The MIT graduation ceremony is over, but for many journalists, the work has just begun. They got a lot of material today and are worried about choosing those pictures at this time!

The Boston Post reporter didn't worry about this at all. They took pictures of Bao Zixuan with his mother and girlfriend. What's more wonderful than this!

The fundamental reason why Bao Zixuan chose the Boston post is good relations, as a local newspaper in Boston; When reporting baozixuan and heiyun group, they were basically positive. They didn't say anything about baozixuan and the enterprise. That is, when the enterprise receives some unfair treatment and baozixuan has some personal problems, he will treat the problems fairly and objectively. It didn't add fuel and vinegar like other media.

In fact, the fundamental reason why the Boston post dare not offend baozixuan and heiyun group is due to interests. Every year, heiyun invests a large number of advertisements in his newspaper, and no one dares to offend the God of wealth for no reason.

The news between the media is interconnected. After all, you didn't send someone to the scene or went late. If you don't have first-hand information, you must buy it from other people in the same industry. At this time, the Boston post is also making such a choice. In fact, similar to the exchange of information, most newspapers will not have a direct competitive relationship.

For example, customers who buy the Boston post generally do not buy the Boston evening news, mainly because 70% of the distribution areas of the two newspapers have highly overlapping lines. The two newspapers have similar information, and the Boston post will be more comprehensive. It just focuses more on the major events in the world, and the surrounding information is reported relatively less, but it is not reported at all. The Boston evening news mainly reports on what happened around Boston.

Most of the pages of the two newspapers have something in common, but the focus is slightly different. What first-hand news do you want? The Boston post certainly doesn't want people in the Boston evening news to know.

The two newspapers in different regions do not have these problems, and their distribution areas do not overlap. The customer groups purchased are also different, and there is basically no competition. Such a newspaper is an ideal partner, which can exchange news.

This is the relationship between the Wall Street Journal and the Boston post. After all, one focuses on finance. One pays more attention to international people's livelihood. The editor in chief of the Wall Street Journal was very excited when he learned from the Boston post that they had photographed baozixuan, his mother and his girlfriend in the same frame.

Baozixuan is not only the chairman of heiyun group, but his Blackstone fund has been shining on Wall Street in the past two years. It can even be said that it was the most profitable fund company from 1979 to 1980. It was like robbing money in the market.

However, we don't know much about this upstart on Wall Street. The Wall Street Journal has long wanted to comprehensively report the news about baozixuan. It would be more perfect if we could do an exclusive interview. However, the young rich never gave them a chance. Now I suddenly hear that the framed photos of baozixuan, mother and girlfriend are in the hands of the strategic partner of the Boston post. What are you waiting for.

Bremer, editor in chief of the Wall Street Journal, personally called the Boston post and finally let it go after paying some price. The Wall Street Journal is very happy to agree to share the photos of baozixuan. It seems that there will be more good news for the Boston post in the future.

When Bremer received the photos from the Boston post, he jumped up with excitement. This is a photo that can affect the financial structure of Wall Street; It can cause a great sensation in the United States; It's definitely the most explosive news in the world.

Bremer, editor in chief of the Wall Street Journal, still thinks that the Boston post is interesting enough to not eat alone. In fact, he misunderstood that the Morgan family protected Rachel Morgan very well. No one in the Boston post knew the princess at all. However, as one of the overlords of Wall Street, the Morgan family should occasionally take a step down no matter how well it is protected, so that shareholders can see the state of the family and family, which can enhance their confidence and cohesion.

As the most authoritative media in the financial sector, the chief editor of the Wall Street Journal has certainly met Rachel Morgan. This is a woman who has the opportunity to become a leader of Wall Street. Of course, she should pay attention to it.

At this time, Bremer, editor in chief of the Wall Street Journal, was very moved if it was really as shown in the photos. Rachel Morgan becomes the wife of baozixuan, then the financial pattern of the world will change. The wealth of the Morgan family is unknown, and it is definitely a ceiling.

If the new regulations of technology and capital are added to baozixuan, who else can stop them from moving forward. It is to delimit a place for the founding of the people's Republic of China. It is estimated that other people dare not have opinions. After all, where is the strength of others. Now it seems that how to report this matter can not offend baozixuan and Morgan family at the same time for sales.

If you really annoy others, you can easily buy the Wall Street Journal; Then drive him out, which is against his original intention. However, if you think carefully that baozixuan and Rachel Morgan did not refuse the Boston post to take photos, it proves that they want to open their relationship. As long as they grasp the scale, they may be able to get a good prize.

Different from the troubles of newspaper reporters, Bao Zixuan was in a very good mood today. He clinked glasses with his teachers and classmates one by one in the evening, which can also be regarded as a complete end to his college life.

Moreover, seeing that the relationship between her mother and Rachel Morgan was very harmonious, I thought that if Miss Morgan was really willing to go back to Xiangjiang with herself, it would not be impossible to develop further. She was qualified in terms of family affairs, background and help to her career. I just don't know what the lady thinks. From the situation in Los Angeles that day, the other party is likely to be angry with Diana Rockefeller. It's said that a woman's heart is a needle in the sea. I really don't understand this Eq.

The last time baozixuan became famous at MIT as a student was his drinking capacity. How much he drank is a mystery. According to those who attended the banquet that night, as the protagonist of the banquet, baozixuan clinked glasses with almost everyone. No one can figure out how much wine to drink, but everyone drank more than 200 boxes of all kinds of drinks that night. The amount allocated to everyone is terrible. Baozixuan can definitely drink the portion of 4 people.

It can be said that such indulgence is the first time in the history of MIT, and it is estimated that it is also the last time. After all, drinking too much is not only bad for your health, but also has a worse impact on society. As a strict school, MIT should not make such a mistake. Today it made an exception for baozixuan.

At the reception, many people were still asking about baozixuan's photos, but he didn't answer positively. It can be seen how interesting his behavior at MIT is. The photos have begun to affect the mentality of some female students, but baozixuan doesn't want to know.

However, when he got home, he couldn't help answering Li Yulin's pressing questions. His mother's status was unshakable, and some things were not easy to hide.

Li Yulin: "who is Rachel Morgan and what do you think. I don't want to care about your attitude towards her, but I should ask after seeing it! You didn't refuse or be unhappy when taking photos today, which proves that you don't reject this girl. "

Bao Zixuan: "have you ever heard of jp- Morgan!"

Li Yulin: "is she from the Morgan family?"

Bao Zixuan: "she is the granddaughter of JP Morgan, but she is said to be a direct descendant of the Morgan family. I don't reject being with her, but I have to be willing. I hope my future wife will be able to teach her husband and children at home. Obviously Rachel Morgan is not such a type of girl. Also, the Morgan family may not agree to marry her to me. I'm a real Chinese. "

Li Yulin didn't say much when she heard that this kind and lovely girl came from the most powerful Morgan family in the United States and even the world. One or two million people get together on the condition that their son is a door-to-door son-in-law. How can they live.

In fact, baozixuan didn't want to say to her mother that Miss Morgan may have been angry with her friends. After all, he can't be completely sure. It's not impossible if the other party really likes himself. I'm not taking advantage of my unclear relationship with her; Want to fight for more time and strength to deal with the crisis. How can Li Yulin know these troubles? Then she can't sleep.

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