I had the information given by Zhao Gang on my body. I said that when I got to the red soul training team, I could give it to the receptionist. I stood outside and hesitated for a while. Then I strode inside. The red soul training team didn't even have a guard, but there was something strange.

But I was quickly stopped.

"Who is it? Break into the red soul training team. " These two people are very popular. At first glance, they are strong.

I said, "this is my information." I respectfully handed the information to the man in front of me. In this place where there are so many strong people, I'd better keep a low profile. After the other side looked at it, he said softly, "follow me."

I followed him and walked quickly towards the inside. The red soul training team seems to be built in the mountains here. I followed the goods for about ten minutes before I stopped.

He asked me to wait outside, but he strode in. About four to five minutes later, a woman in camouflage clothes and the man just stepped out together. The woman was a very beautiful sign, and she was very bold.

The woman came up to me with my information and said, "Wang Fei?"

"Yes." I said aloud. She said coldly: "from now on, I am your instructor. You call me sparrow. You are my soldier. According to the rules of the red soul training team, recruits have to start training from class d. This is the rules of the red soul training team. There are also some rules. I'll ask someone to send you uniforms and equipment later. You go to your dormitory first. "

I was sent to the dormitory again, and the guy who led the way didn't tell me a word on the way. I didn't want to ask. From the place I just got to the dormitory, I TMD walked for at least 30 minutes. On the way, I saw many people in camouflage clothes.

The dormitory is a low bungalow. Looking at the appearance of these rooms, I'm afraid they have been built since the 1980s and 1990s. The soldier who led the way said, "this is the dormitory of class D. you can sleep in bed 35 for the time being,. It's all in the rules about the red soul training team. You have to keep it in mind, otherwise the end will be very serious. "

As soon as the voice of the goods landed, I left, but I walked quickly towards the dormitory. In broad daylight, there was no one in the dormitory. There were eight beds in each dormitory. I found my own bed. It was like going back to the dormitory when I was a student.

I'm not afraid to bear hardships. Without saying a word, I sat on the bed and opened up the code information of the red soul training team. Since I'm here, I have to understand it first.

There are very few of these rules. I finished reading them in a moment. After reading them, I finally knew why the red soul training team could cultivate so many experts. I also knew what they said. Here, you may die from time to time.

I stroked my jaw, eyes shining, full of fighting spirit!

I read the above rules. The red soul training team is divided into five areas, namely the accommodation area and our residence. Then there are training area, training area, big playground and competition area.

The training area is also a place for intentional training, but the training area is a place where students challenge each other. Where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes. With so many students in the red soul training team, it is difficult to avoid conflicts. Therefore, the training area is set up where anyone can challenge their opponents, and those who are challenged must fight. The main purpose of the training area is to set up a place for everyone to deal with personal feuds.

There are some horrors in the big playground. In the big playground area, we agree to fight at will. To put it another way, in the big playground. You can kill anyone, the instructor will not hinder, kill people will not be punished. The big playground is a nightmare for new students.

The final competition area is the challenge arena. Every student can go to the challenge arena to participate in the competition. If he wins, he will get rich rewards, but if he loses, he may die. The competition area is also a necessary place for every trainee to upgrade.

Since the red soul training team is set up like this, there are four classes in ABCD, no matter how powerful you are. They all have to start from class D, and the only way to upgrade from class D to class C is to win ten consecutive competitions in the challenge arena.

To upgrade from class C to class B, you need to win 30 games in a row in the challenge arena. In the end, it is the easiest for class B to be promoted to class A. 90 wins in the arena. I can be promoted to class A. As a result, many people have already been qualified for class a when they were promoted to class B. in front of them, they won in succession, but in the back, they accumulated. Some people have accumulated 90 times when they were promoted to class B.

But later I learned that it was not as simple as I thought. This is what I said later. We'll talk about it in the future.

In addition, the points system is adopted in the red soul training team. Points are very important in the red soul training team, which is equivalent to money. Here, except for meals, all shopping is to deduct points.

The more high-grade and delicious food, the more points you need to exchange. Generally, you don't need points for food. There are masseuses in the college, and you need points with liquid medicine. Masseuses can quickly relieve fatigue and let students do exercises the next day. Otherwise, after many high-strength exercises, students can't do any activities the next day.

The original score of each freshman is 10. If the score returns to zero, he will be expelled from the red soul training team. The fastest way to earn points is to go to the challenge arena, and the second is to grab points from other students.

Therefore, in the red soul training team, there is a dangerous situation and competition. If you don't care about provoking the bullies, you don't know how to die. If you don't have fighting power to earn points, you will leave the red soul training team soon.

Here, there is no distinction between superiority and inferiority. All people are equal students. When they come here, they must keep a low profile.

Many of the people here are from the elite of the major military regions. After cultivation, they can join the red ghost special forces. It's a great honor for the soldiers to join the red ghost special forces.

I read the rules in bed and some rules of the red soul training team. After watching, the sparrow instructor actually came to the dormitory in person. I got out of bed quickly, saluted and said aloud, "good instructor!"

The sparrow nodded his head and said, "this is yours."

Sparrow gave me two sets of training clothes, two pairs of military boots, and an electronic watch. Sparrow asked me to reach out. She pressed the electronic watch, and the electronic watch was buckled on my wrist joint. Sparrow said, "this is the identification card. Your combat situation will be recorded in it, as well as your daily exercise, maximum oxygen uptake, heart rate, etc. can all be recorded. Your points are also among them. You have learned the rules. I will give you 60 seconds to change clothes, deal with internal affairs, and then go to the training ground with me

I still gave a salute, waiting for the sparrow to go out and change clothes as soon as possible. I've never worn a camouflage suit before, and I feel that it should be very good, but the sparrow stood still, which made me feel embarrassed.