Watching Matsushita Yukiko leave, baozixuan returned to his exhibition hall. The booth area of heiyun has reached 600 square meters, which is the largest among the exhibitors. It can be said that the main Committee of the exhibition really takes special care of heiyun.

With the rise of exhibitions in other regions, Berlin electric began to strengthen its publicity at the consumer goods exhibition. Many people come to Berlin every time, especially the special geographical location enables NATO and Warsaw Pact countries to come. Many enterprises from Warsaw Pact countries participated in the exhibition, attracting the arrival of Warsaw Pact buyers. Berlin can now say that almost everything can be traded except for special items. Even the spy exchange between the United States and the Soviet Union is carried out here, which shows the openness of the market.

Today, Siemens, as the most powerful enterprise in Germany, is the first to introduce its products. They have absolute advantages in the field of household appliances, especially in power saving.

However, what they introduced today is not traditional household electrical appliances. The expansion of the German Pavilion has enriched a lot of participating products. What Siemens brought this time was a modern production line in the field of home appliance manufacturing technology and industrial control, which puzzled many people. However, baozixuan knows that Siemens is fishing. They know that they have no obvious advantage in selling only household appliances. Although the product quality in Germany is good, the price is unaffordable by ordinary people.

Rather than compete with other enterprises, it's better to sell production lines. Although we can lose part of the market, as long as we control the sales target, we can achieve the purpose of indirectly controlling the market.

Siemens just wants to sell the castrated version of the production line to some developing country enterprises, so that even if their products can't make money, they can definitely make a lot of money through the sales of equipment and production line, and they still need to find them when the production line is upgraded.

The second player is American RCA company. Their LCD screen still has many advantages in technology, including black cloud, but the distance is narrowing.

In the morning, the two giants in the United States and Germany introduced their products, but there was nothing amazing except that some buyers from developing countries were interested in Siemens' production line.

After lunch, everyone began to gather in the hall and listen to other manufacturers introduce their products. In the afternoon, Sony was the first to appear. This time, they brought a product jointly developed by themselves and Nintendo - the second generation home game console. At the last exhibition in Los Angeles, I felt that the sales of home game consoles were good, especially in Rb area, which was not much worse than that of black cloud, so they were full of confidence in the second generation home game consoles. In addition, Yamanaka was willing to bear the cost, and Sony agreed to do so.

Looking at the introduction of this game console, baozixuan knew that Sony and Nintendo began to make efforts. It is worthy of being the first and second game companies in the world. The performance of the products jointly developed by the two companies is no less than that of similar products of black cloud. It is estimated that what can win now is the cost advantage and the number of games. It seems that we should increase investment in game console R & D, otherwise it is likely to be surpassed.

Looking at the surprised expression of the people below, Akio Morita and Yamauchi know that the sales of this game console should not be bad. Especially seeing the expression of baozixuan made them more confident.

Then it's the turn of a French enterprise to make an overall power solution. It is also because of the opening of the exhibition that more large equipment production companies can enter the site. However, the strength of these large enterprises can not be underestimated, and even some enterprises have state support behind them. To develop in the future, heiyun must compete with these giants, especially when baozixuan still has a big industrial dream.

At the end of the day's exhibition, everyone was talking about the sales of their products and competitive products. Black cloud's opening is not very good this time. Many people are watching. After all, there are too many enterprises coming to the exhibition this time, and many people have been dazzled.

Back to the hotel, the atmosphere in baozixuan's room is not as light as yesterday, but a little dignified. After all, now black cloud is facing great pressure, and many manufacturers are staring at him to sell and develop products. The market competition is very fierce. If heiyun doesn't change its strategy, the exhibition will not be very effective.

Bao Zixuan said to everyone, "as you can see, our opponents have made obvious progress. On the contrary, due to our distraction, we are now somewhat backward, and the technical advantage is not very obvious. This is a dangerous signal. Fortunately, it is exposed in time. If we wait until we are discovered by others, then we will be eliminated by the market. "

"Next, everyone should pay attention to it. Miyamoto, our game consoles are reduced in price. But it's not cash, but more game cards. After all, our game is more playable than each other. "

Miyamoto: "no problem. I have informed the R & D personnel to calculate the cost. We must arrange the cost and profit reasonably."

Bao Zixuan: "then please Gong Benjun. As for household appliances, it seems that Siemens can export production lines, which will lead to greater competitive pressure in the future. We must be prepared in advance."

Jackie Ma: "our department will try its best to achieve the performance objectives."

Bao Zixuan: "it's not that fast at present, but our technology has to be strengthened. After returning to Xiangjiang, President Ma should strengthen scientific research. In the past three years, heiyun household appliances can be used for R & D without paying a profit to the head office. "

It can be said that Bao Zixuan has made up his mind this time, that is, he must succeed. Even at a big price, although the profit of heiyun household appliances is not really very high, it is also relatively speaking. Although the cost of black cloud is not high, it will certainly suffer losses in operating costs if it wants to compete with developing countries, which must be prepared in advance.

As for other products, don't worry too much. At present, there are no obvious competitors. However, we can't take it lightly, so it's too late when our competitors catch up.

The next morning, the exhibition continued. Today, only three enterprises appeared on the stage. This afternoon was reserved for heiyun group. It can be said that the chairman of the Berlin exhibition also made a lot of efforts to win over baozixuan.

IBM of the United States was the first to appear, and their computers were still as strong as ever. Baozixuan knows that this is his biggest competitor. At present, the two sides are not a heavyweight, especially in the computer field. If heiyun wants to catch up with IBM, he can only overtake in the corner, otherwise the technical reserve is too poor.

At present, black cloud has also been developing large-scale industrial computers, which is IBM's professional field. If black cloud joins the field of mainframe computers, it will certainly become a thorn in the other party's eye. Future competition is inevitable. Now we can only try to catch up.

The overall performance of IBM's notebook computer is similar to that of heiyun, but all the parts of others are self-produced. The main accessories of heiyun are purchased externally, which has fallen behind.

However, black cloud has obvious advantages in appearance design, and its design is more avant-garde and fashionable. For the computer field that does not pay much attention to appearance, other enterprises have not thought about it. However, after the black cloud releases its products this time, it is estimated that this rule will be broken. Laptops are not only used by men, but also by women. Black cloud's laptop is too lethal to women. It can be said that no woman can ignore it. Unless you don't use a laptop, you don't have to buy it at all.

IBM has a slight advantage in price. This time, the two sides can be said to be evenly matched. Black cloud may still have some advantages in software. According to the current comprehensive analysis, the sales volume should be about the same.