Brigadier general; Military rank, general rank and the lowest rank of general officers are between colonel and major general, higher than colonel. From the actual situation, the senior colonel of China should be on the same level as the Brigadier General of Britain, but lower than the Brigadier General of the United States and other countries. Brigadier general is the lowest rank among general officers in some countries. This rank does not exist in the military rank system of some countries.

At this time, Brigadier General bout in Ian Wright's mouth was on an inspection tour in heiyun in order to understand the research and development of new military vehicles. Brigadier general bout is an unpopular presence in the Ministry of defense, otherwise it would be impossible to come to the black cloud. It's strange to send such a person to you when it's generally believed that black cloud is dead.

To brigadier general bout's surprise, the black cloud car extended a warm welcome to his arrival. Not only did John Chambers greet him at the door, but baozixuan personally introduced the preparation of heiyun car.

Brigadier general bout, who has always been unpopular in the army, was moved. At least now he feels respect. As a veteran, he is not a man who knows neither good nor bad. Respect is mutual. Besides, he has heard the name of baozixuan more than once.

Bao Zixuan smiled and said, "welcome general bout to visit heiyun. We have been looking forward to your arrival for a long time. In terms of military vehicle research and development, I also hope that the Ministry of national defense can give some guidance and advice, otherwise it will really be a closed door car. "

Bout, as a Vietnam War veteran, has seen some big scenes. And Colonel Freiburg also communicated with him. Before coming over, he also investigated the information of heiyun and baozixuan. The boy is a ghost in front of us. We should be very careful in the process of communication.

Bout: "Mr. Bao is joking. Your name is like thunder. Come here to see the research and development progress of the new military vehicle of heiyun. You are an expert in this field. Why should I guide you? "

For sending bout over, baozixuan knew and got the news in advance. Provided by Colonel Freiburg, Maotai is gradually playing a role.

Colonel Freiburg's evaluation of him is mixed, including courage in battle and lack of flexibility in the workplace. In short, this person is difficult to get along with, especially the rich.

It doesn't look like what Colonel Freiburg said, but it's better to be careful.

It can be said that both of them have their own ghosts and want to see what happens to each other.

Bao Zixuan: "general bout, would you like to listen to our report first or visit the workshop directly; Take a macro look at the R & D progress. "

I know the old boy's educational level is not high. He is a famous old man in the US Army. In order to avoid embarrassment, it's better to put forward the black cloud first; It can also be regarded as giving each other a step down.

Brigadier general bout didn't expect baozixuan to be a director, so he smiled and said, "I prefer to be direct. I'd better go to the workshop to see the R & D Progress of military vehicles."

"Mr. Bao is so confident that he will not let people down."

Under the leadership of Bao Shoufu, several people came to the parts manufacturing workshop. At this time, the main body of the military vehicle has been made. Although it is only a shell, it still brings a great shock to bout.

But from the modeling point of view, the new military vehicle of heiyun can crush all military vehicles seen before. Although the shape does not determine anything, the powerful and domineering shape can still increase the combat effectiveness of soldiers to a certain extent.

Bao Zixuan smiled and said, "general bout is an expert. What do you think of our military car?"

Waking up from the shock, bout hurriedly said, "well, heiyun's automobile R & D ability really deserves its reputation. Even if the performance is not good, the sales of this car will not be bad. There are still many people in the world who belong to the appearance Association, which shows how important beauty is. "

"By the way, I really want to know the name of this car."

I must know what to ask, and baozixuan knows that it won't be long to hide. It's better to be straightforward than to hide.

Bao Zixuan: "the name of this military vehicle is George Patton. It is mainly developed by combining the speed of General Patton's jeep and the armor concept of tank."

In the United States, as long as they are pure soldiers, they basically worship General Patton. Brigadier general bout was not immune from vulgarity, and he admired it in his heart. Now I hear the name of the military vehicle is George Patton. I know that the boy baozixuan has a big plan. Now it is difficult for the Ministry of defense to ignore this military vehicle from the name alone. Moreover, the appearance is still so domineering. GM and Ford have a little understanding of the scheme. It can be said that it is not comparable with black cloud at all.

As a veteran, he prefers to use the military vehicle black cloud.

