Leyou takes several people to set up the battle. Although they don't understand, Leyou will correct them.

As soon as min Yuchen came out, he was surrounded by his mother and the elders of other families. There were seven or eight questions for each of them. It was as if ten thousand ducks were quarreling. He frowned and said, "Mom, take the other aunts to have a rest. Yuxin will come back soon."

Song Moran straight tears, "but, but what do you let Niannian do?"

Min Yuchen took a look at the dark physicochemical medical building, pursed his lips and said, "I don't think there is anyone more professional than her in China."


People shocked to see min Yuchen, intuition tells them, min Yuchen is crazy?

Until grandfather Chen came slowly towards them with a small old man, who was the most famous person in China. Before, they had a cooperation to deal with Yunjia village.

Yang first wore a broad Taoist robe, followed by two little disciples, Chaoyang and Luoyue.

When they saw min Yuchen, they could not help nodding, "long time no see."

"Master Yang, long time no see."

Because the Chen family also lost a grandson, the old man of the Chen family came with someone in person and simply explained the matter. Then min Yuchen added that the fifth thought is in it by the way.

As soon as the old man of the Chen family heard this, he went in again and looked around anxiously. "Hurry up, find out the people quickly. Five of them have been lost. If you lose another one, it will be a big deal."

Yang first waved his hand, and then laughed very kindly, "don't worry, old Chen. Is this girl very good? I can't do it. Maybe she can do it. "

Chen's master was stunned, "why am I among them, but I never know that there is a powerful female Heavenly Master in the world?"

Yang Xian said with a smile, "the fifth family has never been contaminated with the world, and they don't like to be bound. I'm lucky to say that I've only seen the girl's aunt. I'm not as good as that amazing magic."

Seeing master Yang's praise, the old man of the Chen family gradually let go.

"What shall we do now?"

"If you wait and see the change, more people will go there, which is easy to destroy your aura. Maybe it will bring trouble to that girl. If she doesn't come out for an hour, I will go to see her myself." Yang Xian took a deep look at the towering medical building. He muttered a little in his heart that the death here was almost negligible, but what was the matter with the dark clouds over the building?

Can exclude ghosts, demons in the chaos, then in the end is what kind of existence?

See the door cloth, Le youyou will also drive out other people, a person guarding the door.

Yang stepped forward first, "girl, let me guard the student gate. I think you have old wounds. Go down to have a good life and have a rest!"

Le youyou raised his eyes and took a look at Yang Xian. His magnanimous righteousness gathered in his eyebrows. He was a man of virtue, so he was relieved to give it to such a person. He nodded slightly, clasped his fist and said, "thank you, master."

"Shame, shame, I can only do this for the time being."

Yang Xian leads Chaoyang and Luoyue to sit in front of Shengmen. She begins to recite the Scriptures. Yueyou is cool. Even if she wears a cotton padded jacket, she can't resist the chill. Suddenly, a coat falls on her shoulder. She can't help but look to her side. It's Gu Nan? "When did you come?"

"It's been a while."


"It seems that your injury is really caused by spider sperm."

"How do you know?" he said

"Last time I heard Yuchen and fifth Nian talk, I thought..." At this point, he slightly raised the corners of his lips, dumbfounded.

"Think they're deceiving or crazy?"

"All of them."

Yueyou nodded, "if I don't have contact with these, I also feel that all this is just like in the world of novels."

"It's really hard to believe."

Min Yuchen's line of sight is always locked with the elevator. Before he watched that horrible game on the Internet, so the order of the floors is regular. When the elevator rises to the fifth floor, everyone's heart rises.

When watching the number of elevators start to jump, I have come to the most nervous floor, which is the 10th floor. The fifth reading didn't go back to the first floor, but went to the 10th floor?

Min Yuchen's facial expression became stiff, and the fifth unique facial expression was even better. They never knew that the soaring number of floors of an elevator would affect their heart, and then they were nervous.

In other words, fifth Nian did meet a woman on the fifth floor. There was no death on her, and there was no evil force. The hand that she wanted to hold each other's neck, she took it back silently. She pressed the button to close the door, and then for a moment, let's see what her purpose was?

Silently pressed the button on the first floor, the moment the elevator door closed, the number of elevator floors was rising, but it did not drop. When the door on the tenth floor opened with a thud, fifth Nian clasped her neck without hesitation, "where are those children? Finally, be good, or I'll drive you out of your wits. "She was about the same age as 18 or 19 years old. She was dressed in a neat and clean school uniform, which made her look like a harmless animal.

When the fifth Nian's hand clasped her neck, there was no panic, no fear on her face. On the contrary, she calmly held the brush and painted something on the paper. The serious appearance made the fifth Nian think that she had caught the wrong ghost?

Just in the blink of an eye, the monster she drew on the paper jumped up from the drawing paper, imitated the visible three-dimensional plasticine, and then instantly turned into a real object. Fifth Nian was shocked, released her hand, and immediately got away from the attack of the invisible monster.

What is this?

What she drew was alive?

Did she meet Ma Liang.

The monster has a huge body. When it looks up and roars, it can feel the shaking of the earth and mountains. Its eyes are red. When it touches the fifth thought, it has red eyes as big as lanterns. Like radar scanning, it will bring electric light and flint everywhere.

The charm she threw out could only control it for 30 seconds. Before she could pronounce the charm with her fingerprints, she was swayed by the monster and almost swept to the wall to make a specimen.

