Baozixuan takes classes seriously at MIT every day. With previous life experience and thesis bonus, his popularity is getting higher and higher. Even many girls have the idea of dating him. But he never had time. Except for class, he spent all his time writing black cloud office software. With his unremitting efforts, the black cloud version of word and excel can finally imagine the market.

Baozixuan arranged Larry Brown to apply for a patent at the same time of successful research and development. If Microsoft wants to use it in the future, it's embarrassing. Baozixuan priced both software at $50. The customer ordered two bundled together for $80. After baozixuan personally programmed and arranged the company's software department to continuously test and optimize, word and excel can reach the level of 90 years in the future, and there is no problem in business.

Due to the success of the last dealer conference, black cloud North America branch is now well-known, so it has recruited many computer elites, including employees who have worked part-time at Apple and Microsoft. Baozixuan called up Hashimoto and took the following software engineers to apple and Microsoft respectively.

Hashimoto and others used to fight the pre war. Their purpose was to make the two companies interested in software. The real purpose was that baozixuan wanted the original shares of the two companies.

Hashimoto first came to apple in California and came to jobs's office after being introduced by his subordinates. At this time, Apple has just launched the second generation computer for less than half a year, but it is also said that it is basically impossible to get the original shares of Apple later. Hashimoto wondered why his boss valued the company so much. There's nothing here!

Under the operation of the engineer, jobs saw the good performance of black cloud office software on Apple's second-generation computer, and thought that he must implant these two software into Apple's computer, so there will be a large number of enterprise orders. Apple computers are not just toys like people say.

Jobs: "the software performance of black cloud is still good. I don't know how to sell it."

Hashimoto: "the price is $50 each, and the package price of the two is $80."

Jobs: "the price is too expensive. I don't know how much it will cost to implant these two software when Apple installs it."

Hashimoto: "the authorization given to me by our president is $65."

Jobs: "that's still too expensive, so our profits are too low."

Hashimoto: "there is another solution, that is, our black cloud company invests in apple. We have the software, capital and huge Asian market you need. If Mr. jobs agrees, our president will come to California to negotiate with apple, or you can go to the black cloud company in Boston. These are not problems. "

Steve Jobs: "I don't know what your company's valuation of apple is. I want to convince my partners."

Hashimoto: "10 million dollars."

Steve Jobs: "OK, I see. I'll contact you after communicating with my partner. I don't know whether these two software can stay for us to test their performance in detail."

Hashimoto: "of course, this student is for apple."

After the first round of negotiations between Hashimoto and apple, when he was ready to go to Microsoft in Seattle, black cloud software had been quietly listed in the computer market, but now the scale is not very large, and the popularity of computers in this era is not so wide, so it didn't cause much sensation.

But inside MIT, baozixuan's plan is to be recognized by the computer major of the college. Baozixuan, who was already a celebrity in the college, soon took the black cloud office software to the computer department for system test through Joseph Kane. The test result was that Professor Harry Roland of the computer department asked Joseph to take baozixuan directly to his laboratory.

Professor Harry Roland, 56, participated in the development of the world's first computer, although he was only a student at that time. But it has a lofty position in the whole computer industry.

Bao Zixuan came to the computer experiment at MIT. Looking at the great God who can rank in the top 20 in computer history, he was in a trance for a while.

Harry Roland: "Hello, boy, I've heard about you. In modern theoretical mechanical physics, you have been at the forefront of this era. Originally, I thought you only had deep attainments in machinery, but I didn't expect you to have such a solid foundation in computer software. The two business software you wrote well solved the financial calculation and storage of modern companies. It is no exaggeration to say that your two software can save at least 100 million tons of paper on the earth a year. You are like planting 700 million trees for the earth every year, saving 10 billion cubic meters of water, which is a thing for the benefit of all mankind. What makes me happy is that such great software was born in MIT students. At the same time, what makes me sad is that the students who write such excellent software study mechanical manufacturing rather than computer. It seems that the computer major of the college needs to recruit more excellent young people! "

Baozixuan didn't expect that a small software could be respected by Professor Harry Roland. Rise to the height of benefiting mankind, this is the thinking of MIT! If you are modest, you should be modest and say, "you flatter me. I don't think so much."

Harry Rowland: "I want to recommend your software to the American Computer Association for certification, but I have a question. As far as I know, you have never learned systematic financial knowledge. How did you think of writing financial office software! I have to know the antecedents and consequences of your creation of this great software. "

Bao Zixuan: "because of my mother, Professor Roland, I am a Xiangjiang child who grew up in a single parent family. My father died before I was born. Since childhood, only my mother brought me up with one hand. There are no other relatives. My mother is a professional accountant. He could have worked in a big company, but in order to take better care of me, he chose to undertake the accounting and tax problems of more than a dozen small companies at home. At that time, Xiangjiang small company was not very standardized. They often sent the account books at night. They must check the accounts and give them them tomorrow. Therefore, my mother often calculated the accounts late at night, sometimes even all night. When I first saw that computers could do calculations, my dream was to use computers to write programs so that more people like my mother would no longer have to work so late. "

Joseph Kane did not expect that this normally optimistic big boy had such a miserable childhood, and he was not knocked down by difficulties, but did his best through his own efforts.

Americans like heroes, especially stories about mothers who are willing to give up many opportunities for their sons and simply train their sons to become talents.

Harry Roland: "I see why you can write such excellent software. You have a persistence to do things, and you have a great mother. May I ask what your mother is doing now? "

Bao Zixuan: "she opened a pastry shop with my father's insurance compensation and the money she earned over the years. Now I don't want him to work too hard, because I have my own company in Xiangjiang. At present, the company benefits very well, but she is not a person who can relax. She basically goes to the store every day. "

Harry Roland: "thinking of the black cloud icon on the software, I didn't expect that you developed the game my grandson likes to play." Ha ha ha ha

Bao Zixuan: "I really founded the black cloud game company, but I didn't expect your grandson to like it."

Harry Rowland: "package, I will recommend your software to the computer association. At the same time, I hope you will study for my doctorate in computer science. Computer software alone cannot go far. "

Bao Zixuan: "I'll think about it seriously, professor."

After the two talked for a while, baozixuan left Harry Roland's laboratory.