she turned around, she was pulled over by mu Ruchen.

"Now you want to escape?"

"Run away from you Andrea put out her foot and kicked him.

Muruchen dodged.

While his body has not yet stood, an Lixia picked up the nearest chair and smashed it impolitely.

Mu Ruchen reached out to block the chair, but the chair bounced back and hit an Lixia.

Anlixia is not so good, obviously can't avoid, and at this time, mu Ruchen quickly rushed over, a will her over, avoid the chair.

And anlixia took the opportunity to kick his leg!

The body loses balance, mu Ruchen falls to the ground together with an Lixia!

Women up and men down!

Mu Ruchen hugged her body and prevented her from leaving. "Six years ago, you liked to take the initiative. Six years later, your nature has not changed!"

"Take the initiative, get out of here!" Anlixia wants to break free, but he turns over and presses him.

"That's not what you said when you ran into me six years ago." Muruchen approached her lips.

"As I said, it's been six years. I've forgotten it. I don't even remember your appearance. Mr. mu, please respect yourself!"

"Since miss an's memory is not good, I feel that as a client, I have the obligation to help you recall it!" With that, kiss her lips!

Wet sticky kiss, fell on an Lixia's face, neck.

Struggle is useless, then anlixia is not resisting.

"Mr. mu, if your son saw you like a beast, what would he think?"

Mu Ruchen stopped and squinted at him, "what does it have to do with him?"

"You're not responsible to his mother, but to other women. That's your responsibility as a father?" Anlixia said fiercely.

"What does his mother have to do with me?"

"Oh," anlixia sneered, "irresponsible bastard!"

"What did you say?"

"I say you are selfish, irresponsible bastard!" An Lixia kicked him away. "I knew you were such a jerk. Six years ago, I would rather find a cowboy than you!"

"Anlixia!" Mu Ruchen roared his name.

Anlixia went to the door, suddenly opened the door, "roll, roll for me!"

At the door, Si Yue with fruit in his hand is very innocent, and a handsome face is full of greetings.

"Xiaoxia, you are Let me get out of here? "

"What are you doing here?" Anlixia looks at Siyue.

Mu Ruchen went to see Si Yue, frowning more tightly, "who are you?"Si Yue was a little timid when he saw mu Ruchen, but he summoned up the courage to go over and hold an Lixia's shoulder, "I'm my Hani's dear!"


An Lixia is more confused. Is Si Yue looking for death?

Mu Ruchen pointed to him, "you were just waiting for him?"

Just call him baby again?

"Mr. mu, is it interesting to get involved in other people's feelings?" In order to let him not pester her in the future, anlixia is dead.

"Don't you want to refuse all the time?" Did she think he was willing to approach him?

"Mr. mu, I think you are narcissistic. I'm not interested in you. As long as you don't appear in front of me, I won't appear in front of you on my own initiative!"

Hearing this, mu Ruchen narrowed his eyes slightly, "are you sure?"

"Very sure!" Anlixia still has this self-confidence, "if I take the initiative to find you, I am a dog!"

Mu Ruchen inclined his lips and sneered, "anlixia, I'm waiting for you to learn how to bark in front of me!" Then he strode over.

When I got to the door, I looked back at Si Yue, and the irony in my eyes was even stronger.

"Anlixia, your vision is getting worse and worse!" After that, he disappeared in the corridor.


An Lixia closed the door with a bang, then looked at Si Yue and said, "what are you doing here?"

Didn't we just meet this morning?

"I have something urgent!"

"Say it

"Your cell phone doesn't work." Division read a face of grievance.

"What are you doing on my cell phone?"

"It's not me, it's your editor," Si Yue was even more aggrieved. "She said that you are now in the limelight, so you took the opportunity to be famous, so she applied with the company for a signing meeting, just next week!"

"What?" "I don't promise!" said Enrique

"But..." Division read more aggrieved, a pair of eyes blink ah blink of, "Xiao Xia Xia, I have promised for you."

"Si Yue" -- an Lixia's roar was hoarse!

Si Yue squatted on the ground, holding his head, "fight, don't fight face!"

A handsome boy is like a child, squatting on the ground, covering his face with both hands, pitifully looking at an Lixia, with a look of letting her beat and scold and never fighting back.

Anlixia couldn't do it.

That's right. She's just soft, not hard!