Hearing what baozixuan said, Diana Rockefeller almost didn't pat the table. How can so many requirements be so good. We should save money and have convenient transportation. If there is such a place, you can find one for me, but now we cooperate. This is what was agreed at the beginning. They are responsible for finding stores in the United States, and heiyun is responsible for training personnel. If you can't find a small store now, what qualifications do you have to talk about cooperation with each other.

Now it seems that we can only find a new store according to the requirements of baozixuan, which is a top priority at present. If you don't even have a store, you still talk about building a hypermarket.

Diana Rockefeller: "look for a store. I'll arrange someone to go and promise to do it according to your requirements. Now how many large stores will we open in the first batch? You should have a plan in mind! "

Bao Zixuan: "in the United States, the first batch only selected six cities: New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta and Detroit." In fact, Bao Zixuan also has selfishness. The places where she wants to open stores are the places to build mobile phone signal towers, which can promote both the rapid promotion of mobile phones and the overall sales of stores. But now these cities are big cities in the United States, which has not been doubted by others.

Phil Hawkins: "although Bao is not American, the selected cities are very representative. I think it's OK. Let's look for the store and let you check it then. However, personnel recruitment and training are left to heiyun. After all, you are professional in this regard. "

Bao Zixuan: "these are no problem, but let's talk about the name of the mall and the proportion of equity distribution."

Hearing this, both Phil Hawkins and Diana Rockefeller knew that the critical time had come, and those before were empty. Now we get to the point. No matter how good the relationship is, we should also calculate the accounts clearly for business.

Diana Rockefeller: "the store can be called Rockefeller electronics store. Taking my last name as the brand itself is to raise its value. How about it. As for the shares, the Rockefeller family accounts for 51% of the shares, and the remaining 49% is divided between you two. How's it going! "

Bao Zixuan smiled and said, "not so much! First, the name of the mall cannot be Rockefeller, which is not in line with the development and positioning of modern electronic products. Also, if you want to account for 51% of the shares, I might as well do it myself! There are a lot of things I have to do in the plan I proposed. Now what I said is not enough. What am I doing to please the Rockefeller family? "

Diana Rockefeller: "what's your name and how to divide the shares."

In fact, when she put forward the distribution plan, she knew that both sides would oppose it, but she was just trying. I don't really want to divide according to this plan. The three are now almost the same, at least on the surface. After all, this is not the era 100 years ago when the Rockefeller family could control the entire American oil industry.

In fact, Diana Rockefeller has another idea to let the other party know the Rockefeller family, so that Bao Zixuan can't talk to the lion.

Bao Zixuan: "the store can give 25% shares to the Rockefeller family, but later when recruiting shareholders, everyone should reduce the same proportion."

"As for Phil, you can take as many shares as you want, as long as you can bear it. In the future, this enterprise will be listed, and we need to recruit more shareholders. "

Phil Hawkins: "I can come up with $200 million and how many shares I can take."

Bao Zixuan: "the first investment is US $1 billion, and you pay US $200 million, accounting for 20% of the shares. In the future, we will also accept many customer investments, and accept local powerful families and businessmen when expanding to other countries. "

Phil Hawkins: "then do as you say, but the name of the mall should also be determined."

Bao Zixuan: "I think it's best buy! This name, which can succeed in previous lives, is now registered in advance by myself. It is estimated that it will not be bad. "

Not only is its name best buy, but this time baozixuan also wants to copy the development model of the brand in its previous life. At present, we also want to do so, but we still need an excellent professional manager to achieve best buy's achievements. If an enterprise wants to develop rapidly and healthily, it can't do it without good leaders. The character of Diana Rockefeller is not suitable for managing the company.

Everyone feels good to hear this name, which is in line with the characteristics of American names. It should be able to adapt to the American market. It seems that baozixuan really wants to make a good job of this store. At least it's not selfish.

Phil Hawkins: "it's a great name and the distribution of shares is reasonable. What do you think of best buy management. I think Diana is a good choice. He is a talented student at Wharton Business School. Many store plans are written by her, and she is also very familiar with enterprise management. What do you think! Bag! "

Bao Zixuan: "it's not a good choice. It's not that I despise her ability. Miss Diana hasn't worked on any specific projects yet. Many of them are empty talk and just talk on paper. At most, she gives advice in the family. I'm afraid she can't cope with such a huge project at once. If Miss Diana wants to work at best buy, the most suitable job should be financial work. Forget the rest! "

Hearing that baozixuan said he couldn't do it, Diana Rockefeller, who has always been competitive, was very unhappy. Why did the boy say he couldn't, but after hearing the other party's analysis, he felt that what he said was quite reasonable. For a moment, he didn't know how to refute.

But because of her character, Diana Rockefeller didn't like to admit defeat. He said, "if you don't try, how do you know I can't? I grew up in a business family. I've been doing business for longer than you. I'll do it well. Otherwise, let's make a bet. What do you say? "

Bao Zixuan: "yes! How do you want to bet? "

Diana Rockefeller: "what if I can achieve the expected growth target as president of best buy?"

Steamed stuffed bun Xuan didn't expect that this woman dared to play a gambling agreement with herself. It seems that she has been prepared for it. But at this time, we can't admit counseling, especially in front of women, saying: "if we set a goal and you can achieve it, I'll lose you 5% of the shares. If you can't achieve it, you'll lose me 5% of the shares and quit the management."

Diana Rockefeller: "if I achieve my goal, you have to apologize to me in front of everyone and apologize for your contempt for me."

Bao Zixuan: "no problem, but can you decide about the shares! After all, the shares are held by the Rockefeller family, not by you, Diana. "

Bao Zixuan said that the air suddenly became quiet, just as he said. The shares do not belong to Diana Rockefeller, which is a troublesome thing.

However, Phil Hawkins ignored Bao Zixuan's feeling when he thought about how to extricate Diana, and suddenly said, "if Diana doesn't come by then, it will be deducted from my shares."

Hearing this, baozixuan smiled, but he also understood a lot of things. Business is a relationship of interest. Never talk about friendship again. No one can be trusted at the critical moment. Now it seems that he is still an outsider.

He has always regarded Phil Hawkins as a friend. It seems that it is better to understand some of them often, otherwise it will be his own loss at that time. Now it's just a small thing to see who you're closer to. You don't shoot you in the back when it's urgent.

Bao Zixuan said, "OK, just think it over. But how to decide this? We need to list a contract. It's not good to say it clearly at that time. Miss Diana, we will set an enterprise development goal for the enterprise. If there is no problem, we will implement it according to the contract. "