The fifth read by Min Yuchen holding hands out of the hotel, behind him slowly follow, min Yuchen also don't urge her faster, she also don't ask, where are we going?

Until he came to the intersection of a post office, he took out his mobile phone and didn't know what he was looking at. Then he looked up and said, "let's go there."

Fifth read a lazy yawn, nodded.

Until they came to a florist's door, min Yuchen stopped, but because she yawned too hard, she almost squeezed out her tears, and bumped into min Yuchen's back. Fortunately, she tried her best to stabilize her body and quickly grasped his arm.

"Why did you stop all of a sudden?"

Min Yuchen pointed to the florist, "go in and choose a bunch of flowers you like."

Fifth, I blinked to make sure I heard right, because the master said it again.

She couldn't help laughing, "Min Yuchen, are you sick? You bring someone else to buy a bunch of flowers for their birthday?"

Min Yuchen's face was paralyzed and stiff, and a trace of confusion flashed across his face. "This is the first step."

"The first step?" Fifth Nian chuckled, "don't tell me you have a detailed plan on how to celebrate your birthday?"

There was a trace of light in his calm eyes, which was too fast to grasp.

"You just have to do it."

Fifth read ring arm, light said, "I don't like flowers, that's a little girl's hobby, so, min Yuchen, you give others a birthday, of course, you have to throw in their favor, naturally is to send my favorite things."

Min Yuchen nodded, "yes, what do you like?"

Fifth Nian pouted his mouth and thought about it. He snapped his fingers and said excitedly, "bring your wallet."

He obediently did so, took out his pocket wallet, arrived in front of the fifth read, saw her quite impolite, took all the cash from it, stretched out a small hand and ordered some money, "although only 3000 yuan, but I just barely make do with it!" Having said that, she put the cash in her pocket and then returned the wallet to min Yuchen. She saw a flash of consternation on her handsome face. What did she want to do?

Soon, the fifth read didn't give him extra thought, and directly announced the answer. For the first time, she laughed at herself like a flower. "Min Yuchen, don't think about those unrealistic plans in the future. I'm a good person. I like money. What flowers and gifts do you buy when you give me the money?"

Min Yuchen doesn't understand. After living so long, it's the first time that he meets such a direct and greedy woman.


Min Yuchen is a little tangled.

Fifth read without image of a stretch, "since you also gave a gift, is it right to do something I like?"

"What do you like?"


Min Yuchen's eyes are full of shock. I don't know if I was shocked by the fifth thought. I can't get back to God for a long time?

The fifth read all walked out very far, also don't see him to follow up, can't help but look back to ask a way, "you silly don't lengdeng of stand there do?"

He suddenly some dry mouth, even the whole body is hot up, and then heavy guarantee, "read, I will be responsible for you."

The fifth read Zheng ran, what responsibility to her? Suddenly, I realized what I had just said? She patted him on the shoulder and hummed, "here you are. I mean, you sleep on your back and I sleep on mine."

Although feel a little false, but things really understand the moment, min Yuchen is really a little disappointed.

Finally out of the hotel, a total of only 20 minutes, the two went home again.

Fifth, nianmeizizi went back to his room and went to bed. Before he left, he told min Yuchen that the things he wanted to use tonight must be ready.

Min Yuchen is worried. He is not very satisfied with his present. He can't disturb Shen Jun with this little thing, so he can only go back to his room and call his good friend Qiao Zhixiu.

When the other party received his call, he was really flattered.

If you want to talk about this man, you won't want to call him for 800 years. Now when you see his call, you are almost choked by the water.

The voice when answering the phone is a little trembling, carefully asked, "Hello, min Yuchen?"

Min Yuchen is still a face of a ten thousand year old iceberg, even without a trace of redundant expression, "Big Joe, when do you save money to even cancel the caller ID on your mobile phone?" Qiao Zhixiu, the eldest of Qiao's family, and Qiao Zhiya compose big Qiao and small Qiao. His only hobby is to save money, save money, and keep saving money. Looking at the number on the bank card will make him very relieved. When he joined the army, he heard that he had no money after hard work. At that time, he cried, howled, and rolled in the military compound, and then became famous in the first World War. From then on, no one dared to force him to do it Don't like things, because the cost is too humiliating.

Finally, in order to make a lot of money, Qiao Zhixiu resolutely set foot on the road of studying abroad and studied architecture.It is said that he did not know where he heard that Min's second uncle had opened a construction company, and his annual income was in the hundreds of millions. Even the designer's annual salary was tens of millions. He felt that he could go to study first and work in Min's second uncle's company when he returned home. After saving a few years, he could open his own company, but after so many years, he could not save enough money Little, but every time he takes money from his account, he will have shortness of breath, which is a sign of heart disease. So he still stays in Min Yuchen's father's company these years, and he doesn't want to create another world for the time being.

He's in the military compound, and he's famous for being stingy.

Now I'm still riding a broken bike to work, because I'm reluctant to take money to buy a car, but I say I'm out for exercise.

Therefore, when Qiao Zhixiu asked himself if he was min Yuchen, min Yuchen's first reaction was that he thought the telephone fee was too expensive and canceled the caller ID.

Qiao Zhixiu, listening to the familiar sarcasm, can be very sure that this person is his bad friend, "Hey, I'm not as stingy as you think, OK?"

"If my dad doesn't teach you how to pay for the phone, will you not even use the phone?"

It's no wonder min Yuchen thinks of his friends like this. He is not only famous in the military area command compound, but also famous in his father's generation and grandfather's generation. At that time, Qiao Zhixiu was reluctant to buy a phone. The company was equipped with a smart phone, but he felt that the phone had to be recharged every two days, which consumed too much power. He just asked the company's people to equip him with a smart phone This is a self destructed image of an old man who has been waiting for electricity for a long time. All the little girls in the company disillusioned him.

