We really have little time. The decisive battle is getting closer and closer.

If we win Guangxi, we will face the battle field of Tianhe society and brotherhood.

At that time, it will be a real duel.

We had several fights with Tianhe meeting. Due to many uncontrollable factors, we may have had good luck. We went a little smoothly and didn't run into the resistance.

Naturally, all of these, all because of Wu Shaofeng and brother door in front of us, did not let a lot of people from the Tianhe meeting come.

Thinking of this, I think of Chen Peng again. If it wasn't for the accident, maybe we were still in a stalemate in mi'an city.

I don't know. He knows Tong Anyan and Dong Yongning are by my side. The strong men around him can't beat them at all, but they have to jump into the trap.

This matter has puzzled me for a long time. When the dust settles in the future, I have already known the detailed inside story. It's true that Chen Peng is successful and Chen Peng is defeated.

The local dog frowned and then said, "brother Fei, Chen Peng and Dongfang Feixue don't know how to fall. The wolf special action team members report that the remaining 5000 people are led by Zhang Lin, the ten helm leader under the northern boss. This man is very cunning and likes to use bad moves. He is only 26 years old, but his status is very respected and can't be underestimated."

I was pulled back to the reality by the local dog's words. No matter how much I think at the moment, it's no use. I'd better discuss Yiqiu city first and other things later.

The local dog's words remind me of one thing, that is, last night, someone in the team called "retreat" when they were trying to crush the people in the Tianhe meeting. The people in the Tianhe meeting immediately ran away in an orderly way, causing no small loss. Yang Hui chased for a long time, but also didn't kill several enemies.

I pondered, "well, I noticed last night that he should be the one who led the retreat of Tianhe meeting. Do you have any information about him?"

The local dog shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Zhang Lin used to be a little thug, lazy, but the northern boss appreciated him very much. Later, he spent some time in the club, only to see that he was really a talent. Tianhe society has made a lot of achievements, but he is usually lazy, so the personnel of the special action team of warwolf have not investigated his weakness at this moment."

After thinking for a moment, he went on: "up to now we only have a blurred picture of him."

Then the local dog gave me the photo of Zhang Lin. I took a look at it and saw that the young man in the photo was handsome and handsome, but his brows were full of laziness. At first glance, he was a bad leader.

I frowned and said, "what's his record?"

The local dog chuckled and said, "he has only done two things that can be remembered. The first one is that he saved the northern boss from thousands of brothers with a" empty city plan. "; The second thing is that after he broke up with his first love, he killed her personally. He usually doesn't like to talk, but he can always come up with a clever plan to save the day. "

After listening to this, I gently smile and say, "this guy is really a strange guy. Liu Chunfeng has a fight with him."

When I said this, I was stunned and just wanted to slap myself in the face.

Yes, how could I forget Liu Chunfeng? I haven't hypnotized him since he was poisoned!

I'm not willing to kill him. If I don't think about it now, in a few days, maybe he will be killed by the indulgence and bewitching!

After we dealt with Hong'an group, Liu Chunfeng stayed in Kunming all the time and had no way to follow us. There has been nothing wrong with Yunnan Province. I forgot Liu Chunfeng, and I guess Zhang Kangjian has left him behind.

When I was about to take out a phone call and asked Zhang Kangjian to send Liu Chunfeng to me, the local dog laughed and said, "brother Fei, Liu Chunfeng has already been on the way here."

I took a look at the local dog. This guy wants to be in front of me for everything.

Sitting next to the local dog, with folded legs and smoking a cigar, Tony watched me warily. Remind a, "TMD, Wang Fei, dog elder brother is my person, you can not hit his idea!"

I flashed a look of shame on the faces of me and the local dog, and they all glared at Tony heavily. After the goods arrived at Xuanyuan, in addition to tracking krovsky, they stayed beside Xiaoyu all the time. I don't know if he really likes the local dog.

Yang Hui and Zhang Gang, their faces were so blue that they wanted to laugh, but they were stopped by my cold eyes.

This is just a small episode, and we soon forget it. Thinking of krovsky, I asked“ How did krovsky and Nicole leave yesterday? "

Zhang Gang glared at Tony and said, "at that time, we were going to keep him, but Tony had to let them go. He said that a man would win him fairly. He was a friend of the local dog. We have to listen to him. "

Tony snorted coldly and said in a gruff voice, "TMD, a little guy playing cards. Don't worry, I'll cut off his head. You go on talking. I'm very interested in Zhang Lin in your mouth. This product is to my taste. It's too TMD free and easy! "

I impolitely looked at Tony, the temperament of Western men is really strange, the lazy people in Xuanyuan people's eyes, they think they are really free and easy people.

Between our words. Liu Chunfeng was brought by several brothers sent by Zhang Kangjian.

I took a look at Liu Chunfeng and almost didn't fall on the ground.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Liu Chunfeng had no expression on his face. His hair had already turned gray, and there were many wrinkles on his forehead. His eyes were blank, and he was an old man.

Before that, Liu Chunfeng, a romantic and resourceful geek of Hong'an group, turned out to be like this.

There is a kind of inexplicable sadness in my heart, once the opponent, actually turned into this.

I waved my hand to show that Zhang Gang went down to have a rest with his hard-working brothers and let the other brothers disperse first.

The people of the Tianhe meeting have already stood firm, and Zhang Lin, who is hard to guess, is not something that can be won in a short time.

I only leave Xiaoyu. When we three go back to the room, I hypnotize Liu Chunfeng's self indulgence.

Liu Chunfeng dementia eyes gradually returned to normal, he saw my eyes very calm.

He didn't know that his appearance had already changed completely. He looked at me quietly, moved his shriveled lips and said softly, "Wang Fei, we've finally met. Indulgence in poisonous insects can make people live in chaos all the time."

I laughed for a while, pointed to the local dog and said: "Liu Chunfeng, Shi Liangjun has your military adviser, so do I