Baozixuan is very pleased that as long as the country is aware of the gap. Then, with the talent accumulation of China, I believe we can develop the third-generation machine in a few years. As an aviation engineer, I certainly know that Huaxia needs to overcome those technical difficulties in developing the third generation aircraft. But some words can't be said by him. They need to be put forward by the other party.

This is not steamed stuffed bun Xuan's affectation, but can't break his words. You should save some face for others, or you won't look good on your face.

Bao Shoufu smiled and said, "I don't know much about China's current weapons and equipment. I should be very anxious to hear you say so. As a Chinese, it is certainly incumbent on me to help the country. If you need me or heiyun group to do anything, please say it directly. You know my character. At the same time, as a soldier, you should be very straightforward. There are no outsiders here. Please tell me if you have any needs. "

Baozixuan dare not say that the Chinese air force is still making an article on MiG-21. After all, it is a state secret. How did he, a businessman, know that he had planted spies in mainland China. It's not just looking for trouble. At the same time, it will bring trouble to yourself and the enterprise. It's better for Zhao Haijun to say something himself. As a military personnel who often go out to the field, of course, he knows what to say and what to say. There are still some standards.

Knowing that baozixuan was confused, Zhao Haijun was still very happy. It proved that the young man came to China to do business and had no other ideas. Now the black cloud group has entered the military industry, and many things have to be prevented.

Zhao Haijun said with a smile, "it's fun to communicate with Mr. Bao. I really have something to discuss this time. The Chinese military is preparing to study the third generation fighter, so it hopes to cooperate with the black cloud group. It is mainly hoped that heiyun group can send engineers to mainland China to jointly develop the aeroengine, override system and avionics equipment of the third generation fighter. "

Baozixuan is a little embarrassed to hear this. After all, a case is widely spread in Luoluo company. The Spey engine is a good proof; He dare not take risks.

Spey engine is the first turbofan jet engine developed by British Luo Luo company in the 1960s. At that time; The invention of Spey jet engine is a major breakthrough in mechanical engineering. The most important thing is that it has excellent performance compared with other jet engines of the same era.

Even the arrogant Americans have bought Spey's patents and built a production line in the United States to meet the demand.

In the 1970s, China made a breakthrough in its relations with western countries. At the instigation of the US emperor, the leader of the Western alliance, some western developed countries took the initiative to invite Chinese personnel to visit their military enterprises. In July 1973, the British government announced that it would export Spey engines to China.

Two years later, the actual work officially began. British RORO company has sent dozens of aviation power engineers to participate in the localization of Spey engine in China.

At first, British aviation engineers were also full of goodwill for the warm hospitality to China and had some illusions about completing the task and returning to the UK as soon as possible. Soon after, the colored soap bubbles blown by both sides burst.

At that time, Huaxia planned to take two steps. First, it would take three years to learn how to use imported parts to assemble qualified Spey, and then five years to realize localization.

British personnel found that most of the Chinese technicians had been trained in the assembly of Soviet jet engines, but they were obviously very inexperienced. A translator told them that Soviet experts had only stayed for two years and suddenly ran away, while Chinese technicians had just learned a little Russian.

More than 10000 spare parts of the Spey jet engine were shipped. It took two months to store them by category. The Chinese side insisted on arranging how to store the parts according to their opinions.

In the assembly of parts, the Chinese factory has established a working team of hundreds of people, divided into several competitive groups. The relationship between the group leaders is not harmonious. They often quarrel at meetings, and do not listen to the opinions of foreign experts. Although British experts are widely involved in specific work, they are often consciously excluded on some occasions.

According to an expert, it is not easy to get along with their workers and engineers. In addition to the language barrier, I always feel that there are intangible things in the air across us. The person in charge blushes when talking to us. He always looks at these white people from afar with strange eyes. Many meetings don't inform us to attend... "

At the beginning, the working groups had high morale and scrambled to catch up with the progress. They carried out the assembly work according to their imagination and lax translation. After scrapping an engine, they were obviously severely criticized by their superiors; The assembly work stopped for a whole month.

In the factory, the most contact with British technicians is Chinese translators, who desperately want to get some secrets from the British population, while Chinese technicians are prohibited from contacting British technicians after work. According to British experts, these translators later became technical leaders and witnessed them speak at the conference.

Chinese technicians underestimated the difficulty of Spey engine assembly, worked with the set of tools and methods left by the Soviet Union, and soon lost their position in front of more sophisticated western parts. It took several months to import machine tools and tools produced in Western Europe.

The British originally planned to assemble the first Spey engine in five months, but later changed it to seven months. In fact, it took more than a year.

In 1979, earth shaking changes took place in China, which forced the imitation of Spey engine to stop. At this time, the test run of the Chinese assembled Spey engine in the UK has just been successful.

Baozixuan knows that the success of localization of Spey engine will wait until 27 years later!

Although there is an essential difference from the 1970s, most of the heiyun aviation engineers are European and American. There will certainly be some maladjustment to working there, and there may also be the problems of Luoluo company in that year. If not done well, it will also affect relations with the Chinese mainland.

You know, only baozixuan, a super genius, can subdue the engineers of heiyun group. They won't work according to the opinions of Huaxia. All this is troublesome, so baozixuan dare not try.

Baozixuan thought for a moment and said, "joint research and development is OK. After all, the third generation aircraft is related to China's national defense secrets. The vast majority of the aviation engineers of heiyun group are European and American, and there is a risk of disclosure. I dare not take this risk. If there is a problem, I will be the sinner of the nation, and I can't redeem his sin even if I die. "

"Black cloud group is ready to enter the research and development of third-generation machines. Of course, the project has not been approved yet. However, the third generation fighter engine has been successfully developed. If the country needs it, heiyun group can sell it at cost price. In addition, avionics equipment and control system are very important, so it's better to study them yourself. Black cloud group can open some technologies free of charge. There is only so much I can do. "

Zhao Haijun is embarrassed to say that he has jointly developed three generations of aircraft, but heiyun group can even develop HH-01 ghost stealth aircraft. The third generation machine is an absolute high-tech in mainland China, which is an insurmountable technological peak in the short term. But it is not enough to see in front of the black cloud group. In addition, baozixuan is a recognized aviation expert in the world, which is not difficult for others.

Joint R & D is more about relying on the technology of black cloud group; Now baozixuan refused. It sounded very reasonable. Zhao Haijun didn't know how to refute for a moment.

In fact, there is one thing Zhao Haijun didn't say, which would be more embarrassing. It is a technical expert from China who proposed to jointly develop bombers with heiyun or upgrade existing bombers.

The HH-01 ghost fighter bomber of heiyun group is already the best fighter bomber in the world and has been rated as a leader by the media. This is the existence of the era for 20 years. At this time, it is not obvious that he Shang has lice on his head to propose to jointly develop bombers with his family.

Of course, we can't say what experts are like, but we should admire them. Chinese people in this era are very dedicated and think that baozixuan is Chinese; Good technology should be shared.

Seeing baozixuan's firm attitude, Zhao Haijun didn't continue to insist. Maybe people also have difficulties to hide. Even for the sake of the country, they can't go too far.

Now it's good to be able to provide engines. There's no need to ask for anything. Black cloud group is an enterprise. It certainly needs to make money. It can sell aeroengines at cost price and provide some technologies free of charge; It's already very rare. Ordinary businessmen don't have this consciousness.