The key is to deal with one. For the moment, she can still have a certain grasp. If the child has been painting, drawing more and more monsters, more and more exotic flowers, she really can't remember. In desperation, the fifth idea can only shake the four-way bracelet on her hands, lift her whole body up with spiritual power, and quickly form fingerprints, "pro, Bing, Dou, zhe" All, number, group, front, line, Qinglong out As soon as these words came down, a dragon winding in the air, with golden and black light, whistling and whistling, was fighting against those monsters, and there was nothing left to devour those monsters.

The fifth thought saw the opportunity and flashed into the elevator.

Instead of pressing the first floor quickly, she recited the Qingxin Jue and gently touched her eyebrows with her blood. She suddenly felt that her three lights were bright and prosperous, and then she dared to press the first floor.

I'm afraid that I will be left in a strange world.

The waiting people in the hall were even more uneasy when they heard the roar of the beast.

The fifth unique step, is about to rush toward the elevator, leyouyou yelled, "no, xiaojue, your sister is OK, she just called the fifth green dragon, this call is green dragon." It's just

Seeing Le you silent, the fifth unique face was full of anxiety, "sister you, what are you worried about?"

"I just don't understand how difficult it is for your sister to meet. She even calls Qinglong for help."

Min Yuchen clenched his fist, and a trace of helplessness flashed through his eyes. At this time, he hated his own helplessness. He could not help anything. The only thing he could do was to stand here and wait for her.

At this time, the elevator dingdong opened. As soon as fifth Nian stepped out of the door, min Yuchen reported that he was full of hope. Facing other people looking at him eagerly, fifth Nian was deeply embarrassed. There were so many people here, why didn't he take any care of them?

Pushed to push min to resist dust, light cough two, "I am all right."

Leiyou anxiously asked, "why did you summon Qinglong, is it that the things inside are particularly difficult to deal with?"

Yang first slowly opened his eyes, "no evil spirit, should not be what evil spirit."

Fifth read a look at Yang Xian, slightly nodded, for this master, she is more respect.

"Niannian, how's xiner? Did you bring her out? " Song Molan is really worried.

"There are others. Where are all the others?" At one time, many people rushed to ask, but the fifth thought didn't know which question to answer.

"Auntie, don't worry. They are still alive, but I can't bring them out now."

What do you mean not to bring it out?

Can't she subdue the monsters inside?

See the fifth read the facial expression abnormality of ugliness, the fifth absolute close close close close lips, "I go to look for them."

"Xiaojue, no need. Even if you go, you can't get to another space. As for..." She took a look at Min Yuchen, Han Zhihan, Song Yang and others, "you have a heavy military spirit. Those evil things are most afraid of these noble and upright things. They just come back in vain."

Chaoyang and Luoyue come around, just like before, and like to call her idol, "what kind of monster is there?"

"I even suspect that I have met the magic pen Ma Liang. I can feel that the girl has no malice. Quick, look for the dead children who have loved painting in school for nearly 30 years. " The girl's school uniform, which she had never seen before, could not help but boldly push the time forward.

Min Yuchen immediately arranged for people to search, a living person is not easy to check, dead will narrow a lot of scope.

Fifth Nian looked at master Yang Xian, "master Yang, have you ever met such a thing that the paintings drawn by the soul can become real and terrible monsters?"Yang Xian's face changed. He had never seen this kind of thing before. He was full of horror. "So you were just trapped by her painting?"

"Well, it's OK to deal with a monster. If she draws thousands of troops, I can't deal with it at all."

Yang Xian's facial expression became dignified. "I remember that there was a record in Yang's miscellaneous notes that the sentient can draw the soul, write the bone, carve the blood, and make the meat. It depends on the people who treat them."

"This girl should like her painting very much, so she can draw her soul. What if we destroy her drawing board?"

"Try not to offend her. I think she must take great care of her drawing board. If we destroy something she loves, she can't make a painting at most, but will she kill and vent her anger when she becomes angry?" This is just a bold guess of Yang Xian.

Fifth read nodded, "this is what I ignored."

"Therefore, our top priority is to rescue people first."

"Let's split up, then gather at the elevator entrance, and pay attention to the clear platform."

"I'll go up and have a look with my two apprentices first." Having said that, Yang Xian has already got up. First, he gets on the elevator, while Chaoyang and Luoyue get on the other two elevators respectively. Fifth Nian arranges the props in the box and puts them on the top.

Then he turned to min Yuchen, who was busy all the time. "I can't wait for your news. Now I have to go up to rescue Xin'er and them."

"And the results of my investigation?"

Fifth Nian pulled the red rope under his hand. "Your blood has been stained with this red rope. I silently recite my name in my heart. I will pull the red rope once I read it, and I will feel your call."

Min Yuchen suddenly black face, think of before he was anxious to find people, every day in touch with his ring finger, is hoping to find the red rope, but did not expect to find her so simple. And what she said to herself, the red rope she took the initiative to contact him is easy to use, and he really silly has been waiting for her to contact himself.

See his face is not very good, fifth read dry smile twice, "I, I left." As soon as I got into the elevator, I didn't dare to look back.

Seeing that the fifth Nian entered the elevator, Le youyou called a few people who were more masculine and guarded the position of the door. Then he told Xiao Jue, "I don't trust your sister. I have to go to have a look. If we haven't come back, please contact Fang Yiluo." Le youyou believes that Fang Yiluo must have a way to save people. It depends on whether the people inside are worth saving.

Fifthly, there is no subconscious refutation like before. Sister youyou is willing to say that, which must be reasonable for her.

Although he is not happy with ELO, if she really has a way to save her sisters, he is willing to bow his head.