Peng Yifei left to find a simplified Chinese dictionary, which seems to be a great talent but a small use. However, there is also the meaning of baozixuan to test him. After all, as a driver and bodyguard, if there is a little action, the boss is unlucky.

Now baozixuan's task is to give priority to the preparation of traditional Chinese Wubi software. These days, he basically stays in the office at night, sits in front of the computer and enters the code farmer's life at once.

When the traditional Chinese characters were about to be written, Peng Yifei came back and brought back all the dictionaries required by baozixuan. A total of 32 copies were taken back. From the first simplified Chinese dictionary to the latest version in 1978, there were 16 versions, large and small. Peng Yifei brought back two copies of each version.

Seeing these steamed stuffed bun Xuan smiled, he still didn't explain clearly! However, this is also very good. It is very rare for subordinates to be able to unconditionally perform their assigned tasks and complete them with quality and quantity.

It can't be said to be a reference, just don't want people to doubt. This secret is going to be brought into the coffin.

This time, not only Peng Yifei came back, but also Yokai Junping came together. He also brought his latest product, Gameboy handheld game console.

Yokai Junping has been under great pressure this year. Although the game company started by heiyun group is still one of the most profitable subsidiaries of the whole group. However, all these have nothing to do with his average level. He came to the company with the highest salary of the whole group in a year, but he didn't bring any income to the company except spending money. Seeing that his former subordinate, Jiro Gucheng, was already the director of the production center at the same level as himself, he was very worried.

When baozixuan invited him to join, he promised that he could return to RB twice a month. However, in order to speed up the development of Gameboy, he only went back once a year to recruit hardware engineers back to RB. It can be seen that its work is crazy and serious. The national work attitude of the whole RB before the Plaza Agreement is very commendable.

Yokai Junping said to Bao Zixuan, "Your Excellency President, according to your requirements; All technical indicators can meet the listing conditions. We have done a lot of tests. At present, there is no problem running Xiangjiang square and greedy snake on the Gameboy game console. "

After all, the establishment time of black cloud game is too short to have its own game inventory. And the hardware performance of the first generation Gameboy game console is not very high. It can only run some simple games.

After about a year, the sales of Xiangjiang square basically stagnated. After all, there are more and more good games, and players will be more and more picky. Bao Zixuan asked Yokai Junping to transplant it to the Gameboy handheld game console. Snake as a 1976 game has long been eliminated in the arcade market.

Yokai Junping personally found the kid game company and bought the copyright. After the arcade is sold, it is difficult for small game companies to carry out secondary development. They have no strength in this regard. At this time, black cloud game company is willing to buy game copyright at a high price. Why not!

Yadali is not as generous as black cloud. In fact, yadali had been negotiating with them before black cloud found a kid game company.

As the absolute game console overlord in this era, yadali 2600 has its own strong side. They think it's your blessing as long as you can access games on the yadali 2600 game console platform, which leads them to be stingy with game developers.

The one-time buyout price of yadali, a classic game such as greedy snake, is only $2 million. They think that if yadali doesn't buy out the greedy Snake game, the game will be abandoned. There is no other console platform to compete with Atari.

At this time, heiyun's Yokai Junping found them to buy the game copyright. The angry kid game company in yadali agreed to a one-time buyout price of $5 million without saying anything.

Black cloud game is much more sincere than yadali, and it is especially refreshing when paying.

Hearing that Hengjing Junping actually grabbed the greedy snake steamed stuffed bun in the hands of yadali, yadali is one of the main competitors of heiyun game. It is worth celebrating that we can grab the snake copyright to weaken the opponent's strength. Moreover, the rise of yadali in the previous life depends on the game of space invaders. Now part of the game copyright is in the hands of black cloud, which is impossible to sell to yadali. It is difficult to rise.

Bao Zixuan said to Yokai Junping, "Yokai Jun, you can introduce the hardware configuration of this game console to everyone."

Yokai Junping: "OK, your Excellency President. Gameboy has a four-color black-and-white screen, four bit CPU, and the capacity of the game card is no more than 16MB. It consists of 5 keys, including the cross key with patented technology. It is very convenient for up, down, left and right adjustment. On the arcade, the direction adjustment lever may be more suitable for the player's experience. But on small game consoles, our cross key has an overwhelming advantage, so we have done a lot of experiments. "

Baozixuan knows that this game console has only half the performance of the original Gameboy launched by Nintendo, but he is very satisfied. After all, now the Gameboy is on sale about 10 years earlier than the previous life.

Single technology has long been able to meet the R & D conditions. After the emergence of Intel 8086 chip, the world's computer technology has taken shape. Later, technology upgrading and transformation are carried out on this basis. The basic framework has been determined, and the rest is much simpler.

What is lacking is creativity. In the era of arcade dominated games, who would think of making the game console the size of a palm of a hand. That's why Nintendo didn't develop successfully until 10 years later.

Bao Zixuan: "how about the performance of CPU and screen? How about your discussion with Gucheng Jun."

Yokai Junping: "CPU is a product 8 years ago. The production line we bought at Sony can be produced. As for the LCD four-color black-and-white screen, we have purchased a full set of equipment and technology at RCA. As long as we enter the mass production stage, our own factory can meet the production of all parts. It can be said that we don't need to buy any parts outside. Just buy raw materials. "

Baozixuan is very pleased to hear that. When many people don't understand why he wants to buy so many technologies. He thinks that he will be finished sooner or later if he indiscriminately enters other fields with a hammer and a stick. Once made many people and enterprises wait to see the jokes of the black cloud group. Today, I can finally be relieved that his layout is slowly exerting its power.

If there is no strength to produce ordinary chips and LCD screens, what should RB parts suppliers do after the business is particularly hot. Black cloud game consoles can only be purchased in the United States. The price has increased by at least 20%. Now heiyun can produce and use it for its own use, so there is no problem of rising parts prices.

At this time, except for some contradictions between Panasonic and Sony, Rb enterprises are consistent and very united. Black clouds have to be prevented!

Bao Zixuan said: "what is the production cost now, and how many units can be produced every day if we spare no effort to release production capacity."

If the general hardware development engineer may not know how much capacity can be achieved, but as a horizontal well who has worked on the production line for more than 10 years, it is even. Before coming to the United States, I checked with my old subordinates on the production cost of Gameboy and the maximum capacity that can be released for three times.

Bao Zixuan asked him this because he knew Yokai Junping's character. If he was replaced by another engineer, he wouldn't dare to ask so. In case he couldn't answer, it would be bad to have psychological pressure.

Yokai Junping: "now the cost of each bare metal game boy is HK $40, and a box of game cards costs HK $6. The main cost is that chips and screens are more expensive. If we want to achieve mass production, we can produce 30000 units a day in the first month, and 50000 units if the production capacity is fully released. Now our small CNC machine tools of heiyun group are the largest in the world. "