The trial ended in mid April, and Li was mainly responsible. With the efforts of Gu shaoting, the families of the injured employees received large compensation.

This matter is well known to all people in Los Angeles. Yesino sighed slightly after knowing the result. Fortunately, Gu shaoting protected their rights and interests.

Life seems to have returned to calm. It's going to be a holiday for some time. This time, there is a small and long holiday for nearly a week. Lu sichen is thinking about where to take the children.

After dinner, the family sat by the sofa and discussed.

Big Joe and second Joe are playing with model cars. Little Joe has just finished his meal and is eating cherries with a fruit plate. His mouth is full of red juice.

Yesinor helped her clean her mouth, "or go to the amusement park one day, or live in a small town near Los Angeles for a few days!"

Lu sichen put his hand against the center of his eyebrows and thought, "the holiday is so long, and it's the first time for me to go out with you. I'd better go to the place I want to go for a holiday!"

Yesinow nodded, but he felt a little headache at the thought of bringing three children.

With more children, it will be troublesome to take care of them.

Lu sichen held the little girl in his arms. The little girl's stomach was full of food. He said softly, "Little Joe, where do you want to play?"

Che Lizi was taken away. Little Joe held his chin sadly, thought for a moment, and suddenly clapped his hands, "Dad, I want to see the snow! A lot of snow! "

Yesinow smiled. The climate of s country is relatively mild all year round. It won't snow even in the coldest time.

When I returned to Los Angeles, it was snowing again. The children seemed to have great expectations for snow.

Lu sichen turned to his two sons, "shall we go to the snow farm? Dad taught you to ski! "

The two sons nodded happily, their big eyes shining, obviously looking forward to it.

"Yeah, we can go and see the snow!"

Lu sichen asked Ji Xiao to contact a foreign ski resort. At this time, there should not be many people and it will not be too crowded.

The family went shopping at the mall on weekends. After all, there are a lot of things to take for skiing.

The three children were very excited about going skiing. After a noisy week, the family finally set off.

After all, to take care of three children, Lu sichen specially took Li Ma and Ji Xiao.

Shortly after they left, another plane carrying two familiar people flew to the same destination.

As soon as the plane took off, three children fell asleep.

Yesinow was also drowsy. Now it was 9 p.m. in Los Angeles, and sleepiness gradually came up.

Seeing such a handsome man, the stewardess came to ask him if he needed anything many times.

Lu sichen saw Ye sinor's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. It was obvious that he was sleeping very uncomfortable. His face also sank. He directly refused, "no, please don't bother. My wife has to rest!"

The stewardess's face was suddenly green and white. She nodded embarrassed and left in a hurry.

His ears were breathing. Lu sichen carefully stretched out his hand and passed through the woman's neck, holding her head against his shoulder.

Yesinow whispered a few times. He looked down at her pink lips and couldn't help but bow his head and kiss her.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he looked up, he put on a pair of bright big eyes. Big Joe blinked and stared at him.

Lu sichen looked at his eldest son who didn't know when he woke up. He coughed and helped him cover his blanket. "Sleep!"

Big Joe seemed to want to say something. Finally, he closed his eyes obediently.

Lu sichen couldn't sleep. He looked at the documents in his hand and held a woman's soft hand. Three hours passed quickly.

I came with long sleeves and got off the plane in a down jacket.

The three little ones were in the hat of the down jacket and looked around curiously.

After getting off the plane, a specially assigned person came to pick them up. An hour later, they finally arrived at the ski resort.

The ski resort is more than 3000 meters above sea level. They can only take a cable car.

Sitting on the cable car, looking down is a vast expanse of white, looking up is a blue sky, feeling that the whole person is instantly open.

"Wow! How beautiful! "

"A lot of snow!"

The three little children were lying on the door of the cable car. Their little meat face was squeezed into a cake on the glass. Their big eyes were full of curiosity and joy.

"Dad, I like it here!" Xiao Qiao reached out and patted Lu sichen's big palm, tiptoed and gave him a kiss.

Lu sichen smiled. Having a daughter is happiness!

They got off the cable car and walked a short way to their residence.

Ji Xiao specially arranged a single family leisure villa for the whole family.

When they arrived, it was more than three o'clock in the afternoon, but it was dark early here. It was completely dark when they packed up their things.

The three little girls couldn't wait to go out and have fun. Yesnow simply opened the balcony door and let them hide under the balcony and play with the snow in the garden.

Children's laughter is crisp and beautiful. Their happiness is so simple.

I'm afraid the children can't get used to the food here. Mother Li cooked the dinner.

"Have a good rest tonight and get up tomorrow to play with the snow!" Yesinow commanded softly.

Three small just nodded, long-distance travel for a day, coupled with the problem of jet lag, soon fell asleep.


The next day, after eating the lunch prepared by mother Li, I could finally go out to play.

Three little girls can't ski. Yesnow learned it when he was young and went skiing with his parents, but he has long forgotten it.

Lu sichen arranged a teacher for each of the three primary schools. Of course, yesnow taught it himself.

"Keep your front feet closer!"

"Yes, lean forward a little and move your weight down!"

"OK, try sliding out for a while!"

After all, ye Sinuo still has the foundation. Under the leadership of Lu sichen, he soon found the feeling, practiced well and was able to slide out alone.

It's a little difficult for the three children, but the children learn things quickly.

Little Joe fell and rolled out like a meatball in his pink down jacket.

Yesinow smiled directly, not distressing his daughter at all. It's not very painful to fall here.

The little girl got up confused and wanted to cry, but when she saw that her brothers were still working hard and choking, she continued to contact the teacher.

Yesinow stood there, suddenly regretting.

"What are you thinking?"

Yesinow sighed, "I didn't have the ability to send them to learn a lot. Comfort myself and let the children grow up happily! But now when I see them, I suddenly think that when I was a child, my parents sent me to try all kinds of things, playing the piano, singing, dancing, skiing, skating, baseball and golf, which I have studied! But they haven't studied these. Am I giving too little to the children? "