Qiao Xi didn't show weakness at all. She stared straight into Hao Jia's eyes: "you have been with him for eight years and haven't made Tang Xu fall in love with you. Why don't you give up?"

Hao Jia's face was gloomy, but her attitude was still tough: "do you think you are Tang Xu's girlfriend and will go to the end with him? I have been with him for eight years. I can understand that he is a little tired and wants to taste fresh food, but in the end, his bride will only be me. "

Qiao Xi's heart filled with anger. She didn't allow anyone to slander Tang Xu in front of her.

"Tang Xu has never been the kind of person you said!"

"What is Tang Xu like in your heart? Cold? Proud? " Hao Jia took a few steps forward and looked Qiao Xi in the eye. "It can only be said that you don't know him enough. You've known him for a year. Did Tang Xu mention his family in front of you? Have you seen his parents? "

"Don't worry. I'll see you sooner or later."

"Don't be too confident. Tang Xu didn't offer to take you home. That's because I'm the only prospective daughter-in-law in my aunt's heart," Hao Jia took out her mobile phone, turned out a picture and put it in front of Qiao Xi. "Maybe you don't know, but I can tell you that the person in the picture is my aunt."

In the photo, Tang Xu and Hao Jia stood around an elegant woman, left and right respectively. At that time, Tang Xu was slightly green, but with a warm smile on his face.

Qiao Xi knew that Tang Xu would only show such a smile in front of the people close to him, but it was because she understood that she felt more sad.

She also foolishly thought that Hao Jia was only in love with Tang Xu, but it turned out that she was the joke.

People are so talented and beautiful that they have even seen their family. They even confront Hao Jia here like a clown.

"Qiao Xi, although I know that the only person standing next to Tang Xu will be me, to be honest, I really hate you. If I hadn't worried about damaging Tang Xu's elegance, I would have let you have no play to shoot. You can play. Don't take it too seriously."

Qiao Xi's face remained calm all the time: "just you can't let me have no play to shoot." if she threw Tang Xu's to herself on the sofa, "give it back to Tang Xu for me."

At the moment she turned around, she finally burst into tears.

She left Tang Xu's house as fast as she could and ran to the car. Only then did she completely lose control of her emotions and cry in the empty parking lot.

Qiao Xi never thought that it was just a joke between her and Tang Xu.

But is Tang Xu really such a person?

Yes, Tang Xu won't be such a person. Even if she wants to break up, she should ask clearly and at least give Tang Xu a chance to explain.

Qiao Xi seemed to have caught a straw, wiped the tears off his face and dialed Tang Xu's phone.

"Why haven't you slept yet?"

Hearing Tang Xu's gentle voice, Qiao Xi pinched his thigh and didn't cry in front of him.

"Tang Xu, let me ask you something. You must tell me the truth, okay?"

Probably feeling Qiao Xi's seriousness, Tang Xu also replied seriously, "OK."

"What is your relationship with Hao Jia?"

"Hao Jia is Fosun's boss and my boss."

"Nothing else?"

"Of course," Tang Xu asked suspiciously, "why did you suddenly ask about it?"

Qiao Xi felt his heart was cold. Up to now, Tang Xu didn't tell himself the truth.

"I just remember seeing you in the hotel before."

"In addition to her being my boss, we may be friends."

Qiao Xi endured heartache and then asked, "did you only give me the key to the house?"

"I only gave it to you," Tang Xu asked mistily. "What happened? Did anyone else come to our house? It could be my mother. "

"No, nothing. I just want to make sure again."

Qiao Xi thought Tang Xu wouldn't cheat himself, but he didn't think he was really wrong.

"It's all right. I'll go back the day after tomorrow. I'll cook delicious food for you. What do you want to eat?"

"Tang Xu, let's break up!"

"What... What?" Tang Xu couldn't believe what he had just heard. "What did you just say?"

Qiao Xi repeated again with tears in her eyes: "I said let's break up. When you come back, we won't disclose our relationship again. Do you understand this time?"

Tang Xu on the other end of the phone seemed to be struck by thunder. He was stunned. He had never been so flustered.

"Qiao Xi, is it because I always want to be public that you want to break up with me? For example... If you really don't want to make it public, we can also make it private! "

Listening to Tang Xu's words, Qiao Xi sneered in her heart. If she hadn't seen Hao Jia tonight and listened to Tang Xu's humble tone, she would have thought how much Tang Xu loved herself!

Qiaoxi worried that he could not control his emotions, questioned Tang Xu like a shrew, and immediately hung up the phone.

After that, Tang Xu kept calling herself. She simply pulled Tang Xu's mobile phone number into the blacklist.


"Director Lu, can I find a martial arts instructor to train alone?"

Lu Dao frowned: "if you can't bear the pain, you can say it directly!"

Qiao Xi anxiously explained, "I can't bear hardships, but I haven't made martial arts films before. I don't have any experience. I may not be at the same starting point with you. If I can ask a professional martial arts guide to train me alone, the effect may be better."

"Do you really think so?" Lu Dao still asked incredulously.

"Yes, director Lu, if you don't believe me, I can accept your test in a week. If you think I'm lazy, I can accept a replacement."

Qiao Xi looked firmly at Lu Dao. In order to get out of the pain of lovelorn as soon as possible, she had to put all her energy on her work.

"OK, but if you can't meet my standards, don't blame me for being rude."

"I understand!"

After returning to the car, Tang Zhen asked, "why do you choose to train alone? It's easier to develop a tacit understanding with other actors. "

"Sister Zhen, I broke up with Tang Xu. I don't want to see him these days. Don't tell him any news about me."

"What?" Tang Zhen pulled over to the side of the road, turned her head and looked at Qiao Xi seriously, "why did you break up?"

How much Qiao Xi likes Tang Xu, but she sees it in her eyes. During the period when Qiao Xi and Tang Xu were together, their smiles were a little brighter than before, and there was a sweet smell all over them. Why did they suddenly break up.

"It's too messy. I don't know where to start. I also need some time to digest. Don't ask."

Qiao Xi felt that he was in a trance from last night to now, as if he were dreaming, a nightmare.