Baozixuan is now in a strange circle and has to go to the banquet every day. He is not used to such a life, but now he doesn't have to go if he doesn't want to. Sometimes he can't help himself.

After attending the party in Huofu, he went straight home. After dinner with Li Yulin, he came to the airport. His two roommates Martin Greene and romansky are coming this evening. They have to invite him to have a snack.

Now the Hong Kong government has granted the land for the construction of the university to heiyun group, and the overall planning and design of the university will be carried out. The land area is indeed a little large this time. Baozixuan is ready to be completed in five phases. In addition to establishing a university, he wants to build important facilities such as company headquarters and laboratories next to the school. In the future, Tianshui Wai area will be the global headquarters of heiyun group.

The three people who haven't met for a long time must have a good drink. Baozixuan knows that the two roommates don't pay so much attention. Take them directly to a famous seafood stall.

This place was introduced by the staff of the company. They said that the dishes were very authentic and worth tasting. They brought the driver here.

Seeing such a domineering car parked at the door, the boss knew that a big customer came to the door, smiled and said to the three: "boss, several. What would you like to eat? "

In fact, in the heart of baozixuan, he still likes this life. Now the identity of a tycoon has a lot of maladjustment for a while. Said: "three, bring some of your signature dishes."

The boss likes this kind of customers who don't order and ask him to recommend. Fortunately, he knows that some people can pit, and some people with bodyguards don't care about money, but if the ingredients are not good, the store must be unlucky.

Baozixuan three people are sitting at the door of the store. Now the weather in Xiangjiang is really cool. Fortunately, the temperature is not too low today, but you can feel the fun of street stalls here.

After the three sat down, baozixuan said, "how are you doing during my absence!"

Romansky: "as usual, we didn't have to drink without you! Thomas Mar can hardly see anyone now. It is estimated that the $10 million he takes from you at this speed will be spent soon. "

"Joseph Kane now has a girlfriend and seldom stays with us. Michael Mellon is busy with his family. His grandfather is not in good health."

To tell the truth about the other three people, baozixuan doesn't really care. Since Thomas Mar bought the shares of Mar company, baozixuan has successively purchased nearly 35% of Mar shares in other German institutions and some retail investors. At present, he has reached a bottleneck. He personally holds 45% of the shares of Mar company.

Although 10% of them are mortgage, they are also waiting for an opportunity. Once Thomas Mar wants to sell another 10% of the shares, he can notify Mar to reorganize the board of directors.

Nevertheless, he is still afraid to make too much announcement. Once the members of the Mar family know, they will redeem the shares mortgaged by Thomas Mar at all costs. The Mar family holds more than 60% of the shares of Mar company. Bao Zixuan is also afraid of drawing water with a bamboo basket. Besides, the design roommate is really not authentic. But sometimes the risk is worth taking in order to get precision technology.

Mike Mellon, as a direct member of the Mellon family, many things are not that you can ignore anything if you want to be capricious. With the wealth and status of the Mellon family, it seems that old Mellon's time is indeed coming. At this time, when it comes to the selection of the next patriarch of the family, we should be cautious, and there is the issue of property inheritance. Not one or two sentences can make it clear that big families also have big family troubles.

Bao Zixuan: "didn't Martin have a girlfriend last time! What's going on now? "

Martin Griff: "forget it, that girl just likes money. I was pried away by a rich second generation, and now I'm single again. "

Bao Zixuan: "it's you Roman. I haven't seen you dating other girls for so long. What's the matter! If it's inconvenient, you don't have to answer. "

In fact, baozixuan mainly wants to know more about his roommates. After all, they will be used when building a university in the future.

Romansky: "it's nothing. I have a fiancee! I'll be engaged when I get back to the Soviet Union. This is what our grandparents decided on the battlefield. No one can refute it. Even my parents have to obey it. "

"In the patriotic war, my grandfather was a leader and my fiancee's grandfather was a regimental political commissar. They fought side by side. At the same time, my grandfather saved the life of his fiancee grandfather. The two sides agreed to become in laws. But both sides have boys. My grandfather has three sons, my uncle, my father and my third uncle. "

"His grandfather gave birth to only one boy, her father, which is nothing! The most important thing is that I am the closest to her age in the family. My two brothers and one brother are either much older than her or much smaller. Finally, Grandpa asked me to fulfill his promise on the battlefield, so I had a fiancee. "

"Does it sound like dog blood? That's the reality. No one in the family can disobey Grandpa, and my fiancee's father is now a lieutenant general in the air force, and there is a lot of room for promotion in the future. This may also be a good help for my future development. "

"My fiancee is now a military doctor working in Moscow. We'll get married when we get back to Moscow. You'll have to come and join us then! "

"That's why I haven't provoked a girl for so long. I dare not look for it. In case of being discovered, the consequences are not what I can bear, and I can only take one step at a time. "

Bao Zixuan was very excited when he heard these words. Things were as he thought. The romansky family has profound influence in the Soviet Union. Now it is not only their family, but also his fiancee's father is an air force lieutenant general. If he doesn't make mistakes, there is no problem to become an air force admiral before the disintegration.

In this era, the leaders of the Soviet Union advocated the lifelong system of leading cadres, and there was no theory of retirement at all. It seems that when romansky returns to the Soviet Union, he can layout in advance. How can he take a share of this gluttonous feast after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

Bao Zixuan: "Roman has such a story! I thought you were not naturally interested in girls! "

Romansky: "Bao, you said it would be better if I went back to the Soviet Union and worked there! I don't like Moscow very much. There are too many big people, and the politics of the elderly has been deeply rooted. "

Bao Zixuan: "from the analysis of my trade with the Soviet Union during this period, the two places are more appropriate. One is the Far East, the other is Ukraine. These two places are very suitable for you. "

These two places have the same layout. Ukraine has the largest shipyard and aircraft production base. If where romansky works is helpful for future plans, he can pack the skilled workers there and bring them back before disintegration.

There are a large number of oil and gas fields in the Far East, which can also be operated in advance at that time. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, it was almost sold to those financial oligarchs at cabbage price. If romansky worked there, he would get a part.

At present, it seems that romansky and his fiancee's family will still be dragged into the chariot. They must go to Moscow when they get married. It will definitely be of great benefit to know more senior Soviet figures.

The three people chatted while eating seafood. Martin and romansky haven't had such a good time drinking and eating meat for a long time. Today, when I saw baozixuan, I was sure to drink all the wine I hadn't drunk for a while.

In this way, the three drank from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. fortunately, Xiangjiang is a sleepless city. However, seeing the size of the three people, especially the bodyguards next to them, there are no small gangsters who don't open their eyes and come forward to make trouble.