Sometimes friendship is such a strange thing. Some people seem to be close to each other, but they can turn their faces suddenly in the next moment. Some people seem to be silent, but they can reach out the most crucial leader when the other half is in trouble.

The next day, after finishing the morning class, she packed her things and prepared to leave the classroom. Su Jin planned to go to the parking lot for dinner, while the other three went to the canteen.

Pick up their own things, but found that Lin Lin is still holding his mobile phone crazy brush information.

"Lin Lin, what are you doing? Hurry up and have a meal, or the meal will be robbed later."

"Oh, don't worry! There seems to be a new report on yesterday's group fight! "

"What, what!"

On hearing Lin Lin's words, all of us sat down beside Lin Lin and looked at her mobile phone.

Campus news: strange brotherhood, fighting yesterday, embracing today?

Looking at the title, Su Jin immediately became happy.

The following content tells that this morning, Luo Zhiyi went to the canteen to have breakfast with his brothers from the hip-hop club. And there is a picture below. In the picture, Luo Zhiyi and several boys are walking towards the canteen with a smile.

The smile on Su Jin's face is even worse. It seems that Luo Zhiyi has listened to his words well.

"This is the boy's friendship. After the fight, we are still good brothers." Looking at the content on the mobile phone, Lin Lin said with emotion, "and look at Luo Zhiyi's smile, it's so charming. What can I do? I feel that I'm in love with him!"

"Forget it! You've already got a boyfriend. How dare you miss someone else! Hurry up, I'm starving

"I know, I know!" Reluctantly put down his mobile phone, the table on the table of all the bees into his schoolbag, sharp back in his body.

There is a saying that how to say, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive! This is the best way to describe it now.

As soon as the four men walked out of the door, they saw a slender figure, with a small pigtail, a shoulder bag on his back, and his head did not turn, passing in front of them.

"Wow! This is Luo Zhiyi! How handsome

Luo Zhiyi's pigtail is too conspicuous. When Lin Lin saw him, he widened his eyes and said, "I didn't expect a real person to be more handsome! Cool

"Nonsense." Chu Xiaocheng patted Lin Lin's head gently, "otherwise you think the four heavenly kings on campus are white!"

Su Jin tilts her head and looks at Chu Xiaocheng who is walking in front of them. If she is right just now, Chu Xiaocheng's mouth seems to rise slightly when she passes them. Is she smiling at herself? Su Jin has some narcissistic thoughts.

Unfortunately, his walking speed is too fast, but in a few seconds, it has disappeared in front of people's eyes.

"Well, don't look, or you won't have to eat."

Handsome guys are very important, but now for them, eating is more important.

At the corner, Su Jin said goodbye to them.

Go to the parking lot, find Chu Linyu nanny car, Su Jin can't wait to go up, sure enough, see Chu Linyu leaning on the seat, waiting for her.

"Sorry to be late."

There are still four dishes and one soup, cold dishes, hot dishes, desserts and fruits after meals. That's a feast!

Seeing that Su Jin arrived, Chu Linyu put down the documents in his hand and opened the boxes on the table one by one: "it's OK to be late. Next time, you don't have to run here."

"Just hungry." I opened the chopsticks and began to eat them.

I don't know where Chu Linyu bought these things from. The taste is OK, but it's far worse than what he made!

After eating the meal, Su Jin covered her clothes and was ready to go to bed when Chu Linyu suddenly said, "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning."

"Ah?" The topic changes so fast that Su Jin doesn't respond.

"Isn't fri going to propose tomorrow?"

Su Jin blinked her eyes and nodded.

Thanks to her thinking for a long time yesterday, she can go out directly with Chu Linyu.

"Well, it's already half past twelve. You still have forty minutes to go to bed. Go to bed quickly, or you will know how to doze off in class.""I see." He shrunk his neck, lay on the chair and closed his eyes.

This kind of calm and can meet every day, if only it could be a little longer. Unconsciously, Su Jin has been here for almost half a month. Although the relationship between the students is not good enough to talk, at least when we meet, we can nod to each other as a greeting, which is also a good progress for Su Jin.

At 1:10, Chu Linyu wakes Su Jin up and looks at her back from the window. His mouth can't help but raise a faint smile and continues to shift his attention to the document.