What he didn't understand was how baozixuan got in touch with the Patton family. The media reported the purpose of going to the George Patton memorial before, and now the answer can finally be revealed.

The Ministry of defense is also worried about the Barton family. Now it seems that the two sides have completed the interest binding. Caspar Weinberg is destined to be disappointed, and military vehicle orders have new variables. This is not necessarily a bad thing for himself, but heiyun car arranges him to connect and be responsible.

Bout: "the name is very good. No wonder Mr. Bao went to the General George Patton memorial to get authorization. It really deserves the name of General Patton in appearance, but not in performance. Even if the Pattons agree, the American soldiers will not agree. "

Bao Zixuan: "the performance will certainly meet the technical requirements of the Ministry of national defense for new military vehicles, and will be improved as much as possible. The investment of heiyun automobile in technology research and development is absolutely the best in the world. "

"The 340 horsepower engine is no problem driving medium-sized tanks."

No matter how much you can tell him, Bao Shoufu was caught off guard when he wanted to hit the U.S. military, GM and Ford. At this time, it is impossible to expose too many technical secrets, especially in auxiliary power equipment.

Bout: "when will the black cloud military vehicle be assembled?"

This is a reasonable question. After all, the Ministry of defense is the purchaser. But at this time, there is a bit of temptation. Want to know when black cloud can be produced, and then adjust the scheme according to the situation of black cloud.

Even if you know the purpose of others, you should answer. It's a conspiracy, and it doesn't matter if it's blatant.

Bao Zixuan: "a week, but heiyun needs to be strictly tested before it can be handed over to the Ministry of national defense. If problems are found, they should be solved within the enterprise first, which is good for everyone, and the Ministry of defense can save a lot of trouble. "

After turning around without seeing anything famous, Brigadier General bout left the black cloud car.

In fact, he is not the only one. The Ministry of defense has sent all teams to return to life. The results of the investigation should be summarized, and the generals should make a written report to Secretary of defense Caspar Weinberg.

The military has always been very efficient, as is the case in that country.

Seeing that several groups had returned, Caspar Weinberg held an emergency meeting. He wanted to know the situation of each enterprise for the first time. To put it bluntly, he didn't want to have an accident.

It's natural to take money to do things. At this time, he must be inclined, or everyone will follow bad luck. American capitalists are not considerate. At that time, it will not be as simple as giving back money and losing some interests.

Caspar Weinberg: "you have worked hard these days, but now is not the time to relax. I hope you share the information and plan your response. "

With a look in his eyes, Ian Wright immediately understood what it meant.

Ian Wright: "GM and Ford attach great importance to new military vehicles and have entered the assembly stage. It can be completed in three days. After testing, it can be handed over to the Ministry of national defense for vehicle inspection. "

From the current data, the performance can basically meet the requirements. It's just worse in power storage, and engineers are looking for solutions. It will continue to pay attention, which is definitely not to delay the replacement progress of military vehicles.

The protagonists are GM and Ford. At this time, the two enterprises are basically ready, so things will be much easier to do. As for other car companies, it is not so important.

Since it is a meeting, everyone must speak. On the surface, Americans are doing well.

Later, in the past, the military generals of Chrysler, Carter and oskash made reports respectively, and they will be allocated some military vehicle shares. It is still necessary to make a brief report.

Brigadier general bout knew it was his turn and was still unpopular as usual, or he would not be allowed to report last. It seems that he is as embarrassed as heiyun automobile in the Ministry of defense.

The only difference is that heiyun group is well-known all over the world; The technical strength is the best in the world, and he has no foundation. Since you are unpopular, the best choice is not to say anything.

So brigadier general bout said a few words lightly and guessed that baozixuan had something to hide from him. And from each other's eyes, I see self-confidence and the inevitable. But I just don't want the bureaucrats of the Ministry of defense to know that it will be very fun when heiyun automobile competes with Ford and GM.

Brigadier general bout didn't know that he didn't report seriously, not even the name of heiyun's new military vehicle. Ian Wright almost resigned, and Secretary of defense Caspar Weinberg was forced by Reagan.

At that time, even if some names were said, the top level of the Ministry of defense would pay enough attention to them. After all, the Patton family will not easily authorize the name of General George Patton for honor. Without understanding the powerful performance of military vehicles, it is difficult to buy off this family with more money.