William Morgan did not open a breakthrough only in Xiangjiang, but also in the Middle East and Britain. In order to win and prove himself to the family, he found a good relationship, which can be described as a multi pronged approach.

At the same time, in order to help his son, old Morgan called the Rothschild family, which was the first time that the head of Morgan family called the Rothschild family after the victory of World War II. But what he didn't expect was that the Rothschild family didn't give face, which made him very incomprehensible.

Although there are some contradictions between the two families, we are Jews after all and have the same ancestor. Now it is obvious that helping outsiders is not enough. I have lowered my posture and still don't give face. This is to compete with the Morgan family.

Old Morgan, who met with a wall in the Rothschild family, turned to warn the Middle East Royal family and clearly told them that this is the United States and this is Wall Street. If you want to mix in this area in the future, you'd better follow the rules formulated by the Morgan family.

The royal families of some small countries in the Middle East have some concerns. After all, they invest a lot on Wall Street. Offending the king here is not worth the loss, but I don't know what happened. The news that the Morgan family threatened their opponents was disclosed.

American newspapers don't care who you are, and the Morgan family has many competitors. Now it is found that old Morgan can directly threaten and intimidate his opponent for his son. Is this what free America can do!

The Boston post was the first media to report the news. It introduced in detail that in order to help his son intimidate his opponents by using his influence in the U.S. financial circles, he also used national resources to buy off his opponents.

The report, fueled by people with intentions, let the world see the face of the Morgan family. This Wall Street financial giant is so shameless. Some members of Congress even came out to criticize the Morgan family for taking advantage of the power conferred by the state to buy off their opponents, which is giving away the wealth of the American people.

At that time, U.S. President Reagan belonged to the Republican camp, and the Morgan family was the largest financier of the Democratic Party, which made President Reagan speak out and publicly accuse old Morgan of tarnishing American capital freedom and hindering American economic development.

Seeing that things were out of control, old Morgan had to pretend to be ill at home. Now the people let him explain. How can this be explained clearly.

After the failure of coercion and inducement, William Morgan began to increase his efforts to short. However, this time, the bull side is not only a few institutions, but also the people of Xiangjiang. The Hong Kong dollar exchange rate began to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye. By Wednesday, it had recovered to 4.6 yuan, basically back to the level at the beginning of the year. When it closed on Friday, it rose to 4 yuan, which has exceeded the expectations of Xiangjiang people.

It can be said that after a wave of operation, the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate has increased by about 8 points compared with the beginning of the year. Baozixuan dare not let the Hong Kong dollar continue to appreciate. In that case, it will be a fatal blow to Xiangjiang export enterprises.

At this time, the hedge funds involved in shorting Hong Kong dollars on Wall Street were indeed crying. The whole wall street lost $20 billion in this action. This does not count the short orders in the futures market. Now there is no Hong Kong dollar selling in the market. They still have short orders ranging from one month to three months that have not been closed. If it cannot be delivered at that time, it is short buying and short selling, and it will be severely punished at that time.

At this time, many institutions are trying their best to buy Hong Kong dollars. Only in this way can they close their positions. Losses are inevitable, but failure to deliver at maturity is a violation of the law.

William Morgan said to the housekeeper Leon, "how much will we lose this time?"

Leon: "young master, we Morgan bank lost more than $10.3 billion this time, but it's not over yet. We still have HK $85 billion of open positions in the futures market, because there are not so many Hong Kong dollars on the market. All the funds on Wall Street participating in this action are buying Hong Kong dollars, and they also have a large number of short orders in the futures market. "

William Morgan: "then step up the exchange of Hong Kong dollars. Unexpectedly, the Rothschild family and the Middle East dare to make trouble. Next time I have a chance, I'll definitely make them look good. "

Leon was secretly disappointed. Does the young master have a future! At least it's difficult in the financial field. The master had to pretend to be ill at home in order to help him. Will the rest of the family let the high minded second Lord continue to take charge of the project!

