The headline of the front page of the Soviet Pravda newspaper reported that "the intelligence leader became the commander-in-chief of NATO's European allies". This paper introduces in detail Stansfield Turner's resume and the impact he will bring to the Soviet Union. The high level of the Soviet Union immediately convened an emergency meeting to discuss countermeasures.

During the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union, the service of any military equipment and the mobilization of any senior general; Will affect each other's nerves. Stansfield Turner, the former director of the CIA, was the commander-in-chief of NATO's European allies at this time. No one knows whether it will break the strategic balance and what changes it will bring to the international pattern.

Andropov, struggling with his illness, appeared at the meeting. This made the Soviet high-level realize his importance. After all, the supreme leader has not appeared for a long time. Chernenko is responsible for many affairs, which shows that the next generation of leaders of the Soviet Union have been determined.

Andropov looked at the Soviet leadership next to him, and his heart was inevitably sad. In the Brezhnev era, the life-long system of leading cadres was restored, making the average age of the central decision-making level of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union more than 70 years old, which is a typical old-age politics.

But Andropov had no choice, even as the supreme leader of the Soviet Union, he had his own helplessness. He was worried that he would follow Khrushchev's old path. It would be difficult to end well in that way.

Among the successive leaders of the Soviet Union, Khrushchev was the most legendary man. When the sculptor carved his tombstone after his death, he deliberately spliced two black and white stones together. The tombstone reads: "the advantages and disadvantages of his life are just like the combination of black and white".

Khrushchev was also a leader with a great spirit of reform. In the official history of the Soviet Union, Khrushchev was forced to step down because the reform was not popular. In fact, on the contrary, Khrushchev's reforms are beneficial to the Soviet people, and the Soviet people have no right to let Khrushchev step down at all. There is no doubt that Khrushchev touched the interests of the Soviet Bureaucratic group.

After Khrushchev came to power, he made great adjustments to the term of office system of officials, abolished the lifelong system of cadres in the Soviet Union and adopted the method of cadre rotation system. This was undoubtedly a big thunderbolt for Soviet officials. Khrushchev announced that 70% of Soviet officials would be assessed and replaced. So the senior cadres of the Soviet Union united against Khrushchev and claimed that Khrushchev was stealing the fruits of the labor of the Soviet people. Khrushchev must be ousted and the Soviet Union saved!

In October 1964, while Khrushchev was on vacation, senior cadres lobbied Khrushchev's secretary Brezhnev to lure Khrushchev back. When Khrushchev came back, he saw only the accusations of a group of people and asked Khrushchev, "why do you do this? You keep saying for the sake of the Soviet people, but what good do you do for the Soviet people? " In the face of "forced Palace", Khrushchev had to choose to retire on his own initiative. After retirement, he was still under close surveillance. Seven years later, Khrushchev died sadly.

After Brezhnev came to power, he wantonly built sanatoriums for officials and further improved the lifelong system of officials and various welfare systems.

Andropov is also a very innovative figure, which is possible if his body allows. Knowing that the deadline is coming, I dare not make too many big moves at all. Even less dare to attack veteran cadres. At this time, it may not be so correct to recall that Khrushchev forced the palace.

The lifelong system of leading cadres not only plunged the Soviet Union into an old-age political pattern, but also had a great impact on the country. People will inevitably be confused when they are old, and they can't keep up with their energy, which makes it difficult for the decision-making made by the Soviet Union to be implemented. After the central order is issued, local implementation will also be greatly reduced.

This is also the reason why most Soviet leaders died in their term of office. After all, there is no way for their successors to succeed until they die.

Andropov did not speak, and several other senior leaders of the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party did not speak. After all, before the supreme leader speaks, others dare not meddle.

When the Secretary saw it, he quickly reminded Andropov. The Secretary knew the leader's physical condition and thought he had made an old mistake; This is top secret to the Soviet Union. At this time, we can't leak the horse's feet, otherwise we don't know what to think below.

