Li Ling doesn't know why Ruan Lili is so short of money, but he still gave Ruan Lili 10000 liang of silver.

That night, Li Ling rested until he woke up the next day. He led the mute to the flying eagle guard station.

The atmosphere in the flying eagle guard seems dead. It seems that every flying eagle guard has no spirit.

On the hall of the guard house, Ge Quan, deputy envoy of the golden eagle, was dozing off with his head on one hand in front of case 114.

Other flying eagle guards are either lazy or lazy.

These people don't look like flying eagle guards.

Li Ling sounded the drum in the guard house: "cheer up for me!"

Bang bang!

As the big drum sounded, Ge Quan, deputy envoy of the golden eagle, woke up with an exciting spirit.

"Who, who dares to make noise in the guard house!"

Ge Quan was very angry when he saw Li Ling: "who are you?"

"Li Zailin." Li Ling answered lightly.

Putong, Ge Quan kneels down immediately.

"Li, Lord Li, you have finally arrived. Why don't you say it earlier and your subordinates can make more preparations for you."

Li Ling waved his hand and said no.

Then, Li Ling walked towards the hall. Ge Quan respectfully gave way to Li Ling to sit down.

"Are you usually so lazy?"

Ge Quan immediately pointed to others and shouted, "come here! Stand up! Don't you see Lord Li coming!"

The flying eagle guards hurried to line up on both sides of the hall one by one, but their faces still looked lazy.

These flying eagle guards are very different from those Li Ling has seen before.

In Li Ling's heart, feiyingwei is arrogant, dignified and superior. Even a Xiaowei should show a fearless appearance.

Why are these people in Hongwang city so.

"What's the matter with you? Why are you like this?"

Ge Quan quickly explained: "since Lord Xue's accident, the brothers in the whole guard station have been in a panic. Everyone has no intention to do anything, so this is the state."

That's right.

Xue Bici, the former Golden Eagle envoy, said that when they were spirited, they were spirited. For a moment, they had no backbone. Naturally, they were afraid that it would be their turn next.

"Is it like this that our flying eagle guard has suffered a little setback?"

"Lord Li, don't be angry. Brothers shouldn't be like this, but brothers are also afraid! When Lord Xue had an accident, he was thrown into the courtyard of our guard station from heaven. That scene... All brothers watched."

At that time, Xue Bici's appearance of being thrown in obviously stimulated everyone, so people were terrified for a time.

Even the Golden Eagle envoy can be treated like this. Who dares to guarantee his life.

Looking at them like this, Li Ling was also very helpless. Then Li Ling waved his hand and an air flow came into everyone's mind.

In an instant, all the flying eagle guards were full of energy!

"Unexpectedly! Unexpectedly! Unexpectedly!"

"Lord Li, what method did you use to make everyone energetic?"

In fact, it's very simple. Li Ling just used some mental attacks.

Appropriate mind attack can make people offset the negative state and make the whole person more energetic.

Now those flying eagle guards have bright eyes, as if they can make a great career at any time.

Li Ling asked, "I ask you, how does Lord Xue treat you?"

Ge Quan immediately hugged his fist and replied, "Lord Xue is very considerate of our brother Enro!"

"Do you know what I'm here for?"

"Yes, you are the successor of Lord Xue to manage Hongzhou Jianghu."

"No, I'm here to avenge Lord Xue."

"Revenge?" Ge Quan trembled: "this... This..."

"Don't you want to avenge Lord Xue?"

At the moment, a Xiaowei standing below said, "just now, Lord Xue booed me and took good care of me. I want to avenge Lord Xue!"

"I still remember that year when I became obsessed with martial arts, Lord Xue used martial arts to help me heal my wounds!"

"Ten years ago, there was a flood in my hometown. Lord Xue personally led the flying eagle guard to relieve the disaster, so I wanted to join the flying eagle guard at that time!"

"Yes, Lord Xue treats us like brothers and sisters. We want to avenge Lord Xue!"

For a time, many Xiaowei expressed their thoughts. After hearing this, Li Ling knew that Xue Bici was not only a golden eagle envoy, but also a person with great respect.

And people respect him not because of his official position, but because of his personality.

Ge Quan sighed, "of course we have all received the favor of Lord Xue, but... Alas..."

"Sigh what?"

"But we have no evidence. I don't want to avenge Lord Xue. However, I don't even know who did it."

This is the most difficult thing.

No one knew when Xue Bizhi had an accident. Ge Quan also sent someone to check, but he had no clue.

Whenever there is a little evidence, Li Ling is not needed, but the flying eagle guard begins to take people to slaughter wantonly.

"Is there anyone who doubts?"

Ge Quan turned his eyes: "yes!"

"Tell me."

"Qin buries bones, the head of the Qin family, Shen shouding, the chief soldier of Hongzhou, the three Zen kings of zhenta Zen yard, Ke Yin and Yang, the second in the flying eagle list!"

The three forces in front of Li Ling all know that the contradictions of the three are related to Li Ling, and they have enough motivation.

As for the last Ke Yinyang, it makes Li Ling feel a little rusty.

"Talk about this carefully."


No one knows Ke Yinyang's real name, except that he used to be the parent of yin and Yang in Baihu county's hundred scriptures. He began to practice witchcraft about 30 years ago, so he was removed from the hundred scriptures.

Unexpectedly, after being removed from the list, this man began to kill in the Jianghu, and his cultivation also developed rapidly.

Now his cultivation is almost a great achievement in heaven. Because he kills too many people, he ranks second in the flying eagle list, second only to the first king of joy!

"Is this Ke Yinyang in Hongzhou?"

"According to the analysis of informants, he should have been in Hongzhou at that time, but I don't know whether he has left now."

In fact, Ge Quan's analysis of Ke Yin and Yang also has two reasons.

The first point is the yin-yang family's art of resisting ghosts. It is very likely that the art of resisting ghosts will draw souls.

The second point is that Ke Yinyang especially hates the flying eagle guard. He has killed countless flying eagle guards, so he is wanted.

"Although Ke yin-yang is highly suspected, he has no direct contradiction with Lord Xue, so it's hard to say."

The contradiction in this case is here.

The most suspect has no motive, and the most motivated person has no suspicion.

After thinking carefully for a moment, Li Ling said, "let all the flying eagle guards in nine counties of Hongzhou seize the opportunity to search Ke Yinyang's news!"

"Yes! My subordinates will send a messenger now."

Ge Quan asked again, "what plans does Lord Li have next?"

Li Ling said with a smile, "prepare your hands and follow me to the zhenta temple first!"

"What! I'm going to zhenta Buddhist temple!"