Although the man cried miserably, everyone did not sympathize with him.

The body in the blood pool was put in front of the people.

How many people do you have to kill to build such a big blood pool?

The man felt very poor. Why didn't he think that the people killed by him and his mother were also very poor?

He cried and suddenly turned ferocious and shouted:

"Why do you have a butterfly God? A golden cicada?"

"Who is Hua Feiyang, the dog thief of the flower family in Taiqu stronghold?"

Worship the moon constantly winks at blossoms, but blossoms don't look at it at all.

Blossoming red with anger, like cooked crabs.

Baiyue wanted to pull her sleeves and pull her behind her.

Unfortunately, she didn't stop it and rushed up one after another.

He saw flowers come forward and say to the man's head, "don't you slander my father!"

"My father worked hard for Jiuli and died."

"He has always taken it as his duty to carry forward Jiuli Shenjiao and benefit all the people."

"Without him, there would be no Jiuli today."

The man laughed wildly

"Ha ha ha."

"Where do you think your golden cicada son and the butterfly God of the little girl in purple come from?"

"That's the holy thing of Tuma village and nangu village."

"If it weren't for our sheep kezhai seven soul breaking poison spider eggs, would he be able to practice heaven breaking with flying flowers?"

"I heard that he became Tianjue, so I went to attack tianwu."

"As a result, he was lost in tianwu and even Tianjue. Hahaha, what retribution!"

Blossoming angrily said, "you madman, my father's heaven must have been refined by himself!"

"Your yangke village was killed because of rebellion. Don't talk nonsense and slander my father!"

Blossoming and men's heads are red in the face.

Chen Peng and Lei Xiaofan were stunned.

Only Li lingzao felt that the identity of worshiping the moon and blossoming was not simple and not surprised.

When flowers argue with men's heads.

Li Ling looked at the man's head and was curious. He quietly asked Bai Yue:

"How does this hanging head drop kill?"

"He has only one head and a string of intestines. Did he roll up his intestines to kill?"

Bai Yue said anxiously, "when he flies to us, a large blood mist will rise on his body."

"These blood mist are poisonous and highly corrosive."

"There is no medicine to solve the poison of blood mist."

"As long as we are stained with blood mist, we will turn into blood, be sucked by him and become his dinner tonight."

"But tonight is the night of the full moon. It is the weakest time of the month."

"His blood fog will not be very strong tonight, and the casting speed of blood fog will be much slower than usual."

"As long as we always keep a distance of more than ten meters from him, we should be fine."

"Of course, it's better to be farther."

Li Ling then asked, "can my flying sword hurt him?"

Baiyue said, "it's enough. Hanging your head is said to be invulnerable. Of course, you can also try."

Li Ling said, "how can you kill him?"

Baiyue sighed helplessly and said, "you can try to cheat him out to bask in the sun. This will die."

Blossoming and the man's head are still arguing fiercely.

The noisy man finally went crazy.

He shouted, "you all have to die here tonight. I want you all to bury my mother!"

Then he recited a strange spell.

Seeing this, Li Ling quickly said, "interrupt him and don't let him cast spells!"

Then Li Ling, Chen Peng and Lei Xiaofan took off their swords and cut off the man's head.

Three flying swords hit the man's head with three sounds of "Ka", "Ka" and "Ka".

Unfortunately, even if it was cut, it only made three white marks.

Although it sounds loud, it's like cutting on a stone.

Can't cut it in at all.

The three flying swords returned without success and didn't hurt the man's head at all.

By this time, the man had finished reading the spell.

As he slammed his chin, four golden haired zombies moved.

The four zombies blinked slowly, and then jumped over to Li Ling and them together.

Chen Peng quickly turned to look at Baiyue and asked, "how do you kill this zombie?"

Baiyue said, "don't ask me. This zombie is not a Gu. It's the first time I've seen him.

"Do you have zombies in tianwu? How do you kill zombies?"

Chen Peng hasn't answered yet. He probably met a zombie for the first time. He doesn't know how to answer.

Li Ling answered immediately and said calmly, "we all cheated them out to bask in the sun."

As soon as the words were finished, several people were amused by Li Ling.

Blossoming said, "you fight first. I'll release the silver moon Linghu locked up by this guy. They're too poor."

With these words, Duo Duo took out an iron like mud knife from the storage ring and ran to the Linghu on one side.

In the blink of an eye, four zombies jumped over and grabbed everywhere with long claws.

Baiyue said, "be careful, don't fight close. Zombies will spray corpse poison."

Li Ling stopped two zombies alone. Chen Peng and Lei Xiaofan stopped one zombie respectively.

Three people dare not fight at close range. As soon as they get close, the zombies will spray corpse poison.

However, if you fight far away, the flying sword has no effect on zombies.

Three people were chased around the hall by four zombies.

Baiyue cast poison aside to disturb the sight of zombies.

Blossoming is busy saving the spirit foxes.

Three people were chased by zombies.

Three flying swords cut around four zombies.

Although you can't cut these invulnerable zombies, it can also slow down the speed of zombies.

Chen Peng said, "lying in the trough, isn't this ghost afraid of swords?"

Baiyue said, "how can golden zombies be afraid of swords? Open fire is almost the same!"

Li Ling looked at each other and said, "open fire?"

Then the three laughed.

Lei Xiaofan shouted, "everyone spread out and keep a distance. I'm going to set fire!"

With that, Lei Xiaofan took out a fireball bomb from his storage bag and threw it at the zombies one by one.

Fireball bombs ignite as soon as they touch.

Lei Xiaofan put a fire directly on the zombies.

The zombies screamed.

The first time a man saw a zombie burned, he was so anxious on the altar.

His mother is dead, and the four zombies are his only guards.

The man dragged his intestines from the altar and flew towards Lei Xiaofan.

Flying with a blood mist.

Baiyue quickly shouted, "Lei Xiaofan, be careful of the blood mist around your head."

"If you get a little, it will turn into blood and water immediately. There is no medicine to solve it!"

Lei Xiaofan immediately retreated, took out another thunderbolt from his storage bag and threw it at the man's head.

Although thunderbolt can't kill a man's head, it can also blow him dizzy.

Moreover, the thick smoke after the thunderbolt explosion damaged the eyesight of men's heads and couldn't see everyone clearly.