When the computer engineers of Yulin Institute of technology were still silent in joy, they were very sad as the enrollment teachers of the same school. However, they are not worried about salary and treatment, but because the task assigned by baozixuan is difficult to complete.

According to the plan, for the first enrollment of Yulin Institute of technology, a total of 6 majors have been established: Mathematics Department, physics department, chemistry department, machinery department, electronics department and computer college. Among them, the major is computer, which is expected to recruit 1500 students, accounting for about 30% of the overall enrollment.

Moreover, there is no subdivision of several majors. In the first year, they all do basic learning together. However, Yulin Institute of technology is a newly established university and is not famous in the world. Although the children of heiyun, Sony and Panasonic have been introduced and publicized in detail, they can't be tough for children to report. After all, many children think they have a better choice.

The person in charge of enrollment is Hu Jiazhi. He worked at New York University for 15 years and is the director of the Admissions Office of New York University. During the preparation for the establishment of Yulin Institute of technology, I met baozixuan through the introduction of acquaintances. The main reason is that he wants to go back to Xiangjiang to work and take care of his elderly mother.

After learning about the situation, he was appointed as vice president of Yulin Institute of technology by baozixuan, specializing in daily management and enrollment. This is his old business, but New York University is also a well-known university founded in 1831. It has always been ranked in the top 50 universities in the world, with the reputation of the new Ivy League school in the United States.

Yulin Institute of technology is just a newly established school in Xiangjiang, a land without science and technology soil. The only advantage is that the fame of baozixuan may drive some students to sign up. However, baozixuan is only a young person who has just graduated from college and may not be convinced by the students' parents.

It can be said that Hu Jiazhi is facing a severe test. He meets with outstanding young people in Xiangjiang every day. But some people ignored him at all. What's more, they hoped that he could help them to study at New York University.

Today, our head of enrollment came to Wu aigang's home. He wanted to persuade Wu Xin, Wu aigang's daughter, to study at Yulin Institute of technology. In fact, this is what Wu aigang means. He feels that what his boss wants to do will be successful. Therefore, he doesn't hesitate to fly back to Xiangjiang directly from Australia to persuade his daughter and wife to change their mind. At this time, Wu Xin has got the admission notice of Xiangjiang University.

Wu Xin is the best student among these heiyun children and the first in the total score of this graduate. After all, there are a large number of young employees in heiyun. The older workers are basically ordinary workers recruited early, and they are not very concerned about their children's education.

If Wu Xin can be persuaded to study at Yulin Institute of technology, it will be much easier for other heiyun children. Heiyun's employees who graduated with children this year are paying attention to where Wu Xin goes to study. If she doesn't choose to go to Yulin Institute of technology, she can refuse for her children's future.

Wu aigang is also very embarrassed at this time. This time, the parents of heiyun children's high school graduates have the highest position and their daughter's academic performance is the best. Everyone regards him as a leading bird and is watching their family's final decision.

Hu Jiazhi looked at the Wu family and said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Wu, Mrs. Wu and Wu Xin. You must know my intention. Everyone hopes that Wu Xin can choose Yulin Institute of technology. After all, this is our own school. You can receive a better education and get a greater promotion‘

Wu Xin is a very assertive girl and said confidently, "I have got the admission notice of Xiangjiang University. I don't think Yulin Institute of technology, a newly established school, can compete with Xiangjiang University“

”I know where Bao Sheng wants all heiyun children to study, but if I finish Xiangjiang University, I will come out. Working in heiyun group can bring greater help to the company. Yulin Institute of technology is not suitable for me“

Hu Jiazhi: "you think coming out of Xiangjiang university can bring greater help to the company. I don't know where your confidence comes from. However, I can responsibly tell you that the students from Xiangjiang University have no advantages in the group“

"Zhao Tingting, vice president of Xiangjiang University, who has the highest achievement in the group, has worked in the company since Bao Sheng started. Is an absolute elder; This doesn't care about the disadvantages of academic qualifications and graduation schools. "

Hearing that the graduates of Xiangjiang university work in the company and their school education are at a disadvantage, Wu Xin disagrees. It must be this man talking big.

