The action of black cloud car seems to be highly confidential. But after all, it started from the United States. Of course, it can't hide the three companies of the Ministry of defense, general motors and Ford. As early as when baozixuan sent someone out, the three families arranged people to keep an eye on each other. Their efforts were not in vain. At this time, they finally found evidence against the black cloud group.

Although you can't go to the north pole, it can happen in the Amazon jungle in Brazil; It was known by the three companies for the first time. Heiyun group had an accident during the test of vehicle performance. Two Americans lost their lives, which is a very serious thing.

It is very unfavorable to heiyun group; It will even affect the whole corporate image. After all, their death could have been avoided.

At this time, baozixuan was very passive. After all, he basically got the news at the same time with the media. During the test of heiyun car, there was a serious accident, which killed two excellent American engineers.

One of them is a Motorola employee and the other is a black cloud automotive engine engineer. At this time, not only the black cloud group is facing a crisis, but Robert Calvin is also in trouble. In any case, Motorola employees did die on duty. Both the public and the private should make a statement and at least comfort the family of the deceased.

GM and Ford acted faster than expected. They contacted Motorola's employee family for the first time and said they would give legal aid. The condition is to make things big and let the whole country pay attention to it.

Baozixuan a foreigner came to the United States to start a company and killed an American employee. If this can't kill each other, is there any justice!

The name of Motorola's deceased employee was Felix, a top student graduated from the University of Chicago. He is only 32 years old, and his son is less than one year old at this time. Let such an excellent person lose his life, and the crime of baozixuan increases a lot.

At this time, Felix's wife held her son and faced the representatives of GM and Ford. As a vase, he certainly knows what his husband's death means. Hearing that they can get huge compensation, they are planning how to maximize their interests.

The representatives of GM and Ford said in a low voice, "Mrs. Felix, your husband died while testing the car at Amazon. Such a tragedy could have been avoided. It was because some brands insisted that Dr. Felix died at a young age. This is not only the sorrow of the whole United States, but also a great loss in the history of human communication. "

I have to admire General Motors and Ford for the accidental death of an ordinary engineer; It is almost the same as the death of Newton and Einstein. In fact, it's easy to understand. If you don't say Felix so great, how can you make this woman make trouble in front of you.

Steamed stuffed bun Xuan has always been famous for her generosity. In front of her, this woman will definitely compromise in front of money. In that case, the effect of the death of two Americans will be greatly reduced. At most, it's just a little money. For the black cloud group, the most important thing may be money.

Mrs. Felix was a little confused at this time. After all, it was too sudden. This kind of blow is too big for a salesperson who has no education and was only a clothing store before. If you can't handle it well, you may not be able to keep the house you live in now. After all, it all depends on his husband, who is now unemployed at home.

Even idiots know that GM and Ford must have sent someone with bad intentions. After all, things have nothing to do with them, but more business competition.

The replacement of American military vehicles is noisy, although they take children at home. But I don't know anything. My husband is a polytechnic man and is very interested in these. I also know the competition among some industrial enterprises.

The other party just wants to use themselves to block the black cloud group. However, as long as you have money, you are still willing to help.

Her husband has died. It's no use saying anything now. The maximization of interests is the problem to be considered.

So the woman had a rare opinion and said firmly, "the competition for orders for American military vehicles has entered a white hot stage. The boss of the black cloud group has always been known for his generosity. What good will it do to me and my son if it goes on. "

Hearing this, the representatives of GM and Ford took a look at this beautiful woman with interest. The results of the survey are very inconsistent with each other. It seems that everyone will grow up. And after living with Felix for so long, he must have increased his knowledge a lot. Things are difficult, but the greedy eyes of the other party also let them see hope.

Mrs. Felix's name is emery. She is a shopping guide in a clothing store. Felix used to take care of the house before, and the two looked at each other like this. Although the family objected, after all, emery was not worthy of his identity; Motorola engineer with a doctorate from the University of Chicago.

But in the process of communication, the woman accidentally got pregnant, which makes things difficult. Finally, there was no way. The family had to compromise. It can be seen that emery is not only a vase, but also a very scheming woman.

This woman has dated many men before, including rich second generation and rich old men. It's just fun. I won't marry her at all. Felix may not have that much money, but it is definitely a potential stock. Motorola's top engineer is the envy of everyone.

Grasping each other has become the goal of struggle. It was in this case that Felix was quickly taken care of by the other party.

Since the other party likes money, it's easy to do; GM and Ford are well prepared for this. The representative said, "Mrs. Felix, these are not problems. GM and Ford will give you more, and it won't affect where you get benefits from the black cloud. I think this sincerity is enough. At least the two sides have the same interests. "

"We want things to get bigger, and you want more benefits. These two things are not contradictory and can even complement each other. "

Emery felt there was a door. It had nothing to do with GM and Ford. When the other party comes to the door so actively, he must want to stink his reputation. In that way, the two companies can get more orders for military vehicles from the Ministry of defense, which is a big deal.

And as the other party said, the black cloud group should pay no less. Some people give themselves money, why not!

Emery: "how much money can GM and Ford give me for activities?"

Hearing the woman mention money, GM and Ford representatives know that this is an opponent. It seems that the other party is not a simple vase. He knows what is best for him.

GM and Ford representatives said, "we just don't want black cloud to be better. We are not obliged to pay you any fees. However, in honor of Dr. Felix, we are willing to provide $200000 for the activity. This is an accidental gain and does not affect other aspects of compensation. "

$200000 is a huge sum of money, but this is by no means the bottom line of GM and Ford. Military vehicle orders are a business of more than 10 billion US dollars, for which the two enterprises have paid a lot before. The unexpected appearance of black cloud makes the military vehicle order variable. It seems that it can't control the overall situation, but no one dares to take the risk. At this point is to beat the most powerful competitor with a stick. Felix's accident is a perfect opportunity.

Emery: "I don't think I can do anything with this money. I'd better wait until the black cloud group comes! They should be responsible for Felix's accidents at work. "

Of course, you can't let black cloud contact each other first, which will surely spoil all your previous efforts. Baozixuan is bound to protect the mother and son and will not let them face the media for at least a short time.

And the words have been thought out. Mrs. Felix was hospitalized for treatment because of her sad transition. Black cloud has reached an agreement with his family to be kind to Felix's family.

The first step is to let the Felix family block up the dark cloud, and the orphan and widowed mother can get a lot of sympathy. The American women's and children's Association has to find black cloud trouble without others.

GM and Ford representatives: "Mrs. Felix thinks you're more or less satisfied."

This is a challenge. If you have too much appetite, you will die. Even without a brain, I know that many things can't be done. The money of GM and Ford is not so easy to take, especially the money for no reason.

Emery thought for a moment and said, "one million dollars is a reasonable figure. Our mother and son also have to live, and it's nothing for military vehicle orders. "

The woman is very clever and knows the depth. In this way, the two sides soon reached an agreement; GM and Ford immediately picked up the mother and son. Before leaving, there was an extra $1 million in emery's bank account, provided that it was coordinated with the next series of actions.