Bao Zixuan didn't go home today and chose to rest in the company dormitory. At the end of Huo Lao's birthday, the shareholders of baohuodong mining company agreed to hold the board of directors on the third day. To discuss baozixuan's investment in the Middle East oil field is at most a passing ceremony. Bao Zixuan, Huo Yingdong and Dong Haoyun agreed, and it was useless for the rest to oppose.

Moreover, Bao Shoufu has the final say in the mineral company, and others have not participated in the management. As long as it is something he recognizes, no one dares to raise objections.

This is a formal occasion, so it's impossible to choose who's home. Although the main business of baohuodong mining company is in mainland China, the place of registration is Xiangjiang after all. Therefore, there is still an office on the first floor in Xiangjiang, just inside Hutchison Whampoa building.

This is also for convenience. Baozixuan doesn't have to go to two places when he comes to the company. At the same time, it is also very close to the companies of other tycoons, and no one will haggle over this small matter.

Anyway, it's also at home. It's still necessary to be the first to arrive. Fortunately, other tycoons are punctual people. No one will be late. That's disrespect for others.

After arriving at the meeting room, the people sat down. Steamed stuffed bun Xuan first said, "your time is very precious. Let me make a long story short. This trip to the Middle East has reached investment intentions in several places. The most important one is the Iraqi oil and gas field project, which originally planned to invest only US $1.2 billion. But we can't be so stingy if we want to get more benefits. I've just checked the company's accounts. We have plenty of money. "

"Therefore, it is planned to invest US $3.5-4 billion in Iraq, not only to control oil and gas resources, but also to undertake corresponding infrastructure construction. It will be difficult to transport oil and gas resources without supporting infrastructure. We have only 30 years of mining rights and can't afford to waste time. "

"Only by using the most efficient means and using as many transportation resources as possible can we maximize benefits."

Baozixuan's words made sense to several people, and the investment amount was completely within the acceptable range. But some people don't think so. Shark Dan has long wanted to find something. How can the project pass smoothly. Now is a good time to start. Once the resolution is passed, it is difficult to go back.

Zheng Yutong said with a smile, "it is reasonable to say that investing in oil and gas resources is a good thing. I have no reason to object. But have you thought about it; What kind of environment is Iraq? The war has just ended. It is not peaceful now. "

"Investing in a country where war may break out at any time is also an investment in oil and gas resources and infrastructure construction. Such risks are too great. Even if the company has money, it is not such a way to spend. "

"If the absolute security of Iraq cannot be guaranteed, I do not agree to invest in the past. I admit that Baosheng has made great contributions to the development of the company, but I can't use the funds of baohuodong mining company to pave the way for my own career. This is absolutely not allowed. After all, the company belongs to all shareholders, not just a small bag. "

Everyone was stunned to hear shark Dan's blatant opposition. This is the first time, and the old boy has the confidence. How dare you openly slap baozixuan on the board of directors? You should know that his shares are only a fraction of others.

Before baozixuan spoke, Dong Haoyun first said, "Zheng Sheng, Bao Sheng is also considering the future of the company. Is it too much for you to say that he used the resources of baohuodong mining company to pave the way for himself. We are all businessmen, especially those of us who run boats all year round. We all know how strict the control of oil and gas fields in the Middle East countries is. It is a great face for small Bao Sheng to get the admission ticket. It is even more beneficial for mining companies. "

"This is a good thing that can't be found with lanterns. Now it falls on us. It's a waste to let the opportunity slip away. It's too late to regret at that time. "

As we all know, Dong Haoyun and baozixuan have a good relationship. I didn't expect such support. You know, saying this will offend shadan Tong. There will be contradictions in their relationship in the future.

Zheng Yutong said with a smile, "I think Xiaobao knows exactly what it is. However, Mr Tung, I'd better wait until we vote on whether the proposal is feasible. I'm just talking about the matter. "

At this time, Dong Haoyun received a call. The phone had been set to vibration mode before the meeting, so there was no sound. After hanging up, Dong Haoyun stood up and said reluctantly, "I'm very sorry. I have something urgent to deal with, so I'll leave first."

When I left, I took a look at baozixuan, which caught everyone by surprise. Why did you just refute shark Gutong and support baozixuan with great fanfare. What do you mean by saying go now.

