I stood at a high place, looking down at the dense rain like heads and the bright clouds in the distance. Facing the wind, I recited in my heart: "although it is dangerous, I will still do it without hesitation."

But Wu Shaofeng said beside me: "I thought about cutting Dongfang Lei, but now it's only the last step."

Suddenly, four or five vehicles came from a distance. I frowned and didn't know who they were.

Not long after the speed of the car, we can see directly in front of us.

Zhang Linfeng is with other guys, but from the sign hanging on his chest, it seems that they are all from the National Security Bureau. But from behind a few cars down, but not the national security agency, the body showed a strong spirit, I can't help thinking of the red shadow!

Zhang Linfeng came here with red shadow this time. It seems that it's not the case. When I saw Zhang Linfeng, I knew it was going to happen. He came at this time.

"Wang Fei, follow me." Zhang Linfeng didn't have a good way.

I said with a smile, "where are you going? If it's not very urgent, I'll go with you tomorrow. "

Zhang Linfeng said harshly, "don't follow me. Not only you, but also other core figures of the Tishang group, Wu Shaofeng, brothers, all get on the bus."

Wu Shaofeng drank aloud: "why? Why don't you just let us get on the bus? "

Zhang Linfeng said with a cold smile: "why? Since I'm part of national security, our minister has ordered the arrest of both of you? " As soon as Zhang Linfeng's voice fell to the ground, he looked at me and said, "Wang Fei, you don't want to fight back. These are all red shadows behind me. You have been in the red soul training team. You should know what the fighting power of red shadows is. Follow me honestly."

I clenched my fist, but Zhang Linfeng came at this time.

I have not answered, Zhang Linfeng did not urge me, I slowly said: "Zhang Linfeng, I will go with you tomorrow morning."

Zhang Linfeng shook his head firmly and said, "OK. Wang Fei, this is an order. Do you understand? "

I knew that there was no room for discussion. I said, "what if I stop here? Do you really think that with the red shadow of God, you can take me away now? "

As soon as I said that, there were all people around. Wu Shaofeng was also domineering and said, "what do you want from the National Security Bureau? We need one night. Isn't that too much?"

Zhang Linfeng shook his head with a smile and said: "Wang Fei, this is the order issued by the minister himself. If there is a counterattack, kill him directly! Maybe you are not afraid of death, but I tell you, this time the big leader lost his temper, this is actually his order, if you fight back, you should know what the result is. Follow me. Don't hurt your brother. There must be only one death to fight back. "

Zhang Linfeng's posture is clear. He wants to follow me to the end. Chen Peng said: "brother Fei, it's one step away!"

Naturally, I know this very well. I'm not willing to give up at this time. Zhang Linfeng's intention to come here is very simple, that is to hinder the actions of Wu Shaofeng and me.

This time he brought the red shadow of God.

Although I have many brothers, I still don't have the courage to fight against the government or the big leaders. After hesitation, I opened my fist and said, "OK, I'll go with you."

Wu Shaofeng called me, I shook my head toward Wu Shaofeng, said: "boss Wu, there is God red shadow, we can't fight back, it can't be done."

Even if Wang Tongrong had super fighting power, he certainly didn't have the courage to work with people from the National Security Bureau.

Wu Shaofeng took a long breath and said, "I'm really not willing to!"

Zhang Linfeng said: "the minister has already ordered that even if I give you a night's time, you will not finish it."

Hearing this, I am totally dead hearted! Originally, Chen Peng and others also wanted to catch them, but I said a long time, Zhang Linfeng agreed not to catch them.

I said to Chen Peng, "get out of the cloud, and you'll go back to city b right away."

Chen Peng knew the seriousness of the incident at the moment. Wu Shaofeng also said something to his brother. We were taken into the car at this time.

Wu Shaofeng and I were taken into a car by Zhang Linfeng respectively. We were surrounded by the people of shenhongying, and their strong spirit could completely suppress me.

Of course, the fighting power of shenhongying is indisputable. I also cut off other ideas, can only rest assured to be taken away by Zhang Linfeng. It's a big deal. The special forces have already been dispatched. I asked Chen Peng to go back to city B immediately. I also have this worry.

If at this time the big leaders want to get rid of their troubles, then B city is our headquarters. I'm sure I'll be hit by the most ferocious attack immediately. This is what I'm most anxious about.

I don't think Dongfang Lei can escape. I'd like to see what the big leaders are going to do.

Sitting in the car, I didn't say a word. It's in the clouds. It's not far from the capital. I looked at the road signs. The car got on the highway and drove towards the capital. It seemed that it was going to take us to the capital.

As soon as we got on the highway, we stopped at a service area in front of us. There were already three cars waiting here.

I opened the door and went down. Just at the moment, one of the three cars also put down the window. Our two actions were synchronized and the window fell down. I saw a man sitting in the car directly opposite.

When I was looking at him, he was also looking at me. Their eyes seemed to have sparked in the air.

"Dongfang Lei."

"Wang Fei."

Let's talk at the same time. This is my first time to meet Dongfang Lei. As I imagine, Dongfang Lei has a good bearing and a strong spirit.

We both said one thing. It's just looking at each other and not saying a word.

The car didn't stop long before driving from the service area to the capital.

I can't help but squeeze out a smile. It seems that the capital is really the city of my destiny. It rises here and falls here.

What's different is that last time it was calculated by the Liu family, but this time it was the big leader who ordered it. I'm not sure what the big leader will do with us.

After the car arrived in the capital, it directly ran to the headquarters of the National Security Bureau. I'm not the first one to come back to the national security department. I still carry the certificate of the national security department. Now I'm still a member of the national security department.

After the car stopped, Zhang Linfeng immediately spoke to Shen Hongying and told them to take the three of us to the cell. Fortunately, I was not handcuffed. I was the only one in the cell.

Now that we are all in national security, it is useless to be in a local emergency.

Having nothing to do, I started to think about the future in my cell.

The big leader immediately arrested all three of us. I'm afraid the purpose is not simple. I'm thinking about whether the big leader will take this opportunity to kill all three of us.

To be honest, for the moment, the big leaders should not really put us all to death