As we all know, the most difficult of these people is baozixuan. He wants to exchange soil for German industrial equipment, which is very difficult. If he doesn't do well, he will be treated as a fool. If he is not careful, he will make a big joke.

However, baozixuan knew that if this matter wanted to be solved perfectly, he had to come forward. Others don't understand the value of rare earths. If they exchange the price of cabbage at that time, they can't stand it.

Baozixuan also knows that it is impossible to achieve his goal by relying on a German steel enterprise. So he targeted three German companies. They are Rhine metals, Thyssen and Krupp, the three most important heavy industrial enterprises in Germany.

At present, Thyssen and Krupp belong to two different enterprises and have not merged yet. But there are a lot of private exchanges. It can be said that the relationship is very good.

Oliver leharde, who passed Rhine metal this time, called the heads of the other two companies to negotiate. I don't know what's going on. Every time baozixuan comes to Germany, he wants to take advantage of Rhine metal. This time is no exception. It seems that Rhine metal owed him in his last life and paid off his debts in this life.

Auguste Thyssen (1842-1926) became rich in the steel industry at the end of the 19th century and was known as the "king of Ruhr". Fritz Thyssen (1873-1951) was a German monopoly capitalist. In 1926, he inherited his father's industry and merged seven companies into the largest United Steel Company in Europe. He has funded the * * Party since the early 1920s and officially joined the party in 1931. Since then, actively arranged and organized German industrial giants to financially support and politically support the * * Party, which played a great role in Hitler's coming to power in 1933** After the party came to power, he was a member of Himmler's friends and an adviser to the Prussian state government. In the late 1930s, there were differences with Hitler. Fled to Switzerland in 1939. He moved to France the following year. In 1941, he was arrested by the Vichy government of France, extradited to Germany and put into DAHAO concentration camp. After the war, he was tried by the German decontamination court and sentenced to hand over 15% of his property as the compensation fund for * * victims. He moved to Argentina in 1950 and wrote "I funded Hitler". Its company is now ThyssenKrupp AG, one of the world's top 500 companies.

The current president of Thyssen company is rehagel Thyssen, grandson of Fritz Thyssen. He is 50 years old, which can be said to be the golden age of an entrepreneur.

In 1812, old Alfred Krupp was born in a Jewish family in Essen. His cannon made Bismarck defeated Austria and France in the middle of the 19th century. Little Alfred's mother Bertha is the granddaughter of old Alfred. Bertha's marriage was personally arranged by German Emperor William II. He asked diplomat Gustav to marry Bertha and added "Krupp" to his surname in order to run the business of this prominent family and prevent it from falling into the hands of political enemies.

The Krupp family has always been the pillar of the German Communist Party and has been favored by the country's highest authorities. It is the tradition of this family to abide by time, discipline and order. Take the meal time as an example. Breakfast is 7:15. People who arrive at 7:16 will find that the restaurant is closed and others have begun to eat. In addition, even in the winter, Gustav Krupp refused to open the fireplace and deliberately made the office cold to avoid becoming listless. Alfred grew up in such an environment. Since childhood, he has been specially cultivated by his parents and has the right to have dinner with his parents.

Germany's defeat in World War I was his first life pain: the German Emperor bid farewell to Essen, the Allies came to dismantle the factory, his father was declared a war criminal (not imprisoned), the Weimar Republic was established, workers revolted and occupied Essen, and the French occupied Ruhr district. These spiritual insults in his childhood became the reason for his future dedication to Hitler.

After the war, the Krupp family was still bent on developing their family business. They set up new companies, built new factories and bought new coal mines. The products are mainly sold to the Soviet Union. Soon, at the request of the German staff, the Krupp family secretly participated in the rearming of Germany. The first batch of armored vehicles were manufactured in 1926, and the production of artillery was resumed two years later.

At this time, little Alfred Krupp was an adult. As the eldest son, he had all the rights of the family heirs. In the huger villa, he lived alone on the first floor, surrounded by five servants. He studied physics and chemistry at the University and interned at the Dresden bank.

In 1930, he joined the German Communist Party and became a member of the Ss the next year. He regarded Hitler as the main figure to wash away the humiliation of 1918 and revive Germany. On October 1, 1936, Krupp, 29, was officially appointed Deputy Manager in charge of rearmament. In 1939, he took over the power of the Krupp empire from his father, and the era of Alfred Krupp began.

For the next five years, he tried his best to play the role of the third imperial ordnance division. At the beginning of the war, he built a small building near huger villa, surrounded by barbed wire and guarded by armed sentinels. At 9 a.m. every day, he arrived here by car and worked late into the night. A portrait of Hitler hung in the office, with the words "stay with the Fuehrer until victory!" He works there alone, drinking whisky and smoking camel cigarettes at night. He was accompanied only by servants and no friends. If he doesn't work here, he will travel around France, Ukraine, Poland, the Netherlands, Yugoslavia and other places occupied by Germany. He was in favor of confiscating the industrial and mining enterprises of the occupied countries, so he controlled many mines and blast furnaces. By 1943, the Krupp Empire had directly or indirectly employed 200000 people to manufacture artillery, armored vehicles, tanks, submarines and various light weapons for the German army.

After the war, the German workers of Krupp factory went to the front line. Instead of them, prisoners of war from European countries, including 15000 Soviet prisoners of war. Since 1943, Krupp began to use exiled Jews in large quantities to build factories near concentration camps. At the end of the war, there were as many as 100000 "Krupp slaves". These people are in a miserable situation. In Essen, they go to work under the whip of steel. Even if there are allied planes to bomb, they can't leave the factory. Krupp confessed to this in the later Nuremberg trial. He also said to the interrogators: "this cell belongs to me in the Great Heritage of the Krupp family."

In 1948, he was sentenced to 12 years' imprisonment for "anti humanity, plundering occupied areas and conspiracy against peace", and his factory was handed over to the British army.

After the cold war, the United States and Britain wanted to rearm Germany and "make it a new sword", so Krupp became the beneficiary of this new "realistic politics". On January 31, 1951, Krupp was released with 60 prisoners. He spent less than four years in prison.

He reorganized his family as soon as he returned to Essen. In October 1952, he signed an agreement with the occupation authorities to solve the fate of Krupp. All his heavy industries, mines and steel production enterprises are transferred to a company, which is responsible for the sale; Krupp retains equity interests in shipbuilding, truck manufacturing and locomotive manufacturing; As compensation for its transfer of property rights, Krupp received a compensation of 250 million francs.

Within 10 years, the Krupp Empire rose again. By the early 1960s, he had 110000 employees and an annual turnover of US $1.5 billion, ranking among the top ten enterprises in Europe. His business scope includes shipbuilding, complete sets of equipment, bridge construction, chemical industry, textile, plastics, water treatment, oil refining and nuclear reactors.

Although endert Krupp was unwilling to inherit his family, he and Oliver leharde were good friends. Hearing that heiyun baozixuan wanted to negotiate with several German industrial giants, out of curiosity about the young man, he came to the negotiation site. Although there are no specific matters in the company, his family name has determined his fate, and it is impossible to ignore everything.