"Mu Xia, we can't stay here for a long time. Fu Li will have to go for re examination later. We have to go first."

"Well, well, go early."

Su Jin nodded and watched them leave with a smile.

Before leaving, Fu Li turned his head and blinked at Su Jin. Su Jin stretched out her hand and made an OK gesture.

After they left, the room was calm again.

Chu Linyu came back soon after they left. Seeing the fruit basket on the table, he raised a faint smile: "have they been here

"Well! It's said that Foley is going to propose to Dany

"Yes." Gently picked up Su Jin to lean on the head of the bed, then took the breakfast apart, and sent the porridge to her mouth after blowing cold, "what's the matter, if you are envious, I can also give you a century's proposal."

"Forget it, it's not the right time." Although she wanted to have a family early, what she wanted more was to marry him when she was worthy of Chu Linyu, without any criticism.

Small mouthful of porridge, into the food, limbs gradually began to have a sense of heat, the whole talent has a sense of reality.

"Are you full?" After eating two bowls of porridge, Su Jin's face became more and more ruddy. Chu Linyu stopped.

"It's a little closer."

"You can't eat that, either. The doctor said that you haven't eaten for a long time. You can't eat too much food at one time, otherwise it's bad for your stomach."

Well, since the doctor said so, Su Jin had to smash it, smash its own mouth, even if the aftertaste.

Looking at her greedy appearance, Chu Linyu said: "you, even if you're sick, you have such a big appetite. Fortunately, you won't be fat if you eat so much, otherwise you'll see how you cry."

Su Jin doesn't worry about being fat at all. After she is ill, she feels that she has lost a lot of weight.

After a meal, the doctor came to inspect the room, and determined that Su Jin had a low fever, so she was relieved.

"You are a child, so adults will not take good care of yourself. You have a high fever, and you can't get rid of it. As soon as you come out of the emergency room, you will almost be pushed into the emergency room again. This time, your immunity has been burned. You will not be as good as before. You should be prepared for this."

"Thank you, doctor. I'll be more careful later."

Su Jin nodded, in a coma when she heard the doctor teach Chu Linyu, so for this doctor, Su Jin's favor is doubled.

"Another night of observation, to make sure there is no recurrence, you can almost go back."

Finish saying, in his paper brush write a few times, and with Chu Linyu said these days need to pay attention to the matters, just turned to leave.

At that time, Su Jin didn't put Chu Linyu's words into her heart. When she arrived, she found that her body was really weak. Every time she changed seasons, she would definitely catch a cold. She felt dizzy and dizzy when she looked at the computer or mobile phone for a little longer. Therefore, if she didn't deal with the fever properly, she would say that it was too big or too small, It will do great harm to the future.

Accompanied by Chu Linyu, Su Jin had a rest in the ward for a day. The next morning, she was sure that she had no fever, so the doctor let Su Jin leave the hospital with a stroke of pen.

Originally, Chu Linyu wanted Su Jin to go home for a day's rest, but he thought that there had been two or three days without class, and the class had to fall down again, so he wanted to go back to school.

Chu Linyu couldn't resist Su Jin, so he had to send her to the school and told her to make a phone call every night.

Back to the school, the people in the dormitory see Su Jin that moment, all around.

"Well, if the school didn't let us out, we would have come to see you."

"Is the fever gone? Why don't you take another day off? "

"That's right. When you are sick, you should have a good rest."

Listening to the tone of their concern, Su Jin's heart is not moved, it is false.

"Don't worry, I'm ok. The doctor says I can leave the hospital. Besides, the school is too busy. If I ask for leave, I don't know how much time it will take to make up for it."

"That's what you're worried about?" Chu Xiaocheng gave a wry smile, took out a stack of notes from his desk and put them in Su Jin's hand, "Nuo, you see, we all help you take notes, so you don't have to worry about anything even if you have a good rest. As for practice, we can make up lessons for you in private. Don't forget, although our culture class is not good, practice is still good."The notes are very detailed. It can be said that all the things that need attention are marked out, and there are even many warm tips.

"Good! Today, I'm here to celebrate my illness! I'll treat you to hot pot! "

"Good! But hotpot belongs to hotpot. In fact, I still have a wish. I hope you can help me

"What?" Blinked his eyes, Su Jin tilted her head and asked curiously.

