I was shocked. How did Liu Wei know so clearly that he would have an intersection with Hong'an group or even Tianhe?.

I don't think I can see through him. Although he looks honest and righteous on the surface, he always feels that this is just his special manifestation. It's difficult to bring him down in our Tishang group.

I laughed and said, "thank you. I see. We'll have a few next time."

He scratched his head and said, "I'll wait for your good news."

After we said goodbye, Liu Yulong and I got on the bus and went back to the Grand Hotel in the south district. All the staff had already been ready. Liu Yulong, Lin tianqiang, Ge Lin and others were waiting for me outside the door. Behind them were more than 2000 brothers I had transferred from Dongcheng and other places. I waved my big hand gently and drank loudly: "let's go!"

At that time, nearly a hundred cars made a dull noise. I was riding in the Citroen car driven by Liu Yulong. Looking at the young brother in the cockpit, his face was calm and firm. After some time, he became more mature and stable. It seemed that he was more calm, but not exactly the same.

I laughed and said, "Liu Yulong, how long do you think we can win Tongshi?"

Liu Yu Long chuckled and said, "one night at least, five days at most!"

I immediately became curious and asked, "tell me more about it in detail?"

Liu Yulong said, "Tongshi is the second largest city in Yunnan Province. There are 2000 people in the branch of Hongan group. In addition, they have close contact with local senior officials. If both sides resist together, even though there are many people led by Feige this time and their combat effectiveness is very strong, they have already been on guard. The biggest dark force in Yunnan Province is not in vain."

I laughed and then asked, "why is the time so different?"

Liu Yulong said in a methodical way, "Feige must be very sure that he has done so much work this time. If the power of our Dishang group is irresistible, it will not be difficult to take Tongshi away tonight. Feige is extremely smart, but I think the person in charge of Tongshi must be not bad, otherwise the owner of Hongan group will not give him such an important city."

I nodded my head gently, but he didn't know who was in charge of the branch of Hongan group in Tongshi.

The members of the special action team of warwolf are the special departments of our Tishang group. They only listen to me and act according to the instructions of several senior executives. Liu Yulong's position is not up to this level. I don't know why he should be.

I laughed and said, "the helmsman of Tongshi is Liu Chunfeng. He..."

As soon as I had no voice, Liu Yulong's face changed. Then he quickly said, "master has long said that Feige wants to move Hong'an group. There are two mountains in front of him, one is Shi Liangjun, the other is Liu Chunfeng!"

"Well?" I said. When did Xiaoyu have an eye on Hong'an group? I've been busy with other things all this time. I seldom communicate with him. He probably forgot about it.

Shi Liangjun is a big threat, but I didn't expect Xiao Yu to regard Liu Chunfeng as the second big threat. Is he really so outstanding?

Liu Yulong saw that I didn't know, so he said: "Shifu expected that the emperor Shang Group would attack the Hong'an group after taking over the whole Sichuan Province, so he made a plan ahead of time, and spent a lot of effort on the personnel allocation and combat effectiveness comparison of the Hong'an group, listing all the people who threatened us, Yang Youchang is the one he secretly sent to find Liu Chunfeng's weakness. The master has said for a long time that this man has no shortage on the surface. He is much more powerful than Shi Liangjun! "

I was shocked when I arrived. Liu Yulong must have heard from Xiaoyu somewhere. Since Xiaoyu has put Liu Chunfeng in such a high position, and Liu Wei's warning, I felt uneasy when I arrived. Our army is still two and a half hours away from Tongshi, but I have already sent three groups of Tishang business school. If Liu Chunfeng is really so good, These hundreds of brothers are not very dangerous!

I quickly took out the phone, looked for Zhang Gang's number and dialed it. Before long, Zhang Gang's voice came from it: "brother Fei, our department has already arrived successfully, please give us instructions!"

I quickly asked, "is there nothing wrong with the road?"

Zhang Gang said no, I was relieved and put down my mobile phone. I was impatient. Thinking that Lin Guangrong and Li Shihai didn't start from the same direction as Zhang Gang, I called them, but they couldn't get through!

In my heart, there are some worries, in order to reduce the goal.

The three classes of Tishang business school enter Tongshi by three routes. All the places are received by brothers of wolf special action team. Zhang Gang and class a enter Tongshi directly from the back. Lin Guangrong and Li Shihai enter Tongshi from the East and West. Since they can't get through to each other, I have to call the two squad leaders of wolf special action team who receive them, Neither of them saw Li Shihai nor Lin Guangrong.

Are they in danger?

I immediately contacted Zhang Gang and ordered him to search for the other two groups of people in Tongshi wolf special action team. I don't believe Liu Chunfeng can eat the elite of our Tishang group quietly!

Then, I asked the army to rush to Tongshi. All the cars drove at the fastest speed. It took only one and a half hours to get to Lingbo District of Tongshi.

This is Zhang Gang's site. The jinbilou club in Lingbo district is an industry purchased by the brothers of warwolf special action team for Tishang group. Because they bribed the leaders, it didn't take long to form a certain scale. With the financial support of jiashenshang group, it became famous in Lingbo District in a very short time.

Our host is Wang Chujin, the Deputy monitor of the special action team of war wolves, who lurks here. I asked about the result.

But about 90 minutes later, with the help of the members of the special action team of warwolves who were rooted here, they didn't get anything. Even class a of Tishang business school, which Zhang Gang took out to look for information, didn't come back.

I got angry. Since it was Lin Guangrong and Li Shihai who couldn't get through the phone, I contacted his brothers from Tishang business school. I didn't have any phone calls from them, but all the members of the special action team of warwolf were available. They started to contact at this time, but they called more than ten people's mobile phones. I couldn't get through.

I'm restless to walk around again and again, thinking about what to do. All of a sudden, my mobile phone rings. I think it's Lin Guangrong, but it's a strange number. I quickly pick it up, and there comes a strange low voice.

"Brother Fei, is that you?"