"You don't know how fierce the official lady was. She took people to beat xiaofengjiao black and blue. Later, the common people couldn't look down on her and pulled them away. I always thought that she was such a good-looking person that she would never do such a thing. In the next few days, the troupe of haocaitou stopped playing. We had no hope for a while, but there were some bad rumors in the village. "

In the rumors, even the best people will be seriously injured.

"What do they pass on?" The car is still driving on the rugged mountain road.

"They said that xiaofengjiao was restless when she was young and seduced a lot of men. The official in the town was the same. Even so, she was not satisfied. I heard that there were several men in the township office who had something to do with her. At that time, my mother looked at my father very closely. She was afraid that he would go to see xiaofengjiao when he was OK. "

"Is xiaofengjiao such a person?"

The old man sighed, "not long after that, xiaofengjiao is really pregnant."

The fifth read shock, "she and that officer Ye really have something to do?"

"I don't know. I only know that later, when the wife of the official knew about it, she came with a group of people. At that time, I was still young and wanted to visit her secretly. I just ran into her. At that time, she was also young. She also held the official's wife and begged for mercy. Don't hit anyone."

"What happened to xiaofengjiao later?"

"How could that lady listen to me as a child? At that time, I was pressed on the ground by an adult. I watched the group kick xiaofengjiao's stomach and beat her to abortion. I can still remember xiaofengjiao covering her stomach and pleading for mercy, saying that her child was not the official's but her fiance's. When they go back from this performance, they will marry their fiance. She has nothing to do with the official. But Mrs. Guan didn't believe it. She beat xiaofengjiao to miscarriage. " At this point, the old man still had tears in his eyes and was extremely remorseful.

"If I had thought about it more and called for help, I might have been able to save her."

Fifth read to wring eyebrow, "she died?"

"No, the child is gone, her spirit is a bit disordered, because I was forbidden by my mother. As for what happened later, I don't know. I just heard that xiaofengjiao couldn't bear the blow, and then she committed suicide in that office building."


Fifth, I didn't think it would be like this in the end. I felt a little more depressed.

"But how did I hear that the whole troupe was dead?"

The old man shook his head. "I was pressed on the ground, and I was hurt because of struggle. When my mother came to pick me up, she was injured for a long time, and then she was forbidden. What happened during this period was also told by the children in the neighborhood."

After a pause, he continued, "they said that xiaofengjiao didn't commit suicide, but was killed secretly by the official's wife. Xiaofengjiao's death was too unjust, and the members of the troupe were too indifferent, which angered xiaofengjiao. That's why they killed all the members of the troupe. It's said that one person, the son of the headmaster, escaped at that time. Those people died miserably. In the end, we common people dragged them to the hill not far from the office building and buried them all. "

Fifth read the first time to think of Feng Yuanman lying on the grave, large and small at least 20.

"Later, I don't know how to spread the rumor of being haunted. I always feel that even if xiaofengjiao really becomes a ghost, she is also a kind ghost."

"Sir, what happened to you here, so many people died, so you were buried quietly? Isn't there anyone up there to investigate? " Although Xinhua Xiaguo has just been established and some legal systems are not perfect, so many people will not die, and no one will come down to inquire.

The old man shook his head. "I don't know. It's really gone. Later, someone heard that someone was singing in the open space of the Township Office, and the most popular one was the drunkenness of the imperial concubine. So the rumor of being haunted was spread. Originally, there were people living nearby. Later, the rumor of being haunted became more and more fierce, and some neighbors moved away. Over time, the place became desolate. "

Pointing to the scattered Adobe houses in front, "girl, the first house in front of me is my home. Thank you for sending me back. If you don't like it, come in and have a drink!"

Fifth read also want to know more stories, of course, do not dislike, busy nodded, "do not dislike, I just a little thirsty."

Because the road ahead is a little difficult to walk, so two people walk.

"How many people are there in your village?"

"The families you see in your eyes are the people of our whole village."

"What about the young people?"

"They all went out to work, like us old bones. They can't get out, and they don't like to go out, so they stay here."

"Sir, who are there in your family?"

"I also have an old companion. My son and daughter-in-law left the island with their grandson, leaving us two old couples." The eldest brother brought fifth Nian back to his home. Maybe it was because she drove here. She was pretty and attracted a lot of attention along the way. Some people even asked him if she was their granddaughter-in-law?The old man was very simple and honest with a smile. "She's a city girl, and she's a book writer. Where is that fortune in our family? "

The fifth read into the door, introduced her identity, learned that the fifth read to send his old man back, can't help but thank me, "old man, don't thank me, fortunately, although the mountain road is not easy to walk, but at least the road is spacious, can accommodate the car to enter, otherwise I can't send my uncle back."

The old man looked at the fifth and said, "girl, if you really want to write a story about xiaofengjiao, can you let her finally get out of here and marry her fiance?"

The old man's wife frowned, "what do you say that woman does? She's not a good person. "