As a starting product of baozixuan, the sales proportion of the game in the group has become lower and lower, but Junping Yokai and Miyamoto are the elders of the group. They have made outstanding contributions to the development of black clouds, so no one dares to underestimate them. Although the proportion is decreasing, its own sales are not much less. It can only be said that black cloud is developing too fast.

Yokai Junping: "as of December 31, 1981, heiyun game company had 32400 employees and sales of US $10.8 billion. The profit is $2.9 billion, mainly because most of our games can be recognized by the market, and the hardware has been upgrading. "

Hearing this number, everyone was pleasantly surprised, or the animation and game industries made money. Engaging in the automobile industry may sound big, but it may not be easy to make money. No wonder the Japanese in previous generations could buy, buy and buy all over the world. Now the toy company has not reported the profits. It seems that the profit of this business is really considerable. I don't think I can give up easily.

Yokai Junping: "as for the rest, Gong Benjun needs to report to you. After all, he is responsible for all the games."

Yokai Junping is not a particularly pushy person, and Miyamoto's position in the group is absolutely no lower than him. At the same time, everyone is responsible for hardware and software, and the cooperation is also very tacit. We should always leave some opportunities for others.

Miyamoto: "Your Excellency Yokai has made a report on the sales performance and profits just now. I won't say much. The development of black cloud game has now entered a bottleneck period, but we have been increasing the R & D investment of new games. Please rest assured that many new game plans have been implemented and will meet you in the middle of this year. "

Miyamoto is also very worried. He looks at the sales of other branches growing every day. However, the game companies are still like this, which is still under the condition that many new games are launched every year. That proves that the number of people who can play a single game is decreasing, which is the biggest blow to game practitioners.

Bao Zixuan: "it's good to be aware of the crisis. We can appropriately increase the R & D investment in computer games. With the increasing popularity of home computers, this will be a large consumer group. "

Have you ever thought about entering the computer field? If you are interested, you can be the general manager of the computer company. Now I have been taking part-time job, which is not enough, and is not conducive to the long-term development of the enterprise.

Black cloud computer company has just started with Hashimoto as the general manager, but the scale was still very small at that time. After Hashimoto was transferred to Europe as the person in charge, he has always been a part-time job of baozixuan. Now, seeing the situation of Junping Yokai and Miyamoto, he also knows to separate them, or there will be problems sooner or later. After all, all the people who came with them were promoted, and Miyamoto's position has always been the deputy general manager of the game company, which is never a thing.

Looking at Yokai Junping's hesitation, baozixuan continued: at present, the black cloud computer company is composed of four parts: notebook computer department, large industrial computer department, black cloud software department and large industrial simulation software.

In 1981, the sales performance was 29 billion US dollars and the profit was 4.5 billion US dollars. It is definitely the top three branches of the company. And the future development prospects are broad. It can be said that it is an industry that can be done for 100 years.

Hearing this figure, everyone is shining. No one thought that the computer company would be so cow and the profit would be so high.

Yokai Junping: "my understanding of computers has not reached the ability to be competent for the position of general manager, so I hesitated."

Bao Zixuan: "Mr. Yokai, are you old!"

Yokai said without hesitation, "I'm only in my 40s. Of course I'm not old. I can continue to work."

Bao Zixuan: "that's it. You're not old yet. You can learn what you don't understand and ask me. As long as you have an enterprising spirit, there is no problem. I have complete trust in you and have great confidence in your learning ability. "

In fact, this is also the result of baozixuan's comprehensive consideration. I wanted to wait until it was announced after a period of time. Now we see that junhei Yokai and Miyamoto have some tacit understanding of the Buddhist system, which is not conducive to the development of the enterprise.

Most of the computer companies are European and American people, so that Hengjing can play a supervisory role in the past. The most important thing is that no one can surpass him in his understanding of hardware knowledge. As long as he is willing to study hard, there will be no problem.

And the general direction must be determined by baozixuan himself. Hengjing is more of an executor in the past.

Yokai Junping: "then follow the president's arrangement."

Bao Zixuan: "very good. From now on, Hengjing Junping is appointed Vice President of heiyun group and general manager of computer company, responsible for all-round work. Miyamoto was promoted to general manager of heiyun game company and was responsible for all game related matters. "

Hearing the boss's arrangement, everyone guessed something. However, in what is a happy situation, it can also balance the interests of game companies.

And to some extent, both Yokai Junping and Miyamoto have been promoted. A company with larger scale and broader prospects; A direct righting is a win-win situation.

At this time, Jackie Ma of the home appliance company began to report. He was the most embarrassing of all senior executives. In all branches, home appliance companies are just a drag. Each time the profit is the lowest, and the market share is also the lowest. Compared with Japanese and German brands, heiyun has been lagging behind in the field of household appliances.

Jackie Ma: "heiyun appliance company has 22900 employees. Last year, the sales volume was US $900 million and the profit was US $12 million. The main revenue comes from home theater and LCD TV. Walkman, razor and other products have completely lagged behind Sony, Philips and other brands. For this reason, I have an unshirkable responsibility and ask the group to punish me. "

Baozixuan also couldn't hear it here. Although heiyun group seems to be booming. At the same time, there are many crises and hidden dangers. Although he has not paid much attention to the things of home appliance companies. However, in recent years, no profit has been transferred from home appliance companies. It can be said that all the money they earn is used for R & D. It is extremely disappointing to hand over such an answer sheet.

Bao Zixuan: "this achievement really can't satisfy me, even some can't believe it. We have the widest promotion channels in the world. It can be said that both agents, best buy and black cloud cars can bring sales to home appliances. Now it's like this. For whatever reason, your bonus will be cancelled this time. If this is still the case this year, you won't have to sit here next year. "

It's the first time you've heard the Boss speak like this. It seems that with the graduation of college, he is no longer managing the enterprise with a student mentality. Pay attention to your work in the future, or you will be the next unlucky one.

Jackie Ma didn't say anything at this time. What he said at this time is weak. But he also secretly determined to fight a beautiful turnaround next year.

Knowing that Jackie Ma is a little uncomfortable, he dug it up from his competitors. Bao Zixuan then said, "home appliance companies can go to Kyoto on the mainland to investigate the feasibility of building factories there. Where both labor and land costs are very low, and Kyoto has relatively more people receiving education. It is one of the places that can quickly train skilled workers. "

Hearing the boss say that China's Kyoto area brightens Jackie Ma's eyes, it seems that he has not completely abandoned him. Otherwise, I'll never give you any advice. I'll just ask you to pack up and leave.

It also proves that the boss is very optimistic about the development of China, otherwise it would be impossible to build so many factories in China. At present, automobile and large equipment factories are still under construction; Thinking of establishing a home appliance production base, isn't he worried at all that if the policy changes one day, the investment will be wasted. However, no one dares to ask. This is the advantage of dictatorship. As long as it is determined by the boss, no one dares to object.

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