The money Morgan family can afford to lose, but personal ability is questioned more seriously than losing money. The successor generation of the Morgan family is not an influential figure on Wall Street. When he goes to any country in the world, he can be personally received by the heads of state.

But now William Morgan can still have the opportunity to become the patriarch. As the housekeeper who has served the Morgan family for generations, he feels very difficult. The family will not let a loser become the patriarch. Such a person can not make the family grow and develop, and may even bring disaster to the family. In the future, being a childe without money is the best outcome. If you continue to be greedy for power, you will die very ugly.

Leon: "young master; There are not so many Hong Kong dollars on the market now. All hedge funds on Wall Street are desperately exchanging Hong Kong dollars. They also have a lot of short positions to close. Short buying and short selling should be investigated. "

"We have several short orders about to expire. If we can't close our positions, we will not only be subject to a huge fine, but also be banned from securities trading qualification. Morgan bank can't afford to lose this person."

William Morgan also knew that his family reputation could not be destroyed in his hands if Morgan bank was banned from securities trading because it could not close its short position. Not only will his competitors take the opportunity to suppress him, but his cousins will definitely fall down.

Father has been implicated in his own affairs. Even old Morgan may not have any good way at this time.

William Morgan: "Leon, what do you think we should do now? Should we consult with the Middle East Royal family and the Rothschild family. Let them make a profit this time and let them double it in the future. "

At this time, William Morgan was still talking hard and arguing; What's the point. Moreover, the crux of the problem has not been grasped. Now it is meaningless to find the Middle East Royal family and the Rothschild family. Old Morgan's face is not big enough, but he still didn't let it go, which shows that both sides are very firm. Now we need to find key people. Only in this way can we solve the problem at one time.

Lessone: "young master, neither Rothschild nor the Middle East Royal family will promise us now, because they have offended us. They don't care if they offend harder. Besides, they didn't give the master's face. It doesn't make much sense for us to beg them. "

"The Rothschild family and the royal family of the Middle East are making long Hong Kong dollars because of baozixuan. They must have a private agreement. It is estimated that the price paid by baozixuan this time is definitely not small. When the interests have not been obtained, the two will not trade privately with any institution. "

"In that case, you will offend baozixuan. Originally, baozixuan wanted to thank them. If they want something in the future, heiyun will definitely support them. But what will baozixuan think once he deals with us privately? That's what both sides don't please. "

After hearing Leon's analysis, William Morgan already knew what to do. But he really didn't want to do this. In that case, he would be a joke, and even the whole Morgan family would become a laughing stock.

This weekend is indeed a very happy weekend for the people in Xiangjiang. It can also be said to be the most comfortable weekend for so many days. At present, the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate is stable and rising slowly; This shows that their wealth has not shrunk. Most importantly, with the reserve of Hong Kong dollars in the Middle East, many risks can be reduced in future trade, and there is no need to worry about the impact of exchange rate difference on costs.

Black cloud bank is also counting the profits of international hot money shorting Hong Kong dollars this time, and they have a lot of profits. Wealth will not disappear for no reason, but will flow from one side to the other. When Wall Street's capital loses blood, as an opponent, it will get a lot of profits.

In fact, Bao Zixuan doesn't care much about how much money he makes. What excites him most is that heiyun bank will own 25% of the coinage right of Hong Kong dollars from January next year. It is a miracle for a bank established less than a year ago, not to mention when the Hong Kong dollar credit system has initially taken shape.

Xiangjiang's victory over short selling institutions has redefined the Xiangjiang economy around the world, which not only improves the city's reputation, but also represents the improvement of the status of Hong Kong dollar in people's hearts. HSBC, the quasi central bank, did not contribute. Other financial institutions in Xiangjiang can defeat international hot money. Although there is external intervention, it is enough to show how terrible the wealth in the hands of Xiangjiang enterprises and people is.

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