Andropov smiled and said, "people are old and have little energy. As high-level leaders of the country, you should share more. "

That's what I said, but no one dares to continue. As long as Andropov is still in office, others should not have redundant ideas. And the other party has a KGB background. A bad one will cause death.

The most embarrassing person is definitely Chernenko. Although he was his successor, Andropov was still there. If the performance is too obvious, don't you want something to happen to the other party!

Chernenko hurriedly said: "Comrade * * * Don't say that. The Soviet people still need your leadership; The whole alliance also needs to follow your instructions. You are our backbone. Seeing you today gives us a lot of peace of mind. With your leadership, the United States and NATO are not worried at all. "

The old boy's EQ is not low, and the position of successor is not so easy to do, which is true in any country.

Hearing what Chernenko said, other senior leaders began to agree.

As the only ruling party of the Soviet Union and the supreme leader of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the post of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union has great power. In the conclusion of his memoir, Secretary Gorbachev wrote: "when I served as the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, my power was comparable to that of an autocratic emperor.

As long as Andropov is alive, his orders must be carried out unconditionally, and his instructions must be observed.

Although he knew that few people were sincere, Andropov was still very happy. At least it shows that he is still the supreme leader of the Soviet Union and can control this huge country.

Andropov: "Comrade Victor Mikhailovich chybrikov, give us a briefing."

Victor Mikhailovich chebrikov was born in 1923 in a working family in Dnepropetrovsk. He went to the famous Dnepropetrovsk Institute of metallurgy, the melting pot of state senior cadres in the Brezhnev era. He joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1944. From 1968 to 1982, Victor Mikhailovich chbrikov served as vice chairman of the KGB. In December 1982, Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov took over the post of chairman of the KGB.

Andropov was still at ease with his old subordinate.

During the cold war, the two most powerful intelligence agencies, KGB chairman chebrikov, confronted general Turner, an old opponent; But quite familiar.

Chebrikov said seriously: "the European Allied Supreme Command refers to one of the three commands under the Military Commission of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Headquartered in castor, Belgium. "

"The Supreme Commander is a U.S. general and also the commander in chief of the U.S. armed forces in Europe. It has the central European Command (in brenm, the Netherlands), the Nordic command in corsos, Norway, the southern European Command in Naples, Italy, the United Kingdom air force command in heiwicombe, England, and the European allied mobile force command in zekenheim, Germany, The responsible defense area includes the European contracting states of NATO except Britain and Portugal and the Mediterranean waters. "

"Before that, Admiral Stansfield Turner served as the commander of NATO's allies in southern Europe, and it is understandable that he was promoted to the commander-in-chief of NATO's allies with each other's qualifications."

"But Turner has another identity to note. He has served as director of the CIA for four years. He is our old opponent."

"At present, the United States has not received effective intelligence on a series of operations, so it is unable to make effective judgments. However, the purpose of making Turner the commander-in-chief of NATO's allies in Europe must be to confront the great Soviet Union. "

"This man has his own uniqueness in intelligence and military command, and his strength should not be underestimated. The KGB has ordered U.S. and European personnel to fully investigate and believe that the results will be obtained soon. "

"But there was one thing that people didn't understand, just before general Turner was appointed commander-in-chief of NATO's European allies. He also participated in a TV program, which analyzed the replacement of military vehicles in the United States and where the black cloud Group acquired so many retired military vehicles to sell. "

"After the show, Admiral Turner took up an important post. Whether there is relevance here is still under investigation. "

Reagan's unexpected move, however, kept the intelligence agencies of various countries busy. Especially in the Soviet KGB, Admiral Turner's identity is too sensitive, and he is always worried if he does not investigate clearly. But the intelligence information is limited, and it is impossible to analyze what Americans mean.

The KGB had no choice but to intensify its efforts, exposing many intelligence personnel. Even Reagan didn't expect any unexpected joy. It was unintentional.

Reagan was also feeling at this time; It would have been better if he had been the commander-in-chief of NATO's European allies as soon as he became president.

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