Through expert comments, the audience's desire for the new military vehicle of heiyun has become higher. After all, this is a car that even experts want to own, and there are so many new technologies. There must be a brand when you buy it back. At least relatives and friends will envy it very much. For the rich, vehicle transportation is one aspect, and safety is definitely the area they need to consider most.

The superior performance of black cloud vehicle and the strength of vehicle armor. It is definitely the conscience of the industry. If you have the opportunity, you must buy one. At present, it seems that the military does not purchase, which will not have a great impact on the sales of new military vehicles in heiyun. Even better, perhaps, after the U.S. military purchases, there will be restrictions on many aspects. With their consistent tough character, they will certainly castrate the civilian version greatly, which is not conducive to sales.

After the introduction of the vehicle, it's the person's turn. Let's see what the main person in charge of the auto enterprise is doing. This is the articles of association drawn up long ago.

Henry Ford II is generally afraid of black, so the picture in front of the TV is still working hard. Let the people see a hardworking and struggling business leader. They all think that Ford can always be in the hands of the family.

As soon as the picture turned, Jefferson Ford showed the American people a typical useless second Lord. As the head of the R & D department, I drank and went to the bar at the key stage of new car test and R & D!

If it is in wartime, such a working attitude will definitely delay the aircraft. It's strange that military vehicles should be developed by such people.

It's normal for young people to play, but they also have to divide when. At this time, both heiyun and GM are making preparations. Ford's R & D director is actually giving a big banquet and taking his subordinates together. He simply doesn't pay attention to the Ministry of defense. Can the safety of soldiers be guaranteed if American military vehicles are developed and produced by such enterprises!

When the picture was given to Emil Ford, the American people felt ashamed of this debauchery woman again. This is not to lose her face alone. The world will think that American rich and famous women are of this style.

The most excessive thing is to ask senior engineers to accompany her in the critical period of R & D. It will seriously delay the progress of new car research and development. Are the people of the Ford family so irresponsible!

Illegitimate children began to disclose the black history of the Ford family, including Henry Ford II. People began to realize clearly that the Ford family was so dirty. It's far from as bright as it looks, and the crows in the world are generally black.

At this time, Henry Ford II was in front of the TV and was not satisfied with ABC's report on cars. At this time, I saw that the children of the Ford family dared to go to the bar to eat and drink in such a special period regardless of the ban. The women of the Ford family are so unruly. It was good to say before, but when is it now. Can't you live without a man? It seems that we must rectify it, or the family will be destroyed by the black sheep sooner or later.

Dad dared to make mistakes when he was young. It seems that he was too kind to him before. Even his affairs dare to break the news, and the cost of living will be cut off directly next month. See if you dare to be arrogant and oppose yourself without money.

Seeing the exposure of the Ford family, the most nervous is president Mike Donald. His black history is no less than that of Ford. In particular, he has been celebrating his girlfriend's birthday in the past two days. Even the Ford family dare to break the news. Can you let him go!

They must have been followed. It's hard for them to run away. Many things need to be prepared in advance, but I don't know if there is still time and opportunity.

The Ford family was followed by Chrysler, and the staff were conscientious and did not make any special moves. It can be seen that he really cares about the tasks assigned by the US Department of defense.

The same is true for several other car companies. After all, not all car companies are black materials. So don't think about it. It would be counterproductive if baozixuan did it.

Heiyun baozixuan appeared on TV and saw him in overalls. We are very serious in discussing various technical details with engineers, and even work more than 1 a.m. every day. With such a working attitude, no product can be developed.

Everyone can see that Bao Shoufu is very tired. Still live and eat in the front line, and strictly demand yourself according to the standard of an ordinary engineer.

It's true that people are richer, younger and harder than you.

The picture soon came to GM, and Mike Donald's worried picture appeared. First of all, stek Donald, the boy can't believe the speed of changing his girlfriend every day.

He doesn't look so handsome. Is he willing to spend money. After Jenny's complaint, people found that the boy was a scum. I didn't want to be responsible for expanding the belly of my female classmate, so I took my pregnant girl roommate out to fool around that night.

Listening to the introduction of pregnant female students, the American people's hatred of GM's CEO has reached the limit. Taking advantage of the general relationship, I actually started the sleeping car model activity.

It is a huge scandal for the whole of southern Canada. General Motors has become a rat crossing the street and everyone yells.

People keep thinking that GM can do this without a job. What about those who have positions and rights at ordinary times? Women are not allowed to use the hidden rules of power in any country.

It's not a big problem without exposure. Now GM is bound to be denounced by women's organizations.

The most minor is mischief, perhaps due to Mike Donald's lax discipline. But when Donald and his son appeared together in Los Angeles, they were accompanied by beautiful women at night, but his son was more fierce and took two. Let the American people understand that like father, like son.

The CEO of General Motors secretly met his relatives at the critical stage of military vehicle research and development, and his son seduced female students by using his identity. It will surely become the headlines of major newspapers tomorrow, and even surpass the topic of the strong performance of black cloud vehicles and the application of new technologies.

It was a good thing that GM could surpass the black cloud in attention, but it was by no means a disgrace like now, and it happened to itself. He turned a blind eye to his son's affairs. I didn't expect to be so mischievous. It's estimated that the only thing waiting for me is to resign. And since then, he has become notorious. Basically, no enterprise is hiring him.

Because of the strong performance of the black cloud car, people pay more attention to the interview. At this time, more than 10 million people in the United States are watching, and it is impossible to deny it.

At this time, the most angry is secretary of defense Caspar Weinberg. Now how can the military cooperate with Ford and GM. Such an irresponsible enterprise is coupled with the character of managers. The American people can buy it. If we continue to implement the original plan, it is bound to push the Department of defense to the forefront of the storm.

You can't ruin your future because of a few scum.

Ian Wright was also watching the TV content. After seeing it, he knew that there might be variables in the arms sales. At least we can't give too much share to GM and Ford, and taxpayers won't agree.

While thinking, the Secretary of defense called.

Caspar Weinberg said bluntly, "go and contact GM and Ford. Some people must leave as soon as possible. If we can't deal with the aftermath, the Ministry of defense has no way. We can't let the people say that we can't distinguish right from wrong, don't care about soldiers' lives, and are just some bureaucrats hiding in the office to get money. "

The wicked still need to do it by themselves. It's easy to do in general. In the case of father and son, GM's board of directors will certainly take measures if it doesn't respond. Then general motors is going to stink.

Shareholders will not allow people with hidden rules to continue to run the company, which will lead the whole company into an abyss.

Ford is the trouble. The people involved are all family children. There is even Henry Ford II. As a family holding enterprise, can people listen to him!

Baozi Xuan is watching TV, too. I never expected awesome ABC. At the same time, I have a new understanding of Mike Hughes' ability. It seems that this boy is really a talent. Turning the tide in the Arctic is not just a flash in the pan. It is a talent that can be cultivated.

Alice really helped, too, but it's a very difficult time. Being photographed eating together is not good for both sides. We can only wait until the next time and give some compensation in terms of funds.

The interview ended soon, but it aroused strong repercussions in the United States. When the civilian version of heiyun's new military vehicle will be launched has become the focus of attention. As for other gossip, I really don't pay much attention to it. After all, it has nothing to do with them, at least it has no impact on life.

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