Hu Wang's move simply doesn't treat Li Ling as a person.

Even if their table is full of Taoist disciples, even if the Taoist identity is higher.

There is no such bully!

As a big brother, Qian Jin naturally can't stand it. He just wants to stand out for his brothers.

"Yo, I'll give you face if you're a strategist. Do you really think you have face?"

Qiu Shuda hurriedly advised: "everyone is a disciple of the Academy. They have just come in today. Why do you do this!"

"Hehe, Hu Wang thinks highly of you when I rob your food. You have to agree if you agree or disagree!"

"How unreasonable!"

Qian Jin immediately touched out a big knife, which is a top-grade magic weapon.

"Come on, let me see if it's your magic or my martial arts!"

The shopkeeper was afraid when he saw it: "don't make trouble, gentlemen. It's hard to end when it's big."

Hu Wang pinched his fingers without saying a word. After a few fingerprints, a water arrow hit Qian Jin.

Come on, come on!

Qian Jin blocked the water arrows with a big knife, then jumped over the table and started fighting.

Both of them have the same accomplishments, but magic has some advantages in attack, so Hu Wang seems to be handy, while Qian Jin seems to be dead supporting.

The room soon became messy, and the shopkeeper couldn't stop the battle even if he shouted.

Qiu Shuda still advised: "brother, stop fighting. We can't really fight them."

The two fought for a while, but Qian Jin felt powerless.

Just when he didn't pay attention, suddenly a water arrow hit his left shoulder, and the magic weapon in his hand fell to the ground. He suddenly lost his combat effectiveness.

"Hum, even if you are a soldier, you can only do so when you face our Taoist magic."

Seeing Qian Jin injured, Qiu Shuda hurriedly advised him for fear that it would not end well if he made a big noise again.

Then Hu Wang continued to carry the big fish plate and was ready to go. He said, "I almost let you spoil my pleasure."

Qian Jin looked at the man fiercely. Qiu Shuda helped Qian Jin sit up. They were very helpless.

At this moment, a chopstick came out quickly and passed through Hu Wang's wrist like a sharp sword. In an instant, it made a small hole in his wrist.

"Ah --"

The fish plate slipped down his hand and the small hole in his wrist began to bleed.

Li Ling caught the fish plate at the moment it landed, and then put it back on the table: "this fish is good. Let's continue to eat."

This scene scared the other two people silly.

Just now they didn't see how Li Ling did it. Why did they suddenly throw out a chopstick?

And this chopstick is so cruel that it directly pierced Hu Wang's wrist?

Take another look at Li Ling, who continues to eat fish quietly.

Looking at Qian Jin's injury, Li Ling took out some golden sore medicine: "this effect is very good. Just wipe some."

"No... third, you... You're so good?"

In the impression of several people, Li Ling is a disciple of the painter.

And he is still a painter disciple who doesn't even need to be assessed.

Others don't assess because they are too strong. The painter doesn't assess because there are no painters.

Originally, I thought Li Ling was weak, but the chopsticks just now clearly showed Li Ling's strong cultivation!

Hu Wang covered his wound and shouted, "OK, you miscellaneous fish dare to hurt me. Wait for me!"

Qian Jin and Qiu Shuda looked at each other, only feeling that trouble was coming.

After applying the golden sore medicine, Qian Jin's injury healed.

But what they have to face now is what makes them more difficult.

"Brothers, it's estimated that Hu Wang will go back and call people. Let's run quickly." Qiu Shuda worried.

"No! Don't let them bully!" Qian Jin still said.

Qiu Shuda shook the money and went in: "brother, don't be brave. Hu Wang's roommate is coming the second day of this assessment!"

"What? It's Yu Tianlin!"

Speaking of the name, Qian Jin is inevitably worried.

In the daytime assessment, the first one is of course dumb. She is a genius competed by everyone and enters the inner door directly.

But dumb didn't show much fighting ability.

In addition to being dumb, Yu Tianlin ranked second in the assessment.

This guy's magic cultivation is very exquisite, and the Taoist examiner is very satisfied.

Although he is not a genius, he is already a leader among the disciples in the internship period. The examiners also said that he has little problem entering the inner door through the internship.

During the day, Qian Jin looked at the fire skill of the rest of the day, which surprised everyone.

Qian Jin thought that if he faced Yu Tianlin, he might not be able to carry ten moves.

Nahu Wang, Yu Tianlin and two other Taoist disciples were divided into a dormitory. Today is also the day when they came out for dinner.

Hu Wang was beaten. Yu Tianlin couldn't have stopped coming!

Qian Jin thought there was still hope, but when he heard the name Yu Tianlin, he felt there was no hope.

"Brother, let's not be brave, let's go." Qiu Shuda was still afraid.

But Qian Jin is a little unhappy.

"What a coward if you just leave?"

From childhood to big money, he received a man's education. He will never spend his whole life in vain.

Soon he said, "now I see that the third can play very well. When the second one arranges the array, the third and I will deal with them. Then the second one you run away from the window with the fourth on your back! When the second and fourth run away, the third one you run too, I'm behind the hall!"

Qian Jin really deserves to be a big brother.

At such a critical juncture, he is also willing to take the initiative.

Just when several people discussed, Hu Wang had brought someone over.

Hu Wang's wrists are still dripping blood, and the people he brought are somewhat superior in temperament.

"Brother Tianlin, these boys are the ones who bully our Taoism!"

A young man in a Taoist robe came up. His eyes were cold and unsmiling. He didn't want to be a provoking person. He was the next day.

Qiu Shuda was worried: "God, I haven't had time to arrange the array!"

Well, they seemed to have a chance of survival, but now they don't seem to have much chance of winning.

The rest of the day came in, and then said expressionless, "my brother just wanted to eat a fish, so you hurt it. Is there any royal law?"

"Bah! Did he eat a fish! Did he humiliate us!" Qiu Shuda said even if he was afraid.

Hu Wang shook his hand: "brothers, our Taoism and strategists are called the first school of the Academy. Look, look, don't you pee on our heads! Brother Tianlin, you must vent your anger on me!"

Yu Tianlin didn't start immediately, but said, "you four, now kneel down and apologize to Hu Wang. I can forgive you."

Qian Jin yelled: "don't think about it! You bullying scum! Fight if you want. Even if you kill or hurt us, we won't apologize!"

"Oh? Really, then don't blame me for not thinking about brotherhood!"

Yu Tianlin tried to make a move, but everyone heard a word at this time.

Li Ling picked up her glass of wine and said, "I drank this glass of wine. If I see you guys not kneeling down, I'll abolish you."