At this time, Bao Shoufu felt a little conspiracy, especially the helplessness in Dong Laolin's eyes when he left. Now it seems that someone must be targeting him. Shadan Tong is not so bold, and there must be some experts behind him.

Zheng Yutong: "although Dong Sheng left, the meeting still needs to continue. Bao Huodong mining company is not a small Bao Sheng. You all take out real gold and silver to buy shares. You can't say nothing. "

"As the major shareholder of the company, Bao Chuanwang should express his attitude!"

Seeing that he pushed himself out directly, Bao Yugang was reluctant. But I also know that I have to say something at this time.

Bao Yugang: "in the past, Iraq's investment in oil and gas field projects was indeed a rare opportunity. But what Zheng Sheng said is also very reasonable. The political situation in Iraq is very unstable. There is a great possibility of another war. In the past, the return on investment may not be low, but the risk can not be controlled. Therefore, my suggestion is to slow down and not rush for a while. "

Baochuan Wang is not Zheng Yutong. He is the founding shareholder of the company. Not only in baohuodong mining company, but also in Xiangjiang business circle. Now it's so obvious to support shadan Tong. What's going on here must be extraordinary.

Huo Yingdong knows that shadan Tong must have played some tricks, otherwise Dong Haoyun can't leave, and the boat charter King won't support him so much. Huo Lao is a special presence among Chinese businessmen. He will not openly support anyone, but he will not easily offend others. The main reason is that Mr. Huo didn't want to see the division of Chinese businessmen in Xiangjiang, which would be a huge loss to the country.

Now that both sides have been tied, he is even less likely to express his ideas. That would go against the original intention. At the same time, I also have the idea of testing baozixuan. The boy's growth process is too smooth. Being able to suffer some setbacks will be more conducive to his growth in the future.

Huo Yingdong sat there looking at the report without raising his head. As if to say, you decide, I have no opinion.

This makes others unable to understand. Aren't Dong Haoyun and Huo Yingdong firm supporters of baozixuan! How come now one is gone and the other is silent; What's the meaning of this? Is it true that the scenes of Huo Yingdong's birthday two days ago are all illusions and businessmen are really real.

Even Huo Yingdong and Dong Haoyun don't support it. Who dares to publicly support Bao Shoufu at the risk of offending shadan Tong and Bao Chuanwang.

Although Bao Zixuan is rich, he can't compare with these two in interpersonal relationship. Many people are not convinced of the sudden rise of baozixuan. There are many criticisms when joining the rich circle. In addition, this boy usually acts too overbearing. Now we have a chance to resist. Of course, we can't miss such a good opportunity.

At the beginning, you and I put forward objections with a clear purpose. Even ye Deli didn't choose to stand on the side of baozixuan because he didn't agree to invest in Iraq. You know, the two people's feelings are still good, but now when it comes to interests, no one is useful.

It seems that Bao Shoufu has become the target of public criticism, which makes people confused. But this is the reality. No one can blame.

I really don't know whether the original choice was right or wrong. At that time, I thought the interests were too great. Worried that eating alone would not last long, this allowed Xiangjiang rich to join. Now it seems that people will not appreciate it, and even treat you as a fool.

Bao Zixuan: "since you don't agree, it's OK. Baohuodong mining company does not invest, and heiyun group will invest by itself. High risk also indicates high income. I can afford to lose this money. "

I heard that baozixuan was so understated and directly announced that it was invested by heiyun group. What does this mean? Does this boy still have money. You should know that the black cloud town project is a bottomless existence, and the daily consumption is astronomical.

At this time, spending $4 billion to Iraq is bound to increase the burden on the black cloud group. Funds are not allowed. There is only one way, that is, funds can only be transferred from heiyun bank.

This is an opportunity; If there is a bank run, baozixuan will certainly find a way from other places. At that time, you can take the opportunity to buy the shares of the mining company held by baozixuan. If you want to sell or not, you can't let him.

It can be said that this plan is very good, that is, it is constantly consuming the funds in the hands of baozixuan. There is only such a chance. If the construction of heiyun town is completed, no one can shake Bao's position as the richest man in the future. At that time, let alone buy the shares of mining companies in their hands. It's a good thing that people don't buy your shares.

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