The Republic of Iraq, referred to as "Iraq", is located in southwest Asia, northeast of the Arabian Peninsula, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in the south, Turkey in the north, Syria in the northwest, and Iran and Jordan on both East and west sides.

In the middle of 3000 BC, Sumerians, the earliest inhabitants of the two river basins, created cuneiform, 60 digit counting method and circumference segmentation rate. Since then, Iraq has experienced the rule of the Babylonian kingdom of Cuba, the Assyrian Empire, the new Babylonian Kingdom, Persia, Seleucia (known as Tiaozhi in Chinese History), Sabbath and the Sassanid Dynasty of Persia. The Abbasids made Baghdad their capital. It became the British Trust of Mesopotamia in 1920. In 1921, the British sent Faisal I from the Makkah Hashemite royal family to Baghdad to establish the kingdom of Iraq. The Republic of Iraq was proclaimed in 1958.

I spent a week in Saudi Arabia, during which I made all the preliminary planning of the project. After leaving some team members to negotiate with the Saudis, baozixuan left Saudi Arabia for Iraq, the second stop of his trip.

After all, Iraq is in a state of war and the whole country may be bombed at any time. However, it is imperative to detect the real combat effectiveness of HH-01 ghost aircraft.

At the same time, it means to have a good relationship with lilac's senior management. As long as he can make a certain impact, his coming here is of great value and significance.

If Iraq did not invade Kuwait, it would not be subject to sanctions. The purchase of petroleum minerals by baohuodong mining company can be guaranteed. Although he can't change anything on his own, baozixuan still wants to have a try.

Saudi Arabia has reduced the number and scale of buying US Treasury bonds and is pulling Iraq over. The Soviets still exist, and the Americans cannot dominate the Middle East. Therefore, baozixuan is looking for an opportunity to accelerate the development of heiyun group and hold back Americans.

As early as three days ago, Michael Kadoorie had come to Iraq, along with black cloud engineers and two HH-01 ghost fighter bombers.

The Iran Iraq war has entered a anxious stage, and neither side has the strength to make a final decision. Now we know that black cloud has a new weapon that wants to be tested in Iraq, which makes the Iraqi President overjoyed.

The weapons transformed by heiyun group are not only cheap, but also extremely powerful. Without the weapons produced by the black cloud group, it is estimated that Iraq would not be able to sustain.

Now I hear that there are more advanced weapons to be tested, but the Iraqi side welcomes it with both hands. At the same time, it is willing to bear all the costs of the experiment. Although the war continues to consume Iraq's foreign exchange reserves, there is little left now. Even in debt, but they are willing to bear the cost of defeating the Iranians.

After seeing the shape of the HH-01 ghost aircraft, the Iraqi President became very interested in the aircraft. The appearance alone is not simple. It definitely has strong combat effectiveness. He is now very confident that he can destroy the military objectives of the Iranians. At present, he just wants the actual combat results.

Although the arrival of baozixuan is low-key, it is still very important in Iraq. At this time, Iraq can survive until now, which is inseparable from the refurbished weapons of the black cloud group. Bao Shoufu is their great Savior, saying that others are super rich themselves. In the past, Iraq can invest. That country can't fight all the time. There will always be peace.

President of Iraq: "welcome Mr. Bao Zixuan to Iraq. On behalf of the Iraqi people, I would like to thank the black cloud group for its support. I'm not afraid of your jokes. Without the support of the black cloud group, the war would never be so smooth. "

"I've seen the two planes brought here this time. I know they are very combat effective by looking at their shape. Looking forward to their performance on the battlefield, the Iraqi people have absolute confidence. "

Steamed stuffed bun Xuan didn't expect the other party to be so polite. It seems to be inconsistent with the report. Hearing is false, or seeing is true. However, you can't be blinded by your appearance. The other party is asking for yourself now. When the black cloud group has no effect, it may not even pay attention to you.

Bao Zixuan: "Your Excellency, you are welcome. War is not a good thing for a country. But now that it happens, we have to face it bravely. The fighting will of the Iraqis is worth learning. Therefore, the black cloud group is only doing what it can. "

"It also means to test the performance of the aircraft this time. Only the weapon that has passed the actual combat test is a reliable weapon.

