Originally, the ambush was powerful enough, but the four talismans used by Li Ling could be said to be the creation of heaven and earth!

From Li Ling's body, suddenly there was thunder and lightning, suddenly there was a fire, suddenly there were huge trees, and suddenly there were thousands of troops!

"Is this... Is this the captive of the painter?"

"When did the painter become so strong?"

Even the painting parent Lao yangfuzi couldn't believe that this was the power of the painter, but Li Ling used the painter's tricks.

Every attack of Li Ling comes from talisman, and there is absolutely no other school.

At the moment when the two sides collided, Chuntao's flute cracked, and Xia he's Guqin seven strings were all broken!

The two girls couldn't bear the attack at all and fell to the ground seriously.

"What! The ambush played by the two disciples of the music family can't beat Li Ling!"

"The painter... Isn't he..."

"Top of the hundred!"

"That's right! The painter won the crown and won the first place in a hundred schools!"

Li Ling only used four talismans and got the honor that other inner disciples couldn't get in their life.

Yangfuzi was so happy to see this scene.

"My good disciple! Ha ha ha!"

No one thought that the unknown painter had become the last barrier to maintain the Academy.

What the disciples of other schools could not do made Li Ling do it easily.

In particular, Fang Zhe, who claims to be the most talented disciple, lost the challenge arena in the competition between the two main schools.

This was done by the painter, which made the elders of other schools ashamed.

Several elders are looking at each other, and their thoughts are obvious.

Now Li Ling is only the head of one hundred disciples in the inner sect. If he grows up to be an elder, wouldn't it mean that... The painter will become "this situation can be remembered, but he was at a loss at that time."

"Hehe, these 100 academies are the devil's den of practitioners... They will only make people lose their reason for interests..."


With a loud noise, all the acupoints of Wang Jinse exploded.

Changchun Zi shouted: "she... She cut herself!"

"Detonating the meridians and cutting yourself, is it hard to die with the enemy?"

"Can you say... Zou Zi and Jin sezi are enemies?"

Yes, at the last moment, who will believe that Wang Jinse really hates Zou Tiankai.

Maybe at this moment, she realized the truth and really realized that the so-called interest is the obstacle to love.

"Master! Master!"

In spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four girls quickly lay down beside Wang Jinshe and cried. Although Wang Jinshe was very strict with them, they taught them their skills after all.

Now master has decided by himself, where should they go.

All the people watching the war were sighing and wondering why a good lover finally took such a road.

Many people also began to criticize the hundreds of Scholastics.

It was at this time that a man suddenly flew into the air.

"Follow my orders, bury Zou Zi and Jin sezi, and take good care of the music family disciples."

"Courtyard... Courtyard chief! Yes! My subordinates will do it now!"

Then, the head of the Academy said: "this battle of contention is that the painter won the crown. Painter Li Ling, follow me to the sage hall to get the prize!"