Little MacDonald left hangar 13 with a satisfactory answer, which made people from other airlines feel a trace of conspiracy and pressure. If black cloud and McDonnell Douglas, steamed stuffed bun Xuan and little MacDonald come together, what does it mean? I can't imagine. One has strong technical accumulation, but poor management; A powerful, but also the world's super genius.

No one doubts that the two companies cooperate to produce the space shuttle. Many companies are ready to do bad things, but we can't let black cloud and McDonnell Douglas intersect. Especially Boeing, the military aircraft project can not compete with McDonnell Douglas and Lockheed. At present, it is only the overlord of the civil market. If heiyun and McDonnell Douglas enter the field of civil super large passenger aircraft together, Boeing's Jianghu status will not be guaranteed.

It's not impossible. You know, heiyun has just completed the test flight of 919 airliner. Little MacDonald went straight over; It must be for the civil airliner. Boeing has demonstrated that the three engine airliner has inherent deficiencies, and McDonnell Douglas's efforts in this regard are self suicide. But baozixuan is not little MacDonald. It is impossible to make such a mistake. It seems that administrative means can be used to intervene when necessary, and the two companies must not cooperate. This is the real idea of Boeing.

The flights of various aircraft manufacturers appeared one after another, and finally it was the turn of general dynamics, one of baozixuan's most feared opponents. And this time they brought the ace product, the most successful fighter F16 in the world.

F-16 fighter; Nickname: Battle falcon, is a US air force jet multipurpose fighter.

The F-16 fighter is a single seat and single engine layout. It is the third generation or the third generation and a half fighter of the United States. It is one of the most successful fighters in the world. Based on the air combat experience of the Vietnam War, the fighter has greatly optimized the combat performance within the visual range. It is the first fighter in the United States that can carry out 9g overload maneuver. It is also one of the first fighters in the United States to adopt wire flight control and ergonomic cockpit. In addition, the "energy maneuver theory" is referred to in the design, which has the performance characteristics of high thrust weight ratio and low wing load. Starting from the batch 15 of F-16A / B block, the F-16 has been improved for multi-purpose. It has the night combat capability and the ability to launch surface to surface missiles and anti-ship missiles, and has become a multi-purpose fighter.

The announcer said, "the F-16A is developed by general dynamics. The maximum mounting capacity of the aircraft is 6800kg; Assemble a P & wf100-pw-200 turbofan engine; The engine thrust reaches an amazing 11350kg; Maximum level flight speed: Mach 2.0; Maximum climbing rate: 15240m / min; Maximum range: 3890km. "

"At the same time, the aircraft is equipped with a fire control radar with a maximum detection range of 185km and an electronic countermeasure system; Infrared decoys, jamming wire spreaders, and electronic countermeasure pods. "

"One fixed armed gem61a120mm mechanism gun; Weapon hanging point: one at the left and right wing ends and three under the wing; Belly hanging point I; Count nine hanging points. "

After listening to the announcer's introduction, everyone will think that this is an aircraft armed to the teeth. F-16 is a single engine, single seat light fighter developed by General Dynamics for the US air force. It is mainly used in air combat and short-range air support. It is one of the main types of aircraft of the US air force. After the cold war, the US Air Force's demand for military aircraft decreased. General Dynamics announced in December 1992 that it sold the F-16 production line to Lockheed.

General dynamics is definitely a strong competitor, selling more than 5000 F-16 aircraft technology and production lines may be due to government intervention. I don't want to let the company dominate. It may also be a balance. You should know that general dynamics is in an absolute dominant position in the field of military aeroengines, even RORO can't catch up with it.

If you have strong aircraft design and manufacturing capacity, will you give life to other companies! It is a serious violation of the Sherman Act, and it makes sense to sell the F-16 project.

In the next decade, the F-16 fighter still belongs to general dynamics, so we must face it seriously. Sure enough, military purchasers from all over the world came to the hangar where general dynamics was located and wanted to get the plane at the first time.

GM's aircraft has just completed its test flight, and another powerful opponent is about to appear.