The afternoon class is actually a physical education class, but the physical education teachers don't care about them very much. Most of the students like to use this time to go to the dormitory to sleep for a while. Of course, Su Jin wants to do the same, but Chu Xiaocheng refuses to let them go back to the dormitory to sleep. Instead, he takes them to the rehearsal room to continue to rehearse the old story of South City.

Generally speaking, under Chu Xiaocheng's pressure, the lines are almost memorized. Now the most important thing is to get all the words in one go, and the expression is in place.

Chu Xiaocheng, as the team leader, assigned a character to everyone. Su Jin's task is very special. She is asked to go to the corner to find the world of crazy women who have lost their children and husbands, so as to achieve every action. People can see that she plays a crazy woman.

This is a difficult task, a lost all women, Su Jin no matter how to play can only be limited to sadness, but can not reach the extreme of sadness.

She is going crazy, but she is driven crazy by Xiuzhen in the script!

At the end of the day, they were almost ready to rehearse, but Su Jin was the first two. In time, Chu Xiaocheng did a lot of ideological work for Su Jin, and she still couldn't touch that spirit. She had no choice but to give up temporarily.

In the evening, after taking a bath, Su Jin lay on the bed, thinking about tomorrow, the whole person was inexplicably happy.

"I'm going to turn out the light!"

At half past ten, all the dormitories had to turn off the lights, and even the wireless was cut off, which made Su Jin sympathize with the students in this school. Is this really college life? It's even harsher than high school.

Lying in bed, put down the mobile phone, closed his eyes, but sleepy is not willing to patronize Su Jin, harm her in bed tossed in the middle of the night just barely into a dream.

The consequence of going to bed late is that the next day's alarm clock can't wake up Su Jin.

Until she was in a daze when she heard the voice of her mobile phone, she tried to shake off her drowsiness and answered the phone in a daze: "hello?"

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for you?" The sound of gnashing teeth came from one end of the phone.

On hearing this voice, Su Jin immediately woke up!

He opened his eyes, looked at the time displayed on the mobile phone screen, and immediately fell down on the bed: "I wake up, I wake up! I'll be down right now! "

"I'll be downstairs in your bedroom and give you ten minutes, or you'll find a way out by yourself!"

"I'll be right down!" Sharp finish this sentence, Su Jin Hang up the phone.

Su Jin's voice of these actions is too loud, leading to the students who were sleeping in the dormitory to complain.

"What's wrong with you in the morning? It's only seven o'clock!"

"I'm sorry, I've got something to do. I'll invite you to eat hot pot when I come back."

While talking, he changed clothes quickly, and then went to the bathroom to wash. After everything was done, he picked up the bag and rushed down.

After walking into the nanny's car, I gasped and looked at my watch. It was just ten minutes!

To Su Jin handed a bottle of water, Chu Linyu light said: "drive."

After unscrewing the water bottle and drinking a mouthful of water, Su Jin gasped and asked, "why do you propose early in the morning?"

"I don't know." As she said, she handed Su Jin a bottle of milk and a sandwich. "Eat breakfast first."

It's so warm. I even brought breakfast.

It's a long way. It took the car two hours to get to the blue mountain square.

Along the way, Su Jin almost slept in the past.

After arriving at the blue mountain square, as soon as I get off the bus, I see Han Linyi, Zhong Hao, and Xu Panpan. I haven't seen him for a few days. Han Linyi's stomach has grown a lot.

As soon as Su Jin got out of the car, she saw Han Linyi running towards her with a surprised face. She was so scared that she quickly reached out and helped her: "they are all big bellied people, and they are running so fast. What should we do if something goes wrong?""You are here at last. We have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Sorry, the school is too far away, and I overslept by accident."

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much!" It seems that I haven't seen you for only a few days, so Su Jin is too enthusiastic.

At this time, the blue mountain square has undergone earth shaking changes. The ground is covered with roses. In the center of the square not far away, there is a huge love made of roses. On both sides of the love, there are two rows of people standing neatly. These people have a bunch of roses in their hands, balloons, uniform white clothes, and rabbit headbands on their heads.

How much did it cost to prepare for the proposal ceremony?

"That's right. We've arranged these for most of the day!"

"Yes, I found these roses after running all over the city."

Xu Panpan went to Su Jin's side, put his hand on her shoulder, and said without tears.

"It's hard for you. Where are they now?"

"They're coming this way now, and we should be almost ready!"