At present, although Iraq has some advantages, it does not fully dominate. Moreover, the war has done too much harm to the country, and oil exports have been seriously affected.

Iraq wants to introduce HH-01 ghost aircraft, but it's not cheap according to its appearance. At present, the country does not have much foreign exchange reserves, so it does not have the strength to buy.

Moreover, the weapons have not been tested in actual combat, and everything is still waiting until there is actual combat effect. The Iraqi side thinks very clearly, as long as it can achieve the expected results. Even if you exchange oil fields, you have to get the plane.

After a few greetings, they came to the secret Air Force Base in Baghdad. Engineers are implanting data for Soviet made laser missiles. Fortunately, they have obtained many technical parameters through little Ustinov.

When I saw baozixuan coming, I just said hello and started working again. Seeing this working attitude, the Iraqi president nodded with satisfaction. The Iraqi formal subject is still too strong. We really need to learn from this young man in many aspects.

Black cloud engineers know the boss's personality and don't like situationism, so no one dares to do too fancy things inside black cloud. That will definitely be criticized and let you go.

When Michael Kadoorie saw baozixuan coming, he smiled and said, "Bao Sheng, you can count it. I'm alone these days. I don't even have a speaker. Now I finally don't have to be so boring. "

In fact, it's easy to understand that Michael Kadoorie still can't get the full trust of Iraq. After all, the identity of the other party's Jews is too sensitive. The black cloud engineer came here with tight time and heavy tasks. He had no spare time to chat with the hotel tycoon. At this time, it was the war in Iraq. Curfews were imposed on all streets, and there was no place to find a place to relax.

It must be very exciting to see baozixuan coming. Finally, there is a person who can speak, not so boring. But destined to disappoint him, baozixuan plans to stay in Iraq for only two days. After all, there is still danger here. For a long time, Shan Shanli Yulin's phone is enough for him. He is very angry to know that baozixuan has come to Iraq. I promise I'll only stay two days before I come in person. If it takes too long, I can still do it.

Bao Zixuan smiled and said, "Michael, this is your hometown. There must be many relatives and friends, as exaggerated as you say. I may have to disappoint you. My time in Iraq is limited, so docking the missile system is my job. "

Michael Kadoorie also knows that baozixuan has important things. Bao Shoufu is the world's top engineer, which is very different from pure businessmen, which is one of the reasons why people are more respected.

Michael Kadoorie: "I dare not disturb your work. There is plenty of time back to Xiangjiang anyway. But you can really surprise people. When you see such a plane for the first time, you still feel that it is an alien product. Black cloud group can always design unrestrained products. I really look forward to the performance of aircraft on the battlefield. "

In fact, it is not only Michael Kadoorie who thinks so, but also the first feeling of the Iraqi military when seeing the aircraft. There is no such enterprise in the world to make aircraft, and many people dare not think of it.

After the Americans got the German ho-229 aircraft, they kept all the technical information of the aircraft confidential. Therefore, not many people in the world know the design scheme and aerodynamic layout of tailless aircraft.

Later generations until the 21st world, with the photos of American B-2 aircraft. Many military experts in the world found that the original aircraft could be designed like this.

It is difficult for professionals to understand this kind of aircraft. Of course, Michael Kadoorie, a hotel practitioner, will feel novel.

Bao Zixuan smiled and said, "Michael, in fact, this kind of plane has appeared as early as World War II. It was designed by the German Horton brothers, but at that time, Germany was defeated and the prototype and technical data were taken away by the Americans. "

"I also happened to find out when I was sorting out materials in the University. Only then did I have the original design scheme of the aircraft."

Hearing baozixuan's explanation, Michael Kadoorie didn't say anything. After all, I don't study aircraft design and aviation power, and I don't have a say in front of professionals. It's an honor to see it. What's not satisfied.

When he came to the plane, baozixuan looked at the engineer working. In order to speed up the progress, he personally manipulated the computer equipment to make the Iraqi President and Michael Kadoorie feel that the name of genius is really in vain.