The temptation of both sides has basically ended. To be exact, it is old Rothschild's move. Steamed stuffed bun Xuan is more of a training companion. Looking at this posture, the old guy should enter the theme, otherwise it's not good for everyone to pretend to be stupid. After all, steamed stuffed bun Xuan is not in a hurry.

Baozixuan knows his weakness and negotiation has never been his strength. But sometimes I can't help it. After all, no one except my own company is equal to old Rothschild. If he doesn't have something to ask him, it's probably not very equal, at least for now.

Old Rothschild: "I heard that black cloud has exchanged a lot of diamonds in Africa, but he has no good market. Before, Xiangjiang Chow Tai Fook cooperated with you, and the supply price was a little low, so I'd like to invite you to join the De Beers alliance. Or sell the raw stone directly to us. The price will never let you suffer. Don't think about it. I just don't want any big fluctuations in the price of diamonds. "

De Beers, a legal monopoly industry, was founded in 1934. Almost all the world's diamond hair is traded through it. De Beers also maintains global prices through the diamond supply of the central sales organization. Whether in economic depression or inflation, De Beers has successfully determined their ability to stabilize diamond prices. Statistics show that after 1934, the value-added of diamonds exceeded the inflation rate. Investing in diamonds can protect investors' capital from inflation.

In fact, the Rothschild family established relevant companies in 1888, but it has not formed a complete monopoly. It can be said that the glory of the Rothschild family is also based on the bloodbath. Mining diamonds in Africa requires human life.

When the old man finished, baozixuan remembered. Rothschild is the world's largest diamond miner and has the right to price diamonds. However, there are many unstable factors in Africa in the past 80 years, even stronger than the Rothschild family, it is impossible to fully control it. In addition, the Soviet Union is not used to you. I can't price my own minerals, so this period is the weakest time for them to control diamond prices in 100 years.

Baozixuan has done business with many African businessmen. Heiyun sells them all electronic products with relatively high profits; Therefore, the profit after conversion into diamonds is very considerable.

Previously, Chow Tai Fook ordered directly from heiyun. Recently, the media coverage has made Chow Tai Fook not place diamond orders in heiyun. Now that old Rothschild has proposed it, it is not unacceptable.

Bao Zixuan: "these are small things, but even if heiyun sells you all the diamonds, the Soviets may not let you get the absolute pricing power."

Old Rothschild: "then you need Mr. Bao's cooperation. As far as I know, you have friends with several important leaders of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. It has nothing to say about its relationship with the Soviet commercial department. I would like to ask you to come forward and coordinate, so that everyone can get profits. Why not? "

Bao Zixuan: "those are hearsay, but I think I can do it by myself with the strength of the Rothschild family. You'd better talk about other projects!"

Steamed stuffed bun Xuan doesn't want to go into the muddy water of the Soviet Union. After all, the United States has begun to plan Star Wars at this time. According to the consistent character of the Soviet people, we must follow up. At that time, we need massive financial support. The slightest problem in diamond export may hurt the nerves of both sides. It's better not to participate in anything. After all, the participants have a great chance of bad luck.

Old Rothschild saw that baozixuan didn't pick up his stubble, and knew that he would have a grudge just met. However, he is not in a hurry. Many things still need to be based on mutual trust between the two sides. He can only do it step by step.

Old Rothschild: "Rothschild's banks are ready to return to the Asian market again. We hope to get the support of heiyun group in Xiangjiang. We can provide necessary help to heiyun in terms of capital."

Bao Zixuan: "what benefits do I have? Don't tell me that I can get the friendship of the Rothschild family. It may be precious, but it's not attractive. "

Old Rothschild heard that someone turned a deaf ear to the family friendship. What has happened in recent years. It seems that the descendants of the family are not up to standard to let the prestige of the family decline so much.

Old Rothschild: "all-round support of funds, talents and materials is only what you can't think of, not what we can't do."

Bao Zixuan: "so it seems that the Rothschild family can do anything without me. I don't know why you want to find me. I think I haven't reached the level of family love and flowers bloom."

Old Rothschild: "time, what we lack now is time. And you are definitely the best in the world in terms of time use efficiency. We need Mr. Bao to win time for us. And Mr. Bao can also get what he wants. For example, he should get a lot in olshtin, Poland! "

Hearing the old guy say so, baozixuan's brain is spinning rapidly. How did he know that there was a problem in that link.

Is there a traitor among his men, but the old people who followed him when they were just doing business. The news of this operation is still very strictly controlled; Is it that the Rothschild family leaked the information to themselves through Professor Bowman at the beginning in order to let their greedy side leak out and be caught by the other party. But the other party was Jewish. He didn't kill Professor Bowman until he knew his identity.

Seeing the expression of baozixuan, old Rothschild smiled and said, "it seems that my daughter's analysis is indeed right. You really go to Poland with a purpose."

At this time, baozixuan looked at the girl who had been serving next to the two people. Did she analyze everything. I think the disguise is good. It seems that I take it for granted.

The girl who had not spoken at this time said, "Hello! Mr. Bao Zixuan. I'm Angela Rothschild. I'm really curious about what can make you so much trouble. In order to be able to come to Poland, I actually want to make people think you are a young man by watching military exercises. "

"Then he bought, bought and bought all the way in Poland, and obtained the land development right around Mount St. Andrews in the name of investment. Make people think you're really investing in Poland. It's all a coincidence. "

"But you are in a bit of a hurry. Before you leave, the black cloud security department has already arrived in Germany one step ahead of you. At this time, there are many black cloud security personnel near us. Just ask that a person is afraid of death and worried about his own safety. He can't use so many security forces. "

"And immediately after signing the contract with the poles, they appeared in Poland. And start blocking the area near the observatory. There should be something you want. "

"And the security supervisor of heiyun group returned to Xiangjiang directly from Poland. Mr. Zhang Zhan is your personal bodyguard. It can be said that he is one of your confidants. The purpose of going back in such a hurry is self-evident. "

After Angela Rothschild's analysis, baozixuan found herself naive and lovely. I thought God didn't know it and ghosts didn't know it. I didn't expect it was just self deception.

Bao Zixuan: "pretty girl, these are your analysis. The purpose of my coming to Poland is to watch the military exercise. As for the rest, it's your guess. "

Angela Rothschild: "before olshtin, it belonged to East Prussia of Germany and was the birthplace of German aristocracy. It can be said to be the symbol of the whole Germany, which was divided up after the war. During World War II, where was also the core of the third empire, there was a great possibility of hiding some good things. "

"As a super rich, you won't take risks because of a little gold and silver treasure. The world thinks the most valuable thing. People like you won't take it to heart, because you can easily get it as long as you want it. "

"Before World War II, Germany was a world science and Technology Center for many years. At that time, Germany had the largest number of scientists in the world. Just because of the defeat, it was divided up by the two superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union, but at that time, the research and development and expectation of German scientists were still of great academic value. Many scientific research achievements of products are put down, and now they still belong to the category of black technology. It is estimated that only these things can impress you to go to Poland in person. "

Just came in, I just felt that the girl was very beautiful. I didn't expect that her analytical ability was so strong. It seems that there are still women with both wisdom and beauty in this world, but it also makes him firmly believe that the Rothschild family has the tradition of close relative marriage, and the people born are either fools or geniuses.

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