Although the press conference is over, there is still a lot of work to be done in the follow-up. Not only do newspaper reporters have to go back to write manuscripts, but radio and television companies also have to find critics to comment on and analyze arms sales. This is a good time for so-called experts to earn entrance fees and increase popularity; No one will miss it easily.

The three major radio and television companies are still counting the ratings. It can be said that the ratings all over the world are very gratifying. Even higher than our trump card program, much higher than expected.

When it comes to reaction speed, ABC Radio and television company is the first. They began to organize expert discussions less than 10 minutes after the live broadcast. The replacement of military vehicles by the Ministry of defense and where 300000 military vehicles purchased by heiyun group will be sold.

ABC exclusively revealed the inside story of the purchase of retired military vehicles by heiyun group, which aroused thousands of waves for a while. If it is other radio and television companies or newspaper media, the credibility is not so high. Baozixuan did flirt with ABC Radio and television beauty anchor Alice at the press conference. The beauty anchor may get any inside information.

After Alice arrived at ABC Radio and television's Washington studio, the seminar began immediately. Good professional quality makes it unnecessary to prepare at all.

In the studio, Nixon was the chief translator and expert on Chinese issues when he visited China. At this time, he also served as the US envoy to China, and Fu Limin just returned home to report on his work. ABC Radio and television company was so skilled that they invited him over.

In addition, Stansfield Turner, a Middle East expert and former director of the CIA, also appeared in the studio.

Stansfield Turner was born in 1923, Admiral and the 10th director of the CIA. Attach importance to technical information and despise human information. Served as director of the CIA for four years and accompanied Carter for a full term.

Stansfield Turner was born into a British immigrant family in Chicago. Graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis in 1946, he was once the captain of minesweepers and destroyers. He participated in the war of aggression against Vietnam in 1968 and served as the commander of the aircraft carrier task force of the Sixth Fleet in 1970. In 1972, he was president of the Naval Military Academy in Newport, Rhode Island. In 1974, he served as commander of the second fleet of the Navy and commander of the Atlantic assault force of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. In 1975, he was promoted to Admiral and served as commander-in-chief of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's European Union Army in the south.

He and Jimmy Carter were classmates at the Naval Academy in 1943. At the 1971 classmate meeting, Carter admired Turner as fleet commander, and Turner admired Carter as governor. The two heroes admire each other.

As soon as Carter became president in 1976, he recalled Turner and let him succeed Bush as director of Central Intelligence in 1977. With his strong military character and close relationship with the president. Turner carried out drastic reform of the intelligence community and fired 820 old agents at the CIA. Known as the Halloween massacre, in order to narrow the scope of covert work. Change the focus of work and establish the authority of the director of Central Intelligence in the United States. In charge of all activities and funds, with the exception of the FBI.

After Republican Ronald Wilson Reagan became president in 1981, Turner left the CIA because of his relationship with Carter.

In addition to another military expert of ABC television, four people appeared in the studio of ABC Radio and television; This combination makes everyone feel incredible.

ABC TV station is too capable. Fu Limin can understand it. After all, it is normal for the other party, as an envoy to China, to analyze the situation in China and let the American people know.

Stansfield Turner is a admiral and former director of the CIA. He involves a lot of confidentiality principles. Such people can appear on TV for interview and analysis programs. It's hard to imagine how much ABC paid for the appearance.

Stansfield Turner appeared in ABC studio, and the high appearance fee is one aspect. It is also because of dissatisfaction with the situation encountered recently. When Reagan came to power, Admiral Turner was completely marginalized, not only losing his position as director of the CIA; There are no specific positions in the Navy.

In what way, Stansfield Turner also served as the commander-in-chief of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's European Union Army in South Africa. He is only 60 years old now. It's the time to make a career, but there's no place to play at this time. Admiral Turner, who always thinks he has strong ability and great ability, is very unconvinced.

Reagan can't be bothered in other ways. The White House can't control the situation by analyzing the situation on TV. This is why I agreed to ABC's invitation to serve as an expert commentator.

The American people also want to know what the mysterious China is. After all, the previous propaganda and political tendency was too strong. After the establishment of diplomatic relations, it is impossible to slander as before. The most important thing is that the people will not believe it, so it is urgent to find someone to give a detailed introduction to China. U.S. envoy to China and Chinese expert Fu Limin is obviously a suitable person.

As for another so-called expert, it has become the least valued existence at this time.

In fact, this military expert named Jimmy Walt still has some skills. Previously, he introduced that the United States was right in Vietnam and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and his analysis was quite accurate; It also attracted a large audience. Just compared with two big coffee level figures; Whether in popularity or insight, there should be a great difference; This time it's more like a soy sauce.

Just two other TV stations have broadcast other programs, and newspaper reporters are still on their way back. ABC Radio and television broadcast an interview program called "secrets behind retired military vehicles".

This is the hottest topic at present. Once broadcast, ABC Radio and television ratings will rise immediately. Previously, the Ministry of defense held a press conference and three radio and television companies had to share the ratings. At this time, the other two did not broadcast similar programs at all, and everyone was attracted to ABC Radio and television channel.

No matter what the program content is, the program planning of ABC Radio and television company is absolutely classic. At least it can be written into the textbook of journalism, and everyone will not doubt it. Specially invited two big people to sit down. In addition, it was hosted by the beautiful anchor who had just bet with Bao Zixuan. It's difficult for the program to be popular.

At this time, Alice was dressed in a white women's suit, showing the style of working women incisively and vividly. This dress has just been changed in the car. ABC staff are racing against the same time.

We all know that if it takes too long. Other companies can reverse the taste, and the competition will be very fierce. The audience will also lose patience. Only strike while the iron is hot can the best effect be achieved. Everything, including time and personnel, is carefully calculated. No wonder ABC has developed rapidly in recent years, which is directly related to the efficient work of the management.

Alice said to the camera, "Hello, I'm your old friend Alice. Just finished the interview at the Ministry of defense. Next, let's analyze the black cloud group; Why buy retired US weapons and equipment? What are the unknown secrets. However, I am not qualified to analyze it. After all, I know very little about military issues. "

"In the studio, we have the honor to invite three heavyweight guests, and it will definitely surprise the audience."

"First of all, allow me to introduce the first guest; That is general Stansfield Turner, former director of the CIA, former commander-in-chief of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's European Union Army in South Africa and American admiral. "

Turner's appearance in ABC's studio is an explosive news in itself. The Admiral can also understand that the other party is also the former director of the CIA and has a lot of confidential information. Such people had strict restrictions, and even Reagan didn't expect Turner to appear in front of the TV.

This is unique in American history. It can be said that both ABC and Turner have created a precedent.

After admiral Turner briefly greeted the audience, Alice began to introduce the next one.

The rhythm is deliberately slow, just to let more people know ABC's TV programs; So as to increase the audience rating.

Alice continued, "the second heavyweight guest is Mr. Fu Limin, Minister of the United States of America in China, an expert on Chinese issues."

"Mr. Fu Limin began to study Chinese culture when he was young. He served as the chief translator during President Nixon's visit to China. I know China, a mysterious oriental country, very well; Baozixuan invested in China and purchased retired weapons and equipment from the United States this time. Whether it will be sold to China, we still need to listen to the analysis of professionals. "

"The third is Mr. Jimmy water, a well-known military expert of ABC Radio and television."

This combination is really suitable. At this time, all the audience sitting in front of the TV have this feeling. ABC took great pains to find the four people on the TV; Analyzing the recycling of retired weapons and equipment by heiyun group, people can't find any problems.