It's the first time that fifth Nian has met such a situation.

She didn't even know what she was fixed by. Although she used all her tricks, she couldn't move half a point.

Looking at each other's soul wand, she split it. Her mind was blank. She could only think of a very stupid way, that is, the soul out of the body, so that the other party could not hit her own soul. Qin Yiyan had no soul in her body, and the power of the soul wand could only become an ordinary stick. At most, it was painful for a while, but it had nothing to do with the soul itself It's too much harm.

But this method will easily expose the secret of the fifth thought. Maybe in the eyes of the Yin soldier, she is also a ghost who grabs other people's bodies.

It's better than being sucked away by the soul wand. For the fifth thought, it's better to live with a ray of life than the Yin soldier's soul.

Yin soldiers see this, immediately turned his face, "bold, even dare to seize other people's body." After all, she wields the soul wand with more strength. Although the peach wood sword of the fifth thought is a magic weapon with certain spirituality, it's just a mortal thing and may not achieve better effect. Therefore, most of her spirituality is in a state of loss. She has consumed almost all of her spirituality when she drew the amulet, and has been entangled with the Yin soldiers for a long time. She really doesn't have any strength at the moment One wave of the peach sword makes you pant.

She has already begun to regret why she wanted to refuse min Yuchen's kindness. She knew that she had accepted min Yuchen's folding fan as her temporary weapon. At least it was an immortal weapon. It's not hard to deal with these Yin soldiers.

The fifth read can't stop crying in my heart, the name of the folding fan, little overlord!

Her hand suddenly precipitated for a while, the fifth read a fixed eye, surprised to see the hands of the little overlord, eyes flashed the color of joy.

Originally, little overlord can still summon, but how can she summon Dijun's magic weapon?

At this time, it's too late to think about it. The Yin soldier holding the rapturous wand has come again. Now that he has the magic weapon in his hand, the fifth idea is naturally like a tiger.

She brushed away the folding fan and waved away the purple light. There was almost no strangeness in her familiarity.

The purple light blade swung towards those entangled Yin soldiers. Maybe she didn't pay attention to the magic weapon in the hand of the fifth thought at all. Seeing that she was angry and threw out a lot of purple light, the Yin soldiers still didn't stop waving their soul wand, trying to take the soul of the fifth thought away, and directly took her to the hell palace to drive her to the 18th floor of hell.

But I didn't expect that the purple light came and swept all the Yin soldiers on the scene. They fell to the ground and turned into powder before they had time to howl.

This kind of behavior has been regarded as hindering official business, and the ablation of Yin soldiers has indeed led to the appearance of other Yin soldiers.

The fifth Nian took advantage of the victory and threw out a few flowers. The fierce and dazzling purple light was like fireworks in full bloom, which caught a few Yin soldiers off guard.

They have avoided that group of human troops, each other can not help but want to disturb their team, but also dare to resist, they have the right to let her go.

The Yin soldier put away the soul wand and changed another weapon, which was similar to a small axe. When she pulled it out, the fifth thought could feel the chilly chill. There was a terrible smell in the axe. She couldn't help but feel awed.

Just looking at the small axe, the fifth thought that her soul was shaking. Her intuition told her that if the axe was cut down, she would be terrified.

The soul will subconsciously feel fear, which is enough to prove that the power of the axe is more fierce than that of the Dementor stick.

She looked around the army on the other side, and found that as human beings, they were not afraid of those axes, so could she dare to guess that the axe was only good for her soul state?

She surprised the little overlord, did not give each other a chance, and then a head into Qin Yiyan's body, axe from the sky, toward her.

Quick handprint, set up a protective barrier, in this unfamiliar place of life in ancient times, even little Yama has not been reincarnated to be his brother, she felt it necessary to keep a low profile.

Maybe it was the charm that she had painted all night that consumed most of her spiritual power, so the border was not firm at all. At the moment when Qi's dozen axes hit the border, there was a small crack.

Fifth, he tried to endure the discomfort of his body and strengthened his own border again.

At the moment when the axe was ejected, it sent out a green and gloomy light, illuminating the nearby area. Where the fifth thought could be seen by the naked eye, there were about three or four small groups of soldiers directly fell to the ground, and the soul was split by the axe, which really confirmed what called soul flying spirit.

Seeing that so many people have fallen down, the soldiers behind have been in a panic. Fifth Nian rushed out of the border directly and yelled coldly, "don't look at anything, keep going, keep up with the front team, and never fall behind."

Fortunately, they have all been to the battlefield. They have seen more miserable comrades in arms who have died, and even have their stomachs broken. Now this kind of death is very peaceful, but there are not many terrible deaths.Naturally, there was nothing terrible in my heart. I stepped over the corpses of my comrades in arms and continued to keep up with the front team.

Fifth, read out their own border, for these people, without a layer of barrier, naturally there is not much to fear.

The axes got the order and flew over again. The fifth thought could only resist the axes with the help of Dijun's magic weapon. It seemed that the purple light covered with layers of thick light formed a huge protective cover, which fell on the fifth thought and blocked the heavy axes.

Seeing that the border that protected him disappeared in an instant, and the axe more and more penetrated into the gap of the border, fifth Nian decided to fight to see if he could use XIAOBAWANG flexibly?

Usually, the last big move is to hurt the enemy one thousand and lose eight hundred. However, before she had time to put it into action, the axe, which was suppressed above the border, soared into the sky, but she didn't know where to fly. The border split, and her slender little hand spared her, and she was taken out of the dangerous zone with her collar.

The fifth read a Zheng, unexpectedly is Han Mei!

Han Mei coldly raised eyebrows and snorted, "if anyone dares to hurt her, I'll let all of you Yin soldiers be buried with her."

Although the Yin soldiers can't see Han Mei's real body, they can feel the extremely powerful pressure from the other side. The other side can control it freely, and only aim at the Yin soldiers.

They can't help but back a few small steps, toward Han Mei slightly clasp, "the immortal, since the two sides collided, then we leave."

Han Mei's red lips gently opened, spitting out a very elegant word, "roll!"

The Yin soldier didn't have any hesitation, and immediately disappeared in the same place. This move made the fifth Nian look stunned. It was so easy to solve. Why did she spend so much effort, do so many preparatory work, and draw the charm all night. She almost didn't become a dog. But when she came to the lady of drought, they said two words, I'll take care of the Yin soldiers.

Since it's so simple, why does she dodge?

Seeing that the fifth Nian is safe, Han Mei doesn't have any explanation. She turns around and goes back to the end of the team.

Fifth read a mouth, want to ask her why, but because of her indifference, directly swallow the question back to the stomach.

At this time, the sky is already bright, and you can't even feel the existence of the Yin soldiers around you. The fifth thought summoned several people to take away the dead soldiers, at least let them go to the earth.

After walking all night, they finally got out of the forest.

Then he quickly headed for Tongzhou, a few hours earlier than expected. When he saw the imperial reinforcements, especially the leader was muyinong, general Fu Hua was very excited.

Because the soldiers were very tired after walking all day and all night, many people had already taken a rest in place. Muyinong could not rest at ease at all. He took people with him to discuss the latest war situation with general Fu Hua.

Concerning the secrets of the army, the fifth thought didn't want to make that boring, so he just left the meeting room. Before closing the door, it seemed that he heard something about the demon clan? The leader of the other side was a young and arrogant young man. He was not an ordinary man. Maybe he had the help of an immortal. Suddenly, a man appeared in his mind. Should he be the abnormal elder brother of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.