When yesinor received the news and rushed to the ward, Shen Zhibai was sitting by the bed looking after the children. Chu Yue stood aside, drooping her head and looking very sad.

Looking at the sleeping child on the hospital bed, yesnow lowered his voice and asked, "what's the matter? Why did you come to the hospital suddenly? Is the child ill? "

Seeing ye sinor coming, Chu Yue felt very wronged inexplicably and rushed directly to her arms and cried.

Ye sinor was startled by her and quickly patted her on the back, "well, what's the matter? Don't cry!"

Shen Zhibai sighed and didn't speak. The atmosphere between the two people was strange.

In order not to disturb the children, yesinor quickly took Chu Yue to the small living room outside. She was not in a hurry to ask what had happened. First, she comforted Chu Yue to calm down and stop crying.

Under yesinodi's gentle comfort, Chu Yue's mood was a little calmer.

At this time, yesinow asked tentatively, "what happened?"

Chu Yue sobbed and described the process of the child's accident, and then looked regretful. She seemed to want to beat herself, "it's all my fault. If I could look at him well at that time and don't be distracted, he wouldn't fall out of bed. When I heard the news, I felt very painful. He was so young and must have been hurt. If only I were the one who fell, I'd rather it hurt me. "

"All right, all right!" Yesinor heard her cry and said these words. He quickly took her in his arms and patted her on the back. "It's okay. It's okay now."

She sighed and comforted her with her own feelings, "although you are a mother, you are also an ordinary person. How can you not be distracted and make mistakes? There is really no need to blame yourself. And now the child is still young. Such things will often happen in the future. It is very common to stumble on the road of growth. There is really no need to take it too seriously. "

Chu Yue nodded, wiped the tears on her face and didn't speak.

"The child doesn't have any big problems. You must relax and think more about how I took care of the child before. Maybe I don't blame myself so much."

Chu Yue thought about it. When she was abroad, yesinor took three children alone and had to work to earn money to support her family. She felt very hard when others looked at her.

But yesno withstood all the pressure and educated all three children very well. It's really very powerful.

Thinking of this, Chu Yue felt even more useless. "Nono, the situation was so difficult at that time. You could take good care of your three children. Now there are not only nannies, but also very good conditions, but I haven't taken good care of my children. "

Yesinow sighed when she heard this. She didn't remember anything before, so she didn't know how she raised her three children at that time.

But how could there be no hard and difficult time to raise children? Yesinor patted her on the shoulder. "It must be that you only remember what I did well. You don't see that I may also let the children knock, or it's too hot and cold when making milk, or you dress them too much or too little. These are normal. Everyone is a mother for the first time. They have no experience. Everything should be done slowly. "

Hearing these words, Chu Yue gradually calmed down and finally felt better.

But when it comes to these things, yesinor thinks of the child he has lost. He feels very sad and subconsciously touches his stomach.

At this moment, there should be a little life connected with her blood. But maybe there is no fate, so he will flow away. He must be reborn to find better parents.

Seeing yesinor's trance, Chu Yue soon figured out what she was thinking.

"Nono, do you think of the lost child? Sorry to make you sad. "

Yesinor shook his head. "It's all right. It may be amnesia, so it seems that the sad mood has been alleviated a lot. If I remember everything, without this child, I may not be able to accept it for a while. "

Chu Yue hugged yesinor and gave her silent comfort.

Yesinow smiled. "I'm all right now. On the contrary, it's you. I feel you're not very happy recently. You should open it a little."

Chu Yue nodded and reluctantly pulled the corners of her mouth, "well, I know."

When Chu Yue returned to the ward, Shen Zhibai lay beside the hospital bed and was too tired to sleep.

Chu Yue hurried to him and patted him on the shoulder. "Go and sleep there. It's hard to work in the hospital today. I'll just look at the children."

Shen Zhibai was awakened. His face was slightly confused. Hearing what Chu Yue said, he nodded. He is really a little tired now.

"Then I'll go to bed and come to replace you in the middle of the night."

Chu Yue nodded and watched Shen Zhibai leave the ward.

But after waiting all night, Shen Zhibai didn't come to replace her, because he slept so dead that he didn't wake up halfway.

Chu Yue didn't sleep all night because of her remorse and didn't wait for Shen Zhibai. The feeling of grievance and discomfort became stronger and stronger.

But it was the child who crushed Chu Yue's last straw. The situation became serious. The genius was a little bright. Chu Yue also began to feel sleepy. At this time, the child suddenly burst into tears.

Chu Yue instantly woke up and hurried to see the child. But the child can't talk and won't tell you what's wrong with him.

But when Chu Yue went to hold the child, she obviously felt that the child's temperature was a little high. It was obviously a fever.

She was in a panic for a moment. She was at a loss for a moment. She was stunned for a moment. Then she quickly rang the bell and called the doctor and nurse.

When Shen Zhibai rushed over, the doctor was checking inside.

Seeing Chu Yue, he frowned slightly, "what's the matter with the child? Why didn't you call me? "

Chu Yue looked at him and didn't sleep all night, which made her look extremely haggard. "I don't know what's going on. He suddenly cried. I felt that he seemed to have a fever."

Shen Zhibai nodded and didn't care about Chu Yue. He directly opened the door of the ward and went in to see what the child was like with the doctor.

Chu Yue just stood at the door and looked at a group of people busy inside. It seemed that the whole world had nothing to do with her.

At the moment Shen Zhibai left her, her world seemed completely gray.