The blue sky suddenly turned dark red for some reason.

This strange weather phenomenon makes people feel uneasy. Everyone also abandoned the idea of fishing and chose to get together and quietly observe the changes in the sky.

With the passage of time, the sky became darker and darker. If it wasn't for the strange red, everyone even thought it was God that it would rain or snow.

Li Lingjian frowned slightly. This celestial phenomenon gave him a very bad feeling.

"Why don't we leave here first?" Yin chuyang put forward a proposal, which was approved by everyone.

There were no bags or other things. We simply put out the campfire and were ready to leave this place.

Just a few steps away, I found a bright orange light column rising into the sky in the distance.

"What's the matter? Is there a treasure in the world?" Lin fei'er's words were full of excitement.

Before they could discuss whether the orange light column was the recruitment of the treasure, Zhang Geyi, who walked in the back, suddenly said, "snow, look, it's snowing, red snow."

As soon as Zhang Geyi's voice fell, they saw red snowflakes falling from the sky, forming a suffocating red curtain in front of them.

There was no time to think about it. Anyway, the strange red snow fell on Li Ling, which made Li Ling feel uncomfortable.

"Everybody speed up and get out of here."

Just a simple sentence, everyone felt the seriousness in Li Ling's tone.

For a time, the people did not delay any more. They accelerated their pace and kept up with Li Ling in front of the team.

Leave the pool and enter the woods. At the instigation of Yin chuyang, Li Ling led the crowd to the orange light column.

However, not long after walking, I heard an uneasy voice from Zhang Ge behind me.

"Shoot the snow off your body quickly. The snow is poisonous."

People have been busy on their way, and they don't care about the red snowflakes stuck on their bodies. Now when Zhang Ge said that the red snow was poisonous, the people quickly shook and wanted to remove the red snow from their bodies.

But the sky is still floating with red snow. No matter how they shoot, they can't completely clean up the red snow.

It was not convenient to clean up the red snowflakes by ourselves, so we helped each other clean up.

"I said, Zhang Geyi, are you sure these snow are poisonous? Why don't I feel it?"

Zhang Ge brushed the snow off his head and explained, "don't you realize that you are becoming weaker and weaker?"

Li Ling's face sank. He was invincible, so he didn't realize the damage caused by these red snowflakes.

But now, after Zhang Geyi's reminder, looking at Yin chuyang and others whose face has become very ugly, we know that Zhang Geyi's statement is correct.

The red snow really makes people weak.

"What should we do? The sky has been snowing. Will we die of weakness?"

Yin chuyang felt that the power in his body was losing rapidly, and he was a little panicked.

"We must hurry there."

Zhang Ge raised his hand and pointed to the direction of the yellow light column.

"What's the use of going there? Even if there are treasures in the world, countless people are competing for them. It's better to find a cave to avoid these poisonous snow."

"I'm afraid it's no use looking for a cave. We have to come out? We can't stay in the cave all the time."

"Yes, find a way to avoid these red snow."

"I suggest going to the yellow light column to avoid poisonous snow!"

The crowd was puzzled. Zhang Geyi reminded, "don't you find that there are no such red snowflakes in the sky near the yellow light column?"

Li Ling looked up. Sure enough, the sky near the orange light column was still normal blue. There was no strange red snowflake falling from the sky.

"I know. That light column is telling us that there is a safe area nearby." Yin chuyang suddenly realized and told everyone his inference.

Li Ling also thought what Yin chuyang said was reasonable, so she took the people to the area near the orange light column quickly.

But as the crowd got closer and closer to the area of the orange light column, the sound from the trees on both sides became more and more dense.

Many people are running in the woods in the direction of the aperture.

Those who can come here to participate in the test are talents from various colleges. There are no fools. What Zhang Ge can find, others can also find.

Li Ling immediately understood the meaning of the poisonous red snow and orange light column.

This is to gather everyone scattered everywhere!

Let's keep fighting and finally fight for the 100 places.

"Be careful, everyone. Run with me. When we get out of the scope covered by poisonous snow, everyone will be safe."

Li Ling shouted loudly and looked back at his back. He knew that Nangong Li was right behind his team.

He also said this to Nangong Li.

Although it is not clear whether Nangong Li knows the meaning of the yellow light column, Li Ling feels it is necessary to remind him.

After Li Ling finished, he led his teammates to run in the direction of the yellow light column.

In the fast running, Li Ling, the leader, noticed that there were still people in ambush in the trees on both sides.

These people may want to take advantage of the opportunity of the poisonous snow to ambush more people, so as to clean up more obstacles for the future road.

"Be careful, there is an ambush in the trees!"

Hearing Li Ling's warning, everyone became cautious.

Knowing that their ambush was seen through, several people were killed on both sides of the bushes.

First, one hand took a wooden knife and chopped at Li Ling who had just started warning.

Li Ling, who was running fast, was only on one side of her body and cleverly avoided the other party's attack.

At the same time, he held his hands together to form a huge fist and slammed it on the back of the man who attacked.

"Boo!" the man didn't have time to respond. He was hit heavily by Li Ling's fist. He vomited blood in his mouth and trembled involuntarily. After a few times, he stopped moving completely.

"Grass, this boy killed Wu Yan. Let's go together!"

"Madder, die for me!" the attacker's accomplice attacked Li Ling from behind while Li Ling was not paying attention, and the wooden sword in his hand took Li Ling's vest.

Li Ling left the ground with one leg, turned sharply behind her and kicked her.

The crowd didn't see Li Ling's turning and kicking.

He found that the man who wanted to sneak into Li Ling's back had fallen to the ground with blood on his face and twitched unceasingly.

Li Ling solved the two people neatly between the lightning and flint.

Li Ling's teammates realized that someone had attacked them, so without saying a word, they killed the remaining attackers with their weapons.