Lu sichen was a little angry, but he couldn't bear to be angry with her because he thought that yesinor vomited like that today.

He sighed lightly, reached out his hand to hold yesinow's hand, and said very seriously, "nono, I'm telling the truth. This thing is really an accident. It may be a shock to you, but it's a surprise to me."

Yesinow hung his head and didn't speak. In fact, she also realized that she had gone too far. It seemed that she was really trying to get at the tip of an ox.

Lu sichen continued: "it doesn't matter. After all, you are the one who has to suffer. I can't be so selfish and force you to make a decision. If you are willing to stay, I will take good care of you. If you don't want to, I will respect your decision, okay? "

Yesinor nodded and whispered, "I'm a little confused. Let me think about it again!"

Without forcing her, Lu sichen asked her to have a rest in the room and went downstairs to cook porridge for her.

I've been vomiting all day. I'm sure I didn't eat much. I should feel better after drinking some porridge.

Yesinor took a bath. When he stood in front of the mirror, he couldn't help looking at his belly slightly.

Clearly know that this time the stomach is just a germ, but still can't help looking at it carefully.

Yesinow remembered that he was pregnant with three children at that time, and his stomach was frightening. Especially after five months, his stomach was like blowing balloons.

At that time, she needed to go out to work and buy things alone. Fortunately, everyone took good care of her and gave her a lot of help.

Thinking of the happiness of watching his stomach grow bigger by himself at that time, yesinor couldn't help bending the corners of his mouth.

When Lu sichen brought up the porridge, yesinor was leaning against the bed and flipping through the photos in his mobile phone, all of which were taken when he was three children.

"What are you looking at?" Lu sichen handed her the porridge and asked curiously.

Ye sinor took advantage of the situation and gave his mobile phone to Lu sichen. "It's the photos of children when they were young, or it's saved from my old mobile phone. You shouldn't have seen many of them."

Lu sichen took it over and looked at it curiously. It was really something he had never seen before.

When they were young, they looked very similar. They couldn't even tell which was which. There was a picture of three children fighting and pulling each other's clothes.

Lu sichen couldn't help laughing. "It's so cute. They look like me when I was a child."

Yesinow took a sip of porridge and glanced over. "This is when they were young, and the distinction between the three children is not very big. There are those in the back. When they are a little bigger, they can see that little Joe looks like me and those two look like you. "

Lu sichen sat by his bed and looked through these photos, as if he had participated in their lives.

Ye sinow sighed, "although it was really hard at that time, when the child was young, it was really the same day by day. Observing the changes every day seems to be like a gift given to you by God every day. It is a very novel feeling, and the heart is still very happy."

Lu sichen reached out and held Ye sinor's hand. He didn't know what to say.

In fact, after reading these photos, he even wanted to keep the child, because he wanted to witness his child's first tooth growth, first walk and first call him father.

However, knowing that yesinow was not ready, he did not continue to ask about the topic.

Chu Yue has entered the state of waiting to give birth, and may be born at any time. Yesinow has to visit her in the hospital every day.

Thinking of yesinuo's serious reaction when he saw Chu Yue, Lu sichen really didn't trust her to go alone. He simply accompanied her to the hospital every day.

Fortunately, this time, yesinor saw Chu Yue without the feeling of nausea and vomiting.

She took Chu Yue's hand and sat by the bed asking about her. Chu Yue was also a little worried about her. The words of the two people were endless.

Shen Zhibai called Lu sichen aside, glanced at the two women in the ward and said faintly, "how about it? Yesinow agreed to give birth to the child? "

Lu sichen shook his head. "No, she still hesitated. This decision is very important, and I don't want to force her. Fortunately, the child's month is still small, which can give us some time to think seriously. "

Shen Zhibai sighed lightly, reached out and patted him on the shoulder, with an extremely sympathetic look, "is yesinow still struggling with those problems? To tell you the truth, I don't seem to understand it, but as a mother and having suffered so much with her three children, we may really have different ideas, which we can't sympathize with. "

Hearing Shen Zhibai's words, Lu sichen felt more and more guilty. He even had an impulse to give up the child and protect their mother and son in the future.

"After thinking about it, it's still necessary to remind you of it. Whether you decide to keep the child or not, I suggest you go for a detailed examination. One is that yesinow is not young. The other is that she was injured after going through yunrenxuan. She also used some drugs during the treatment. She was worried that she might hurt the child. " Shen Zhibai kindly reminded.

Lu sichen frowned and suddenly remembered the matter. It seemed that they had indeed ignored it.

After returning to the ward, Lu sichen took yesinor away directly.

Yesinow looked strange, "what's the matter? I still haven't explained something to Yueyue. What if she wants to have a baby? Do you have anything else to do with the company, or you should go first. "

Lu sichen sighed, took the number Shen Zhibai had just hung, and sat down on the bench in the corridor.

He held ye SinoU's shoulder and said faintly, "SinoU, Shen Zhibai reminded me of one thing. After you were injured before, you came back for treatment for a period of time. At that time, you didn't know you were pregnant, so you didn't take drugs so carefully. Shen Zhibai suggested that we make a detailed inspection just in case. "

Yesinow was stunned and obviously remembered it.

She was dazzled by that complicated mood yesterday and didn't think of this problem at all.

Ye sinow suddenly grabbed Lu sichen's hand, "so what Dr. Shen meant was that the child might be affected?"

Lu sichen felt her tension and patted her hand. "Don't worry, Shen Zhibai is just a reminder. Let's do a detailed inspection!"