"Can you help me to get a picture of the king of Chu?"


"Oh, you know, King Chutian is very cold, and it's not easy to give others his own signature. So, can you ask for it for me, and I want three... My sister and my relatives also want it..."

Some embarrassed smile, Chu Xiaocheng a face looking forward to Mu Xia.

"Me too!"

See someone want, behind two also hastily began to want to rise Chu Lin Yu's signature.

Su Jin pulled his mouth, inexplicable vanity from her heart began to rise.

take a look! For others ten thousand yuan hard to ask for signature photos, Su Jin is at home to see are impatient.

Looking at Su Jin's hesitation, some of them thought that she was not willing to say: "otherwise, Mu Xia, you don't have to invite us to hot pot, we invite you to eat! As long as you can get my autograph. "

"No, no, no, no, no, I don't know why it's a big deal. No problem. It's just a signed photo. It's a small idea!"

Hearing Su Jin's words, the three of them were relieved.

"Well, now that class is about to begin, we'll go to eat hot pot after class! Have a big meal


After packing up their things, four people went to class.

Because it's the end of the semester, the content of the performance class is to assign members freely, five people in a group, there must be men and women, rehearse a drama together, the name of the drama is called "old story of the south of the city", a very dramatic but very classic drama.

When Su Jin saw the characters she had drawn, she didn't know whether she should cry or laugh.

Her performance turned out to be the crazy woman Xiuzhen.

The story is very touching. There is a crazy woman named Xiuzhen living near gongyingzi's home. Everyone is avoiding Xiuzhen. Only yingzi is willing to get close to Xiuzhen. Xiuzhen is also a poor man. Her child is lost and her husband is gone, But I didn't think that my friend niu'er was Xiuzhen's daughter

This novel Su Jin has seen in the textbook before, and it is also Su Jin's favorite novel. It tells the most common story of growing up, but Su Jin never thought that she was playing the crazy woman Xiuzhen, but it's time to test her acting skills.

"Well, now that you have the script in hand, we are showing the story of each volume in the old story of the south of the city. I believe you have already got the script, and the score of the final exam is determined by your acting skills this time."

Listen to the teacher's words, all the people are boiling, almost caught who asked you to play which character.

Su Jin's group consists of one of their dormitories and another boy who was caught temporarily. After the assignment, they begin to recite lines and rehearse.

Su Jin's lines are very few, basically sitting on one side giggling.

Originally thought that a very simple character, but we have to pay great attention to the details of that kind of eyes. After a day's rehearsal, Su Jin almost thought that she was the crazy woman.

"No, Muxia, you remember, you pay attention to your eyes and smile at that time, you smile too silly, Xiuzhen every smile is silly, but it is very meaningful, you must find that feeling!"

Although Chu Xiaocheng is very careless, she is very strict with the performance. Every action, every line and tone must be right. Once there is a little mistake, she will stop.

For a long time, Su Jin can't stand it, Jiao Chengxian can't stand it.

"Let's take a little rest. My throat is about to smoke."

"No! If you look at other people, they have almost remembered their lines. We will make mistakes when we practice our lines here! "

"This kind of thing is not urgent. It's just the beginning now. Don't be so strict."

Lin Lin took the script, frowned and said.

"What does it mean that we can't lose to others at the beginning when we have just started?"Chu Xiaocheng frowned, and the whole person was anxious.

"You are always like this, worrying about nothing."

"I do it every time?" With a sneer, "if you have the guts, don't join me! If you follow me, you have to listen to me. I'm the team leader! "

"Are you taking the team leader over me?"

Su Jin saw that the situation was not right, and quickly stopped them: "OK, OK, don't make a noise. Let's drink a little water to moisten our throat, and then start over. After all, this is the final assignment. We don't want to fail in the final exam. Now we can make it easier, Is that right? "

There is a peacemaker in the middle to dissuade two people to step down, two people's atmosphere just a little relaxed.

After a few drinks and a little rest, we started a new round of dialogue.

But among the five people, the awkward atmosphere still did not change at first. Even in the end, when sitting in front of the hot pot, no one spoke.

"Well, now that the rehearsal is over, don't be so embarrassed, OK?"