Qiao Zhixiu pursed his lips, but he didn't intend to speak any more.

Because, he does do this, charging every day as far as possible in the unit to solve, never take home.

"Forget it, don't talk about me. You never want to call me. Suddenly you call me. How can I feel guilty?"

"What have you done?"

“…… Min Yuchen, can you still talk well? " Qiao Zhixiu felt that he and his best friend were naturally antagonistic. "What do you want to see me for?"

"Well, there is one." Min Yuchen pondered for a moment, trying to simplify himself and the fifth thought. Speaking of today's gift giving, he said, "Big Joe, do you think this gift is a little hasty?"

As if Qiao Zhixiu had been struck by thunder, he was shocked. His lips trembled, and his voice began to tremble. "Chen, have you finally come out of Han Xiaoyuan's shadow?"

Min Yuchen's temple jumps. If Qiao Zhixiu stands in front of him at this time, he dares to make sure that he doesn't hesitate to slap him and wake him up completely.

"How many times have I said that I never like Han Xiaoyuan."

"What don't you like about Han Xiaoyuan marrying her for?"

"My grandparents and mom and dad like it, and I don't have anyone to like. I can make do with it for a lifetime." For others, min Yuchen never wanted to explain the absurd wedding. He even knew that when Han Xiaoyuan fell into the sea, he could keep calm, a terrible calm, and the relationship between people who wanted to die and them was 12 cents.

"Chen, don't you think it's a very painful thing for a woman you don't like to spend her hard-earned money in the future?"

Min Yuchen Jun face full of black lines, "don't talk with me about you pick."

Joe Zhixiu said, "well, how much did the girl take from your purse?"

"More than three thousand!"

Qiao Zhixiu was immediately excited. He stretched his neck and yelled sharply, "how much is it? More than three thousand? " Qiao Zhixiu immediately thought that the rich second generation was good. He could throw more than 3000 yuan at any girl. "How can the girl you like be so greedy for money and take more than 3000 yuan from your wallet? You don't know my allowance is only two thousand a year. I Hello? Dust? Dust? Min Yuchen? I'll go to you. How dare you hang up on me when I tell you such an important thing? "

After min Yuchen hung up the phone, he rubbed his sore temple. He felt that it was a mistake to call Qiao Zhixiu, so he shouldn't discuss it with him, which made him angry.

Finally, I called song Yufei and said, "fifth birthday, what gift do I give you?"

Song Yufei pick eyebrows, "marry a pile of money, and then wrap it with beautiful wrapping paper, give it to her directly, make sure she doesn't like it."

Min Yuchen is very satisfied with the answer, "you are doing very well!" After hanging up the phone, he went straight to the bank, took out the unlimited card, walked into the VIP channel, became a childe of Chenxin architectural design company, and took out 5.2 million yuan with his privileges.

As for the number, the counter lady told him. The counter lady asked, "how much do you want to withdraw, sir?"

"I want to give it to the girl I like. How much do you think is appropriate?"

The young lady at the counter was stunned, because she had never seen anyone come to the bank to withdraw money for a gift. She was really stunned for a long time and never recovered. This master is definitely the most local tyrant she has ever met."I don't know what your budget is, Mr. min?"

"How much can I take?"

The counter lady gasped, "too, too much, we need to report to the head office, I'm afraid there's no way to withdraw too much money. Generally, people like to use 520 instead of I love you."

Min Yuchen nodded, very useful, "then take 5.2 million."

As soon as the young lady at the counter is killed, it's absolutely the force of local tyrants. Why can't she meet such rich and handsome local tyrants?

"Mr. min, just a moment, please." The figure of 5.2 million is a bit difficult for their bank, and she has to ask the superior.

It was two hours later that I really got the money. During this period, I bought a pile of beautiful wrapping paper. After packing in the room, I took a very beautiful paper bag and gave it to the fifth thought who was sleepy, "a birthday present for you!"

"What is it?" Fifth, because I didn't wake up, my mouth was floating.

"You're sure to like it."

Fifth, he yawned lazily, "OK, OK, could you please don't disturb me and let me sleep for a while?" After that, he came into the room with the bag and felt the weight on his hand. Fifth Nian could not help but curiously opened the package and saw that it was full of RMB. He immediately woke up and rushed out with the money. He went straight to min Yuchen's room and banged on the door. Seeing Min Yuchen open the door, she pushed him into the room. Then she looked around to see if there were any suspicious people and saw the hotel go She was relieved that there was no one in the corridor.

She was holding a bag of money and her hands began to tremble.

At the thought of that possibility, the fifth thought was about to break into a cold sweat.

Min Yuchen saw that something was wrong with her and asked anxiously, "Niannian, what's the matter with you?"

She can't calm down with the money bag. She walks back and forth in front of his eyes. She has thought of many pictures of Min Yuchen being arrested. I don't know why. When she thinks of that picture, her heart is almost pulled together.

When min Yuchen saw that she didn't speak, he asked tentatively, "Niannian, do you think there isn't much money, or I..."

The fifth Nian was so scared that he was all over, "Min Yuchen, I tell you, don't mess with me! You said that you are a good young man. It's time to make progress. Why do you want to do such a thing? "

This words pour is to say to minyuchen confused, "what did I do?"

Fifth Nian saw that he was still pretending to be confused with himself. He could not help stamping his feet angrily, "Min Yuchen, don't pretend any more. I tell you, you are a soldier, so a soldier should be honest and upright. If you do anything bad, it will be a mistake that will be hated forever."

"Niannian, what are you trying to say?"

Fifth Nian stamped his feet again. Why didn't he cry when he saw the coffin?

He took min Yuchen and asked in a low voice, "do you think you are corrupt?"