Ginseng is a perennial herb belonging to Panax ginseng of Araliaceae of Umbelliferae. It likes shade. Its leaves have no stomata and palisade tissue and cannot retain water. When the temperature is higher than 32 ℃, its leaves will be burned, and the canopy closure is 0.7-0.8. It usually blooms in 3 years and bears fruit in 5-6 years. The flowering period is from May to June and the fruiting period is from June to September.

It grows under the coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest or deciduous broad-leaved forest dominated by Korean pine at an altitude of hundreds of meters between 33-48 degrees north latitude. It is produced in Northeast China, North Korea, South Korea, Rb and eastern Russia. Ginseng is also known as yellow ginseng, goblin, divine grass and the king of all kinds of grass. It is one of the famous "three treasures in Northeast China".

When Vasili brought Bao Zixuan and others to the ginseng, several old ginseng collectors were shocked by the lush ginseng.

Zhao Laoliu is the leader and steward of this gathering. He has lived in the mountains of Northeast China for a long time. When the employees of heiyun group bought ginseng in the northeast, they saw the skills of these old ginseng collectors and directly took them to Xiangjiang.

Zhao Laoliu went to Xiangjiang with heiyun purchasing personnel and went to the Soviet Union after doctor Huang Chunqiu told him. In fact, baozixuan has such contacts, which has opened up all the joints between China and the Soviet Union. Otherwise, it is really impossible to get a visa so soon. The problem of formalities alone is a big trouble.

Zhao Laoliu has been engaged in the ginseng industry for more than 30 years. He has never seen such huge ginseng branches and leaves in these years. It is estimated that it will definitely be more than 500 years, which is a great treasure. It can be said that it is rare in the world to reach the realm of flesh and bones of the living dead.

Zhao Laoliu said to Bao Zixuan, "my boss, it should look OK. But be careful, let's dig with our parents and children. "

Bao Zixuan: "thank you for everything, master Zhao. You are an expert in this regard."

Zhao Laoliu was very happy to hear the address of baozixuan. The big boss of Xiangjiang didn't yell like rumors. They have great respect for them and are very generous when giving money. The most important thing is to fully follow their plans after entering the mountain, and truly make professionals do professional things.

Zhao Laoliu began to work with three guys. First, they tied a red line to the stems and leaves of ginseng. This is an ancient tradition that people are afraid to escape in the process of re excavation. It's just a beautiful myth and legend. It can't be true. However, it has become a tradition to do this when digging ginseng in the northeast for more than 100 years.

They used wood to excavate the black soil around ginseng and began to excavate within 3 meters. Just afraid of damaging even a little ginseng whiskers.

At present, everyone is watching the work of Zhao Laoliu and others. They dare not disturb them at this time. I'm afraid of staff distraction. At present, the best way is to wait.

Baozixuan is also arranging other people to do logistics work. At present, everything is arranged around Zhao Laoliu. Soviet soldiers were setting up tents and making a fire to cook. This may be their last night in the mountains.

Zhao Laoliu carefully dug ginseng. According to his experience, this ginseng is likely to be the ginseng they are looking for for for more than 500 years. Boss Bao spent a lot of money on this thing this time. He not only brought them to the Soviet Union, but also invited so many Soviet soldiers to help. This can not be done with money. It requires considerable strength.

The world passed minute by minute. Everyone held their breath and watched Zhao Laoliu's actions. As the discoverer of ginseng, wallisi is even more nervous. After all, this is ginseng that changes the fate of his family. If everything meets the requirements of the big boss of Xiangjiang, his two sisters can study abroad and become multimillionaires. And the unit is still US dollars, which many people can't make in a lifetime.

Zhao Laoliu is digging the periphery layer by layer. Now they can see the appearance of ginseng. However, it can be seen from the excavated mound that this ginseng is really not small. Judging from the current whiskers, the diameter has exceeded 1m, that is, ginseng has not risen so much in a century.

Although Zhao Laoliu's tools are primitive, the objects inherited by his ancestors for thousands of years are still very useful. These tools can dig quickly without damaging ginseng, which is still a little slow for soldiers.

But now everything is waiting for Zhao Laoliu's excavation results. Now no one dares to disturb him.

Although Bao Zixuan was very anxious, after all, it was about his mother's condition. But he also knew that this was not the time to worry. Can only wait patiently.

Zhao Laoliu is an expert, with the joint efforts of four people. Two hours later, the whole ginseng was finally excavated. When we saw the ginseng that had grown into a human shape, we were convinced by the magic of nature.

This is by no means the beauty that can be achieved by artificial sculpture. She has a girl's beauty. As if it could capture people's soul, baozixuan knew that wealth moved people's hearts. Took out the prepared jade box and packed the ginseng.

Baozixuan said to Zhao Laoliu, "master Zhao works hard. From your experience, can you reach more than 500 years."

Zhao Laoliu: "boss, in my opinion, the age of this ginseng is definitely more than 600 years. It can be said that it is a rare treasure. Dr. Huang is absolutely satisfied with it. "

Bao Zixuan: "everyone is working hard. It's too late tonight. Let's have a rest here and start on time tomorrow. Vasili and master Zhao, you two come with me. It's time to honor my promise. "

In the largest tent, steamed stuffed bun Xuan said to Vasili: "Mr. Vasili, do you want 10 million US dollars in cash or in your account? If it's inconvenient for you to get it, you can put it here and withdraw it at any time. As for your sister's study abroad, they can go to any country they want. I'll let heiyun's staff in the Soviet Union contact them. You can rest assured. "

Steamed stuffed bun Xuan was also worried that the money could not reach the soldier, so he said so.

Vasili didn't expect that steamed stuffed bun Xuan was so considerate, so he replied: "thank you, Mr. Bao. You can call my account directly at that time, as long as $5 million. The rest is for my sister to study abroad. I know you don't need this money, but I can't be greedy. "

Steamed stuffed bun Xuan didn't expect that this Soviet boy was not greedy. It seems that he can be well cultivated. He said, "no problem, just do as you say. If you want to go to heiyun development in the future, you can contact me at any time."

Bao Zixuan then said to Zhao Laoliu: Master Zhao is very hard this time. 100000 US dollars will be handed over to you by heiyun staff when he returns to the northeast. In addition, if you have any suffering in the future, you can find the local black cloud staff. This commitment is only for you.

After arranging the two greatest heroes this time, baozixuan began to appreciate the ginseng alone. I know it may not be the one reported in the previous life, but this one is no worse than that one. It seems that there are many treasures in the Soviet Union. You can dig them in the future.

Early the next morning, everyone packed up and began to set off towards Gongqing city. There was no tension when we came back. We talked and laughed all the way towards the barracks.

I walked for a week when I went and only took two days when I came back. Baozixuan returned to Gongqing city with more than 10000 people. Baozixuan fulfilled his promise and distributed $10000 to everyone who set out with him.

At the same time, they also sent their due part to the military leaders of the Communist Youth City of the Soviet Union. This is the rule. After everyone was satisfied, baozixuan left Gongqing city with ginseng. Although the goal has been achieved this time, the expenditure in the Soviet Union has exceeded US $2.50, which means that baozixuan is rich and powerful, and another person has already gone bankrupt.