At this time, Lockheed has not merged with Martin Marietta company, but even such strength can not be underestimated. In particular, the skunk factory made the Soviets very afraid. The aircraft of the black cloud group only win in innovation. If it is really much worse than the technical reserve and the same family.

C-5 conveyor; Code: Galaxy; It is a large strategic military transport aircraft produced by Lockheed company and the largest strategic transport aircraft of the US air force.

C-5 transport aircraft can carry super large cargo all over the world and take off and land in a relatively short distance. Ground staff can load and unload at the front and rear doors of C-5 at the same time.

The C-5 and C-17 are partners in the strategic transportation concept of the U.S. Air Mobility Command. With its strong carrying capacity, it can carry large-scale goods all over the world, take off and land in a relatively short distance, and provide air transportation for AMC. They can arrive anywhere in the world at any time with fully armed combat forces to provide field support for combat forces.

The announcer said, "the C-5 Galaxy transport plane; 5 crew members; The cargo hold size is 36.91m × 5.79 meters × 4.09M; Volume: 985.29 m3; Empty weight 169 tons; The maximum takeoff weight is 379 tons; Load capacity: 118 tons; The maximum flight speed is 919 km / h; Practical ceiling 10895m; The maximum load range is 9165 kilometers. "

The transport plane mainly depends on how many things it can carry. At most, it depends on the speed and range. In these respects, the C-5 galaxy has no problems at all.

However, baozixuan was puzzled that the U.S. government would agree to Lockheed's export strategic transport aircraft. What the hell is going on, but we need to investigate it in detail.

In fact, this has a lot to do with the black cloud group, precisely because of the emergence of ground effect aircraft. After a detailed understanding of the performance of Xiangjiang monster ground effect aircraft, the U.S. military found that the so-called strategic transport aircraft in active service in the United States have no advantages over Xiangjiang ground effect aircraft. Black cloud group sells ground effect aircraft in large quantities all over the world, which makes a lot of money. If the U.S. government controls the strategic transport aircraft and does not allow exports, it will end up empty.

It is no problem to restrict domestic aircraft enterprises from exporting, but heiyun group has no right to restrict the export of ground effect aircraft. It is against this background that the US military agreed to liberalize export restrictions. At the same time, it also has a great relationship with Lockheed's economic situation, and the company's capital reserves are seriously insufficient.

We should know that Lockheed has not yet merged with Martin Marietta company, and the government supports it more because of the skunk factory. But Lockheed's aircraft have high technology content, but the output is not large. It is not enough to support the follow-up model research and development, so we can only ask the government and the military for help.

The money of the U.S. government is owned by taxpayers, and there is considerable competition among major aircraft manufacturers. The military does not dare to support Lockheed endlessly, so Boeing, general dynamics, McDonnell Douglas and Pratt Whitney must have opinions. Therefore, the best way is to let enterprises have enough order support, which is the long-term plan.

This allowed Lockheed to export the C-5 Galaxy strategic transport aircraft, but these outsiders did not know it.

No country dares to belittle the C-5 Galaxy strategic transport aircraft. You know, it's the aircraft that defeated the Boeing 747 prototype. The strength of its own performance can be imagined, but it has a fatal attraction for countries lacking strategic transportation power.

In fact, baozixuan likes this strategic transport aircraft very much. You know, during the service of C-5 Galaxy strategic transport aircraft in half a century, there were only two accidents; And not all the people in the cabin were killed. There are still many people in the plane. This data alone is not available for ordinary planes.

Lockheed's aircraft have always been sought after by the market, which is closely related to flight safety and performance stability. This is an indisputable fact. Although it is a competitor, we should face other people's advantages and our own shortcomings.

Bao Shoufu doesn't know what's going on today. The two most feared opponents appear at the same time. But it's normal to think about it carefully; Whether it's general dynamics or Lockheed. As long as the black cloud group wants to enter the aviation industry; You have to face it, sooner or later.

Customers are like this. They have more choices, but they don't place orders so quickly. And everyone is willing to join the fun. At this time, military procurement personnel from various countries basically went to General Dynamics and Lockheed. Lockheed in particular, the C-5 implied strategic transport aircraft can not be bought if you want to.

Before, people ignored you with money. Of course, you can't miss such a good opportunity now.

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