Seeing that he needed to speak by himself at this time, Wu aigang said: "President Hu is right. The executives of heiyun group except Zhao Tingting. All of them graduated from famous schools. Japanese executives may be a little worse. However, Japan's overall teaching level is definitely the first in Asia, especially professional colleges and universities are recognized by the world. "

"The rest are world-class universities. Jackie Ma graduated from California Institute of technology; Wu Feng, like his boss, graduated from MIT. Executives of mobile phone and computer companies, whether in graduation schools or academic achievements, are the top existence, and their fields are authoritative figures in the industry. "

Hearing her father say this, Wu Xin fell into meditation. Although she has good grades, she is still a little girl with her own ideas. However, Mrs. Wu did disagree.

Mrs. Wu: "Lao Wu, you can't say that. Xinxin is a girl. I don't want her to study science and technology. Yulin Institute of technology has not set up any social discipline, and the Philosophy Department of Xiangjiang university has approved her daughter's admission. This is a dream opportunity for many Xiangjiang children. You know, my daughter has loved philosophy since childhood, and now it suits her. "

Hearing her mother's analysis, Wu Xin wavered again. Yes! Isn't philosophy your childhood dream! Yulin Institute of technology can't provide her with the opportunity to study philosophy.

Hu Jiazhi knows that if he doesn't convince the little girl today. Then it will be late for people to go to Xiangjiang University. And it will also bring a linkage effect, which will make many black cloud children have the idea of studying in other universities. It will be more difficult to recruit other Xiangjiang teenagers. After all, people will think that the school they don't believe can be better. However, hearing the other party say that philosophy makes him have new ideas. After all, this is his old business.

Hu Jiazhi: "Mrs. Wu and Wu Xin; Philosophy is good. But if you want to change the world, you need not only philosophy, but also science and engineering majors. Science and engineering is the basic discipline to promote human progress; And this is what Xiangjiang lacks. "

Seeing their disdainful eyes, Hu Jiazhi continued: "I graduated from the Philosophy Department of New York University. If you come to Yulin Institute of technology, you can discuss philosophy with me. It can be used as a hobby to enrich your knowledge reserve."

Wu Xin: "you really graduated from the Philosophy Department of New York University; The philosophy major of this school is very famous all over the world“

Wu aigang: "Wu Xin, isn't it unreasonable? Hu Sheng is a well-known scholar invited by the boss as the vice president of Yulin Institute of technology. How can he lie to you“

Hu Jiazhi: "it doesn't matter, classmate Wu Xin. I also studied as a graduate student in philosophy at Humboldt University in Berlin for two years, and many students became professors of philosophy. If you are interested, you can use your vacation time to communicate with them. I can introduce you. "

Hearing that President Hu in his father's mouth actually graduated from the Philosophy Department of Humboldt University in Berlin, Wu Xin was even more excited. This is Hegel's alma mater. It exists like a temple in the hearts of people studying philosophy all over the world.

Wu Xin thought for a moment and said, "I still think Xiangjiang university is more suitable for me."

Hu Jiazhi: "you think Yulin Institute of technology is inferior to Xiangjiang University, then you are very wrong. Yulin Polytechnic can win Xiangjiang University in terms of campus construction, internal environment and teachers. New York University, where I have studied and worked for more than 10 years, is better than Yulin Institute of technology in these aspects. "

"You don't have to answer me in a hurry, and you don't have to decide what to do now. Tomorrow your family can go to school and have a good look; I know if what I said is true. "

Hu Jiazhi knows that we can't force people too hard now, otherwise it will backfire. But he was very depressed. When he was the director of the Admissions Office of New York University, students and parents asked him to see if he could come and study. Now it's better for me to get students; We still have to teach others philosophy, but the other party has not let go.

These days, except that the female workers of the deep-sea factory arranged by the boss are sure to report, none of the young people in Xiangjiang have taken the initiative to study in Yulin Institute of technology; The task assigned to him by the boss is not easy to complete.

He shook his head and said to himself, "you can't waste time. You'd better go to another company and work!"