Li Ling and dumb are surrounded by some small things on the side of Tianshan Mountain.

It's hard to say whether they can break through, but since it's Li Ling, there must be a way to resolve it.

But at the same time, having a person's experience is not particularly good.

This man is Shen Liang.

At that time, Shen Liang used to admonish Jia Taichong, but because Jia Taichong was directly angry, he kicked Shen Liang out.

It's a valley.

The valley is so remote that even the disciples of the Wu League seldom go there.

If nothing had happened, Shen Liang would have died there.

Under normal circumstances, it must be.

If such a kind man dies, I'm afraid God won't open his eyes.

But Shen Liang was not dead.

In Shen Liang's mind, he felt as if he were dreaming.

All around the dream was nothingness and darkness. He couldn't see anything at all.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe there would be such a place here.



Shen Liang called tentatively.

He found that no one responded to him at all.

His own body radiated light, as if it were the only light in the darkness.

But he wondered why he came to such a place.

Is it difficult that you have gone to hell?

Although Shen liang thought it might be possible, he didn't know whether it was hell or not because he had never been to the real hell.

On another level, if it is really hell, it should be much more tragic than this.

I don't understand.

I can't understand it anyway.

Now looking down, Shen Liang feels that he shouldn't look very good.

He didn't even know whether he was stepping on the earth.

After walking for a while, suddenly, an image appeared in front of him.

It was a group of very wild humans. These humans only wore leaves and didn't even have clothes.

Shen Liang hurried over and asked, "what are you doing, who are you, living here?"

The savages looked at Shen Liang and felt very curious.

But they didn't speak, but pointed to their ears.

At this time, Shen Liang found that they had no ears.

If you don't have ears, you can't hear what Shen Liang is saying.

It does look pathetic.

But Shen Liang also wants to know what they are doing.

The savages seemed to be living a carefree life. Shen Liang was very curious, so he sat down with them and ate barbecue around the campfire.

Although the taste was terrible, he also knew that it might be the only thing these savages could eat.

Shen Liang is still wondering what strange place he came to and why he met such a group of strange people.

But Shen Liang is different from others. If he were a monk, he might directly enslave these savages in this place.

However, Shen Liang will not.

Shen Liang's greatest specialty is kindness. He will never enslave anyone.

So he hopes to become friends with these savages, and he'd better help them do something.

But at this moment, he found that he had no mana.


No mana.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it was true.

But it's true.

No mana.

"Just, if you don't have mana, you don't have mana."

If you can find a friar all over the world and don't care whether you have mana or not, I'm afraid this person can only be Shen Liang.

He never practiced to make himself stronger, but hoped that there would be less war and fighting in the world.

His kind-hearted people are rare.

Whether it is rare or not, he is willing to continue to do so.

At this time, suddenly a savage fell.

The other savages were very flustered.

Did you eat something unhealthy?

No, it's not. It just fell down. There's no sign at all.

Shen Liang hurriedly asked, "what's the matter?"

However, the other party can't hear it, and the other party can only compete with him.

Soon, the other savages found some mud plates with some pictures on them.

Shen Liang looked at the pictures and realized that the savage was terminally ill.

And the way to treat this incurable disease is very wonderful.

It needs a flute made of human bones to play a song in order to cure it!

What absurd thing is this.

Shen Liang felt that he had never encountered such a thing, which was absurd.

Although it was absurd, the fact was so that he had to accept it.

What should we do.

If you were someone else, you would feel very wonderful, but Shen Liang is different.

He asked directly, "is it really a flute made of human bones that can be played once?"

At this time, the savages seemed to understand him and nodded quickly.

But where to find human bones?

In normal times, normal people must have left long ago when they met such absurd things. Why talk nonsense here with a group of savages.

However, it is obvious that Shen Liang is not such a person.

If we must arrange a word for Shen Liang, then this word can only be boundless love.

Yes, love is boundless!

If he didn't have boundless love, how could he have done so many things that normal people think are wonderful before.

However, at this moment, can he continue his boundless love.

Although Shen Liang has gone through some tangles in his heart, he has really done things that ordinary people dare not do.

He found a knife.

Use this knife to kill anyone and find a bone?

No, that's too low. Look at Shen Liang.

He's going to get his own bones!


This can only be done by making your own human bones.

With his character, he can only cut his own bones.

He cut off his calf with a knife.

Now he is just a mortal. Without the blessing of mana cultivation, he can't bear the pain at all.

But no matter how painful it was, he did it.

Seeing that Shen Liang was sweating on his forehead, he still made it despite the drops of sweat with big beans and the sprinkling of blood on the ground.

I'm afraid only Shen Liang can do this in the world.

Doing things like this, anyone will think he is a wonderful flower after seeing it.

But he just did it.

Shen Liang didn't finish after cutting off his lower leg. Instead, he hollowed out the leg bone with a knife and dug many small holes in it.

About half an hour later, Shen Liang turned his leg bone into a flute.

What a kindness it takes to do it.

But Shen Liang doesn't regret it.

"Come on, play quickly. It's important to save people, it's important to save people!"