The psychic who can enter China is naturally a man with a little ability. So when Lei Junting finds Shen Yuan, he can't tolerate his refusal, so he takes Lei Junting to find him outside.

Min Yuchen is responsible for protecting the safety of Lei Junting.

Fifth, a person hides in the room to study the seven kill array. The array is a hexagonal pattern. Each corner hides an array, and each person has a fixed angle. Six people can change their angles at any time according to the situation. At the same time, the array will change again.

The more we see the seven kill array, the more frightening and even exciting it is.

She saw such a fierce array for the first time since her graduation.

After looking for such a long time, I finally found an array that can trap Han Mei.

The master can move freely and not be controlled by the array, but he can control the enemy within the array.

However, there is a drawback in this formation. The six players must stick to the bottom of the formation. They can only defend, not take the initiative to attack.

Only relying on one theme attack can make a quick decision. If we fight a protracted war, I'm afraid it's really dangerous.

Fifth Nian picked up the paper and pen and began to write and draw.

Get rid of Huan Yan who doesn't have any skills, and the remaining six will play the main position according to her. Huan Yan can stand outside the array to hypnotize the kids and weaken the firepower of the six.

She got into the dead end. Although this array is the best choice to kill the female monarch, it is also a way to hurt the enemy 1000 and hurt herself 800.

He didn't worry too much about himself. He was afraid that a person who didn't have a deep sense of morality like Hua Bian might end up dead.

I heard a knock on the door

The man who came in was Fu Minghua, with a bit of anxiety on his face. "Miss five, I can't get in touch with Shen Yuan."

Fifth Nian took a look at the time. It has been more than three hours since they went out.

"Completely out of touch?"

"Yes, we have special contact information in the psychic room. I just went to contact him with two colleagues. The voice at that end is very noisy and I can't hear anything clearly."

"You go out and wait for me for a while. I'll clean up and find you."

Fu Minghua nodded, "OK."

Fifth Nian threw all the paper into the shredder, changed his clothes and went downstairs with the box.

Fu Minghua felt a little more stable. It seems that the fifth lady is going to help them find Shen Yuan.

"Huan Yan, you stay here to practice. Fu Minghua and I will go out and look for it."

Ling Qi and several other colleagues who could come stood up one after another, "let's go, too."

"It's not enough for you to go to so many people and fight group fights."

Fu Minghua waved to them, "you stay here for the time being, protect teacher Xu's safety. I'll go out with Miss Wu to have a look. Don't you believe her ability?"

They naturally believe in the ability of the fifth thought.

"All right!"

After walking out of Lei Junting's villa and getting into Fu Minghua's car, fifth Nian takes out his mobile phone and sends a private letter to Shen Manzhu.

Who is Shen Yuan in the supernatural room?

Shen Manzhu replied quickly this time.

Shen Manzhu: my cousin, what's the matter?

Fifth read: I have cooperation with him. I'll tell you a bad news. He's lost contact now. Can you Shen family find his shortcut?

Shen Manzhu: you wait for me for a moment. I'll ask my grandfather.

When Fu Minghua saw that fifth Nian was still fiddling with his mobile phone at this time, he was immediately relieved that Shen Yuan was not hard to find.

Fifth, if you know what's going on in his head, you must give him a big white eye.

"Tell me when you couldn't get in touch with Shen Yuan?"

Fu Minghua said, "after Shen Yuan and Lei Junting went out, we contacted each other by telephone. I don't know their Shen family's magic. I don't know what Shen Yuan used to chase them all the way to the suburban road, and even lost them with Mr. Lei. I couldn't get in touch with Shen Yuan any more. I called Mr. Lei. He said that Shen Yuan was in the car in front of him. When I went to the suburban road, the fog was a little heavy, and then there was no one. They have just come out, and they can't get in touch with Shen Yuan any more. "

Fifth, he was as calm as ever and did not express any opinions.

At this time, Shen Manzhu sent a message. My cousin's specific location was covered by something. There was a general location. You drove fifty-seven kilometers from the south to the east of the capital. You searched for him within two kilometers nearby. When you saw him, you laughed at him for me. No matter how powerful he was, you still had to use Shen Manzhu's friends to save him?

Back also made a few exaggerated and arrogant pinch waist smile, very Shen Manzhu style.

Fifth read pursed lips and smile, "you don't seem to worry about your cousin?" It seems that Shen Yuan is arrogant when he is at home.

Shen Manzhu: our Shen family worships ancestors. Every child of the Shen family will fall into the genealogy and formally accept the protection of the ancestors. If life is in danger, the first feeling is the ancestors, but I just asked my grandfather, he said that there is no warning, and you come forward, most of which is to save the day.Fifth read: I see. What's up with you?

Shen Manzhu: two days ago, there were still some clues. I traced them all the way, but I didn't find anything. I just came back from the mountain yesterday, and a pair of beautiful jade feet were blistered.

Fifth reading: hard work.

Shen Manzhu: as soon as I think of it, I'm also involved in the task of saving the common people. I immediately feel that I'm several times higher than others.

The two chatted for a while, and the car was driving at Fu Minghua high speed, saving one third of the time and arriving nearby.

Fifth Nian takes out the phone, dials min Yuchen's mobile phone, and asks them where they are now, only to find that the mobile phone has no signal.

The suburban road is a little narrow, only two cars can pass by.

On both sides of the road are mountain forests. It's late in the evening. It's dark, and it's a bit gloomy here. The thin fog is like a layer of white yarn, making everything seem dreamy, as if walking into the forest of fairy tale world.

Fu Minghua braked and looked solemn. "It's so weird here. Shen Yuan lost contact with us in the fog."

The fifth read hit a huff, "the enemy leads us in, how can we find Shen Yuan if we don't go in?"