Baozixuan and others had a lunch on the construction site and watched baozixuan eat delicious. Prince Sultan's father and daughter felt incredible. Who is this in the end? There is no rich man like him.

Saudi royal family members and civilians have their own living environment. It is unthinkable to eat together like today. This is to accompany baozixuan, otherwise he would have left long ago. As a host, you can't be so rude. Now many things have to ask baozixuan for help, which can only be regarded as experiencing life.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Prince Sultan returned to the villa with baozixuan. In the evening, we will attend the reception dinner hosted by the king. In any case, we should prepare it in advance.

This time, baozixuan is wearing a suit. The temperature difference in Saudi Arabia in May is still relatively large. The temperature is not high at night. It's right to go out in a suit.

When everything was ready, Prince Sultan asked the driver to drive them towards the palace. At this time, Aisha can't follow her. Although the king is her uncle, girls rarely appear in public in Saudi Arabia. Prince Sultan doted on Aisha to work on state television and accompany baozixuan. Now it's time to meet the king. In any case, you can't let your daughter follow.

If you take your daughter, others don't know what to say about him. The Saudi royal family is very complex. No one will let go easily when it involves interests.

"Sifang Palace" was once the Royal Palace of Saudi Arabia's founding King Abdulaziz. It was built in 1936 and completed in 1945. It is a traditional Saudi style building. It is named "Sifang Palace" because of its square shape.

When Bao Zixuan came to this famous palace, there had been considerable changes compared with the construction place. After all, Saudi Arabia didn't have much money at that time, but it's completely different now.

After a series of complicated security checks, baozixuan finally met the king of Saudi Arabia, Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud.

King Fahd bin Abdulaziz, king and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia. He received * * * education in the court when he was young, and later received higher education in Europe and America. He ascended the throne in 1982. During his tenure, he helped the United States defeat Iraq in the Gulf War and allowed the United States to set up military bases in Saudi Arabia. His pro - US stance dissatisfied some people in Taiwan.

Baozixuan knew that although the king had been in power for a long time, he was basically managed by other brothers in the later stage due to physical reasons. This is also the difference of Saudi Arabia. The throne is generally the successor of the father and the son, but Saudi Arabia is completely different. Due to the provisions of the first generation of kings, the Saudi throne has always been brother and brother.

Until later generations, the son of the first generation of kings was in power. It is estimated that no country in the world can do it.

Seeing baozixuan coming, the king of Saudi Arabia smiled and said, "welcome, friends from afar. As the first foreign entrepreneur to invest in Saudi Arabia, on behalf of all the Saudi people, I would like to thank you. "

"Thank you for your trust, so that other enterprises can safely and boldly invest in Saudi Arabia."

This is indeed true. Since baozi first came to Saudi Arabia to establish ground effect aircraft and steel factories. Saudi Arabia also made use of the gimmick of a technology town and spared no expense. It really attracted many enterprises. Many enterprises really came to Saudi Arabia after seeing baozixuan come to invest.

After all, Saudi Arabia had only oil for them before, and there was really nothing worth investing in except buying oil. Such a change is inseparable from baozixuan's daring to be the first to eat crabs. As the king of Saudi Arabia, he should thank others.

Bao Zixuan: "Your Majesty flattered me. The investment environment and policies in Saudi Arabia attracted me. The most important thing is that the sincerity of the whole Saudi royal family and government can move enterprises."

In fact, we all tacitly understood that if we did not rescue ourselves in the Hong Kong dollar crisis, it remains to be discussed whether black cloud group can come to Saudi Arabia to invest.

As a guest tonight, baozixuan was arranged to sit next to the king. This is a signal of the importance attached to him by the king and the whole Saudi Arabia. Not everyone is qualified to sit in that position, and some positions are not what you want to sit in.

Since it's a dinner party, it must be a traditional food in Saudi Arabia. It's always a pity not to drink. As the richest country in the Arab world, Saudi Arabia's Royal chef must be second to none.

In addition, there are materials. The quality of dishes is inseparable from the ingredients. The Saudi royal family has a production base dedicated to providing food for it. It can be said that the roasted camels here are not available on the market.

Those who can come here are basically brothers of the king, or nephews who are already in power. They are not too young, otherwise they may not be able to enter the core power layer.

Like baozixuan, there are a few people who can become super rich and hold power at such a young age. Saudi Arabia is a hereditary system; The succession system of brother, son and brother itself is about rank and rank.

But this is someone else's business and has nothing to do with Bao Zixuan. He just had a cordial conversation with the people around him, and his fluent Arabic won a lot of favor.

This is the advantage of language. Learning other languages can win trust. When doing business, you will think that you understand your own culture and give you complete confidence.

At this time, a prince said, "Hello, Mr. baozixuan! I'm Salman. You established Yulin Institute of technology in Xiangjiang. Although the school has not been established for a long time, it is very popular and recognized internationally. "

"King's University of Saudi Arabia has invested a lot, but the effect is not very obvious. I don't know if we can cooperate well in this area so that we can communicate with each other. "

Hear the name and see the speaker's appearance. Baozixuan finally knew who the speaker was. The future king of Saudi Arabia is now a senior official in Riyadh Province, and has been a senior official for 50 years.

In order to make the region under its jurisdiction rich and strong, education is essential, and higher education is the top priority. No country can only live on resources, because resources will be exploited sooner or later. What should I do then? Should I wait to die.

In addition to oil, Saudi Arabia really has no other advantages. The high temperature in summer is hard for ordinary people to bear. In addition to sand, the geographical environment is very bad.

If we don't think of other ways, eating after oil exploitation will become a problem. After all, the land is poor and it is difficult to grow any agricultural products.

Now this problem is in front of the Saudis. As a member of the royal family, we must be crisis minded. But their family is in power. Once the country is not suitable for people to live, the biggest loss is the royal family.

Therefore, Salman wants to make changes in Riyadh, starting with education. As long as higher education can be in line with international standards, Saudi Arabia can cultivate talents by itself. Then it will be much more convenient to attract foreign enterprises or set up their own enterprises.

However, the king's University, which the Saudis have high hopes, has not achieved the desired results, which is a great headache. After all, this is a university that has spent a lot of money. It's hard to explain now.

The emergence of Yulin Institute of technology gives them hope that the University established by an enterprise is still so short. It has such a high popularity and recognition all over the world.

Let the University established by Saudi Arabia with the strength of a country become a joke. Who can reason with this. Therefore, Salman wants to change this situation and let the king's University of Saudi Arabia play a role in the construction of Saudi Arabia.

Now when I see baozixuan coming, I must ask for advice. This is a legend. There are few opportunities for such face-to-face communication. I'm sorry if I can't catch it. I have to dig out some dry goods.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "students come to school not only to enjoy, but also to learn knowledge. We can invest large-scale in the field of educational resources, and we'd better not be too extravagant in other aspects. That is not conducive to students' specialized research. If one enjoys life too much, he will be lazy in scientific research. "

"In this regard, you can refer to the experience of Huaxia southwest United University and Warsaw University in Poland."

"In Yulin Institute of technology, students use the best teaching equipment. The catering is also good, but they still need to do a lot of things by themselves. "

"The main purpose of the school is to teach and educate people, not to raise young masters and young ladies. Goals that are too easy to achieve often lack stamina, and many things can't be done well without faith support. "

Baozixuan didn't say much. He just heard a lot of reports about King's University of Saudi Arabia and briefly clarified his point of view.